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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's Q2 FY2012 Earnings Announcement * $198m loss, 3.5m PS3 + PS2, 1.6m PSV + PSP *

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sales2099 said:
Ok so 360 is at 70 million shipped. Whats the PS3 number now?

Anything between 68.x and 69.x million... all depends how much you believe PS2 is selling in the last six month.

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looks like it wont be too much longer until ps3 officialy passes 360 in shipments.

Well Nov-dec MS usually widens the gap so could take longer then you think.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
Ok so 360 is at 70 million shipped. Whats the PS3 number now?

Ps3 numbers are 69 million in worst case scenario and 69.3 in best case scenario. Should pass 75m in last quarter.

shanbcn said:
sales2099 said:
Ok so 360 is at 70 million shipped. Whats the PS3 number now?

Ps3 numbers are 69 million in worst case scenario and 69.3 in best case scenario. Should pass 75m in last quarter.

My february predictions are gonna come true.

sales2099 said:
looks like it wont be too much longer until ps3 officialy passes 360 in shipments.

Well Nov-dec MS usually widens the gap so could take longer then you think.

i dont think the gap will be widened much, if even at all. yes, the 360 is going to outsell the ps3 easily in north america but with europe and japan combined, the ps3 could end up neck and neck with the 360, like in 2010 when sony and microsoft shipped the exact same amount.

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BluGamer23 said:
the end is nigh ... I wonder what this means for sony and its ps4... surely its going to be 10x more powerful than the wiiU right?.. right?..

I expect the leap from PS3 -> PS4 to be the same as PS2 -> PS3.  I would say PS4 will be 10x more powerful than the PS3, and about 5-6x more powerful than the WiiU spec wise.

sales2099 said:
looks like it wont be too much longer until ps3 officialy passes 360 in shipments.

Well Nov-dec MS usually widens the gap so could take longer then you think.

No MS doesnt widen the gap usually, it did just last year and it turned out to be overshipping. I dont think retailers will again buy that many 360 especially without price cut. Because of that MS had to ship less and less in each quarter since that. Now tha gap is between 700k and 1 million, i expect this gap to stay the same in last quarter. But PS3 should overtake 360 next year.

If we go by 69 million shipment then 2.2m PS3 are on shelves at the moment. Before anyone say that PS3 is undertracked, remember Sony overship in 3rd quarter.

Heavenly_King said:
BluGamer23 said:
the end is nigh ... I wonder what this means for sony and its ps4... surely its going to be 10x more powerful than the wiiU right?.. right?..

I expect the leap from PS3 -> PS4 to be the same as PS2 -> PS3.  I would say PS4 will be 10x more powerful than the PS3, and about 5-6x more powerful than the WiiU spec wise.

The chances of that is slim to none I think.  that would probably mean a 600$ console yet again at launch.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

shanbcn said:
sales2099 said:
looks like it wont be too much longer until ps3 officialy passes 360 in shipments.

Well Nov-dec MS usually widens the gap so could take longer then you think.

No MS doesnt widen the gap usually, it did just last year and it turned out to be overshipping. I dont think retailers will again buy that many 360 especially without price cut. Because of that MS had to ship less and less in each quarter since that. Now tha gap is between 700k and 1 million, i expect this gap to stay the same in last quarter. But PS3 should overtake 360 next year.

360's holiday increase is greatly exaggerated here. its a myth. like you said yourself, it was only last year. in 2009 sony shipped more and in  2010 they shipped the same amount even with the new 360S and launch of kinect. so 360 ships more than ps3 for one holiday somehow means it will outsell ps3 every holiday!