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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's Q2 FY2012 Earnings Announcement * $198m loss, 3.5m PS3 + PS2, 1.6m PSV + PSP *

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Paul said:
I think it just indicates that the vita numbers are terrible and Sony doesn't want to disclose them.

I think that the main reason too.

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Paul said:
CChaos said:
Paul said:
kowenicki said:
Paul said:
I predict a slightly improved loss and a bundled figure for vita and psp shipments.

the bundles figure is a definite.  They have changed their website to bundle handhelds together and PS3/PS2 together too.

That's silly.

It's actually pretty smart. Shareholders are fickle. By combining them, they basically just ensure that there's no panic if the numbers aren't where people think they should be. Well, that and it allows face saving if the numbers seem low again.

I think it just indicates that the vita numbers are terrible and Sony doesn't want to disclose them.

Hah, it's true enough. I was simply trying to be more diplomatic in my wording, is all. I don't think anyone can really say the Vita numbers are amazing right now, but it'll be interesting to see how the combined numbers look when the release comes. I'm quite curious how things are going.

The combined numbers can be justified as a grouping of their respective product lines. Home consoles and handheld consoles. Of course it is done at a time that hides low Vita sales and raises scrutiny At least any blow from a reduction in forecast is lessened by the other console in the grouping.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

^You don't think it's a coincidence Sony is combining the figures just in time for the Vitas performance do you?

CChaos said:

It's actually pretty smart. Shareholders are fickle. By combining them, they basically just ensure that there's no panic if the numbers aren't where people think they should be. Well, that and it allows face saving if the numbers seem low again.

I'd guess share holders are more fickle about seeing another gazillion yens poured into the TV hole than seeing a few less PSVs being sold...

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drkohler said:
CChaos said:

It's actually pretty smart. Shareholders are fickle. By combining them, they basically just ensure that there's no panic if the numbers aren't where people think they should be. Well, that and it allows face saving if the numbers seem low again.

I'd guess share holders are more fickle about seeing another gazillion yens poured into the TV hole than seeing a few less PSVs being sold...

True enough. I'd say that's pretty likely.

Honestly? On the whole, the game division of Sony is fine enough. The Vita isn't lighting fires and the PS3 is a touch pokey right now compared to what they really want, but it's not doing too bad at all. However, to put it bluntly, Sony's game division means very little compared to the monster divisions they have, some of which are performing as well as a sieve used as a boat or just not profiting enough to make a huge difference. A previous article (trying to remember where I found it) said that they were hoping for the game division to profit by a billion dollars within the next while. That's well and good and could be achievable if things roll right. But their total revenue they pull in is around 80 billion dollars a year.

I'm actually figuring they might have pulled back into the black on the gaming division after the 50 million loss last quarter, but I'm holding my breath on a full quarter that isn't a loss. That TV division, amongst a few others, is an albatross around their necks until they fix it.

Sony will most likely post a loss this quarter as they did with the last one. It should however be a lower loss, much like Nintendo's. Q3 will be profitable as the world currencies have stabled + new PlayStation 3 bundle should help drive the sales.

Sony released that document about "Notice Regarding Interim Dividend for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2013".

This stuff is kinda complicated, especially with the language barrier.
Can any of you smartypants look at R&D costs when they come out? I'd love to see how deep they are into PS4 development.