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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's Q2 FY2012 Earnings Announcement * $198m loss, 3.5m PS3 + PS2, 1.6m PSV + PSP *

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Smaller net loss than I expected, well done on that Sony.

PSV estimate adjusted down, as expected. TV's and camera's also received a slight downward estimate.

PS3 & PS2 sales look on course with the fact that they had to get the new Slim out the door.

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ethomaz said:
My predictions...

+ 40 million profit
+ 3.5m computers (2.7m PS3 + 0.8m PS2)
+ 2.4m portables (1.3m PSV + 1.1m PSP)

GT5 over 9 million shipped.

I was right just about PS3 + PS2 numbers.

Software wise PS3 + PS2 shipped 41.4 million units last Q.

That puts PS3 over 650 million units shipped... AMAZING.

Sony is selling a lot of phones it seems. Their phones are awesome and they deserve even more. If they go back to profitability it will be one of their biggest strengths.

Does anyone else think that Sony is being a little optimistic with their forecasts? They project 16 million for the PS3 and PS2 combined, which is down from the 18 million they got last year. However, in the first two quarters they're already down by 1.8 million through the same period. And a combined 7 million for PSP and Vita sales for the next two quarters? Does Sony just have some monster deals planned or am I missing something?

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the gap back to 8 million..................

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

BradleyJ said:
Does anyone else think that Sony is being a little optimistic with their forecasts? They project 16 million for the PS3 and PS2 combined, which is down from the 18 million they got last year. However, in the first two quarters they're already down by 1.8 million through the same period. And a combined 7 million for PSP and Vita sales for the next two quarters? Does Sony just have some monster deals planned or am I missing something?

The super slim is going to up PS3 shipments almost significantly.. and yes they are now launching a 12GB model to be included with the 250GB and 500GB models.. so they can ship more units..

PS3 is very close to equaling and surpassing X360 ltd sales..this will more than likely happen in 2013..


BradleyJ said:
Does anyone else think that Sony is being a little optimistic with their forecasts? They project 16 million for the PS3 and PS2 combined, which is down from the 18 million they got last year. However, in the first two quarters they're already down by 1.8 million through the same period. And a combined 7 million for PSP and Vita sales for the next two quarters? Does Sony just have some monster deals planned or am I missing something?

Last year I think Sony overshipped PS3 in Q2 and in Q3 shipped less than expected.

This year I think Sony did right this Q2 and the Q3 seem to be better than last year... maybe 7.5m for PS3 + PS2 (last year they did 7.1m).

PS3 + PS2 = 2.8 (Q1) + 3.5 (Q2) + 7.5 (Q3) + 2.2 (Q4) = 16m (FY2012)

I think it is fine.

About PSV + PSP I have no idea... I need to think more.

Game Only

Sales : $1.9 billion
Operating Income : $29 million

Looks like they're back on track.

US$ 29 Million profits for Playstation division ? It's a very low profit but it is a profit.

Also their Phones division is worth mentioning. It doubled revenue to $3.9 Billion,although still losing US$ 29 Mi.

But shows that at some point it will be profitable.

Sony's Chip division returned to profitability this quarter. They could make $382 million.