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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's Q2 FY2012 Earnings Announcement * $198m loss, 3.5m PS3 + PS2, 1.6m PSV + PSP *

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PS3 + PS2 = 8.8m
360 + Wii = 6.4m

PSV + PSP = 3.9m
3DS + DS = 8.6m

Sony is kicking the ass with PS3 + PS2... and being kicked with PSV + PSP.


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$198 million net loss is a ton of money, and now people are talking up Sonys phone division.....

Not as bad as many thought im sure, but it aint a rosy picture

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Twice the loss I anticipated. A shame. So that totals $506 million this year. Maybe they can turn this around. Last year Q1+Q2 was a $542 million loss. As long as they don't post a $5 billion loss like last years Q3+Q4...

Anyone remember why so much money disappeared last year? Is there any reason to believe the same this year? Do you think a $506 million profit for Q3+Q4 is possible?

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

thismeintiel said:
Dammit, they put them together, again. Sony I know you want to save face because the Vita sales are lacking at this time, but come on. This really hurts getting an accurate picture of the PS3s sales numbers.

Anyway, I'm guessing the PS3 shipped ~2.8M. Can't see the PS2 having yet another "large" shipment last quarter, especially since some were speculating the PS2 had its large shipment the previous quarter (in the past couple of years, the PS2 usually only does a few 100K each quarter, except one where it does over 1M.)

I agree it is a bit of a nuisance but it makes sense why they're doing it.

PS2 and PSP sales are really low so giving them their own figures is not really needed. By combining their consoles and portables togethere, it gives a better picture of how their game division is doing as a whole. PS2 is pure profit though. It's amazing that it is still selling that much.

Chark said:
Twice the loss I anticipated. A shame. So that totals $506 million this year. Maybe they can turn this around. Last year Q1+Q2 was a $542 million loss. As long as they don't post a $5 billion loss like last years Q3+Q4...

Anyone remember why so much money disappeared last year? Is there any reason to believe the same this year? Do you think a $506 million profit for Q3+Q4 is possible?

Sony didnt change their full year projection for profitability and with no flooding or earthquake to throw off projections, I think their full year is safe.  With the biggest quarter upcoming and their restructing ongoing, they should be able to make that number.

Last year they add to write off the value of their US tax haven which cost them 3.5 billion + the cost to exit their parternship with Samsung on their LCD joint venture which cost another billion.

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Train wreck said:
Chark said:
Twice the loss I anticipated. A shame. So that totals $506 million this year. Maybe they can turn this around. Last year Q1+Q2 was a $542 million loss. As long as they don't post a $5 billion loss like last years Q3+Q4...

Anyone remember why so much money disappeared last year? Is there any reason to believe the same this year? Do you think a $506 million profit for Q3+Q4 is possible?

Sony didnt change their full year projection for profitability and with no flooding or earthquake to throw off projections, I think their full year is safe.  With the biggest quarter upcoming and their restructing ongoing, they should be able to make that number.

Last year they add to write off the value of their US tax haven which cost them 3.5 billion + the cost to exit their parternship with Samsung on their LCD joint venture which cost another billion.

Ah yes, I remember now. Disasters, taxes, and LCD. So amid God also jumping on the Sony hate bandwagon they have a good shot not only to post profits but to net an annual profit. We will see how this pans out.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

BradleyJ said:
Does anyone else think that Sony is being a little optimistic with their forecasts? They project 16 million for the PS3 and PS2 combined, which is down from the 18 million they got last year. However, in the first two quarters they're already down by 1.8 million through the same period. And a combined 7 million for PSP and Vita sales for the next two quarters? Does Sony just have some monster deals planned or am I missing something?

Well holidays always put up monster sales for everything. Maybe retailers will put the older PS3 models on sale? Sony is apprantly discontinuing the old Slim.

Dgc1808 said:
Considering the sales I can only assume Game profit is so low because of Gaikai purchase and R&D ramping up.

Can anyone compare the game division profits from YoY? 

VGKing said:
Dgc1808 said:
Considering the sales I can only assume Game profit is so low because of Gaikai purchase and R&D ramping up.

Can anyone compare the game division profits from YoY? 

Last year the gaming division had operating income of 3 billion yen this year 2.3 yen

I think they have a good chance. Whatb didn they have under therev sleeve

Big PS3 sales
PS vita memory card sales ( even with the vita not selling as good as they hoped lets not forget that they will make some good cash on the memory cards
PS network
Big Uncharted 3 and gran Turismo 5 sales
Home Cinema ( Men InBlack 3 and The Amazing Spider man will surely pull of big numbers)
PS2 sales (pure profit)
PSP sales
Playstation Battle Royal ( 45 k preorders in Amerika alone 4 weeks before launch and without advertising pulling of, i smell a 150 k week 1 worldwide, maybe the game will have some great legs)
Little Big Planet Karting and Sports Champions 2 maybe will also have some big legs
Uncharted Golden Abyss will sell a lot this christmas
God of War Adcvension will be big
Sly 4 will be bigger than we imagine
Beyound has a high chance to repeat its success in a Hevay Rain style

The real issue is the Tv buisness from Sony but with all the cuts and restruction i thînk sony is in much better shape this year than last year.