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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's Q2 FY2012 Earnings Announcement * $198m loss, 3.5m PS3 + PS2, 1.6m PSV + PSP *

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Looks like Kaz at charge is really helping the company.

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that puts PS3+PS2 shippments in FY2012 at 6.3m out of which I estimate 2.2m+/-0.2 are PS2s, so we should be at 68m+/-0.2 total PS3s

PS2s shippment goal for FY2012 is likely to be around 3.5m, so PS3s should be ~12.5m, which they could only hit by shipping exactly as many PS3s in Q3/4 FY2012 as in Q3/4 FY2011 if my estimates are accurate

I hope they have an ace up their sleeves to manage that (well, Q4 should be big with all the games expected to release then)

Sony phones are doing pretty good here at the Asia region


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

Well sony is ïn troubles right now but its nice to see some lights at the end of the tunnel.

I am 100% sure that sony will become profitable again the real question should be when will they be profitable again?

Also there own Film studios doing big buisness this year ( and by looking at next year sline up i think sony will be succesfull too)
Sony Columbia Pictures is the rank 1 film studio this year thanks to movies like Spiderman, men In Black 3, 21 Jump Street, Hotel Transylvania and so on.
And no end is in sight.
There new James Bond movie have earned a new record overseas in the first three days for the james Bond franchise with over 80 Million dollars. I think Skyfall will have a good chance to become the best selling bonmd movie ever with over 700 M ( atleast i think it will sell that much)

SnakeDrake said:
Sony phones are doing pretty good here at the Asia region

Here in Europe aswel. They're doing really good.

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Considering the sales I can only assume Game profit is so low because of Gaikai purchase and R&D ramping up.

4 ≈ One

Gaikai purchase doesn't count as a loss, it counts as an asset. In this report it's net loss/gain is zero

Well, as everybody knew, a new "adjustment" had to be done on Vita+PSP (ugh) forecast.

Now it's 10 million, cut from 12 million, cut from 16 million.

Shipped 1.6 millions this quarter.

And since PSP is selling considerably better in both Japan and Europe and in the US that difference is not equalized... it's safe to say Vita has less than half of that number. 7 millions in two more quarters? I don't think this is the final cut..

Sony phons ar great. My wife got an Xperia Ray and I am impressed.

It is the perfect answer to the Galaxy and iPhone which are only getting bigger.

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Considering the state on yen and ramping R&D costs for next generation I think gaming division actually did pretty great as they were still able to post profit. Vita sales are of course horrible but PS3 is still going strong. Next quarter should show healthy profit for gaming division as it's christmas quarter.