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Chark said:
Twice the loss I anticipated. A shame. So that totals $506 million this year. Maybe they can turn this around. Last year Q1+Q2 was a $542 million loss. As long as they don't post a $5 billion loss like last years Q3+Q4...

Anyone remember why so much money disappeared last year? Is there any reason to believe the same this year? Do you think a $506 million profit for Q3+Q4 is possible?

Sony didnt change their full year projection for profitability and with no flooding or earthquake to throw off projections, I think their full year is safe.  With the biggest quarter upcoming and their restructing ongoing, they should be able to make that number.

Last year they add to write off the value of their US tax haven which cost them 3.5 billion + the cost to exit their parternship with Samsung on their LCD joint venture which cost another billion.