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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's Q2 FY2012 Earnings Announcement * $198m loss, 3.5m PS3 + PS2, 1.6m PSV + PSP *

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Vinniegambini said:
ethomaz said:

I can't go sleep because I found that.

"Sony Corp is likely to say it returned to an operating profit for July-September after it sold a chemicals business, but investors still aren't sure a consumer electronics revamp will deliver the profit growth the group seeks.

The maker of Bravia TVs, Vaio laptops and PlayStation game consoles, battling weak demand and tough competition, is expected to say it earned operating profit of 33.8 billion yen ($424.7 million) in its second quarter, after losing 1.6 billion yen a year ago, according to an average estimate from five analysts on Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S."

That's a estimate and seems fine.


One time gain transaction of 700 million from its chemical business. If you substract that, Sony would of posted a 276 million loss this quarter but a profit is a profit nonetheless.

Profit IS profit, especially considering they bought:

Gaikai (July 3): 380 million

Next quarter, we will also see these two new purchases posted:
11% of Olympus [for a total of >50%] (Oct 1): 640m
Pixim (oct 3rd): ~50m

Around the Network
Vinniegambini said:
On a side note, Square Enix also reported that they will post a loss this quarter. Sales of Sleeping Dogs were disappointing to say the least and expect a 30 million loss :( It seems like Japanese companies are having trouble, Nintendo, Sony, Sega, Square Enix... The only exception right now is Capcom who posted record profits this quarter... damn DLC.

Not game related but Sharp and Panasonic is posting huge loss this quarter too.

theprof00 said:
Vinniegambini said:
ethomaz said:

I can't go sleep because I found that.

"Sony Corp is likely to say it returned to an operating profit for July-September after it sold a chemicals business, but investors still aren't sure a consumer electronics revamp will deliver the profit growth the group seeks.

The maker of Bravia TVs, Vaio laptops and PlayStation game consoles, battling weak demand and tough competition, is expected to say it earned operating profit of 33.8 billion yen ($424.7 million) in its second quarter, after losing 1.6 billion yen a year ago, according to an average estimate from five analysts on Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S."

That's a estimate and seems fine.


One time gain transaction of 700 million from its chemical business. If you substract that, Sony would of posted a 276 million loss this quarter but a profit is a profit nonetheless.

Profit IS profit, especially considering they bought:

Gaikai (July 3): 380 million

Next quarter, we will also see these two new purchases posted:
11% of Olympus [for a total of >50%] (Oct 1): 640m
Pixim (oct 3rd): ~50m

I may be wrong but the purchase of Gakai does not affect their Q2 results as it is considered an asset. But yes, profit is profit. It's good to hear

ethomaz said:
Vinniegambini said:
On a side note, Square Enix also reported that they will post a loss this quarter. Sales of Sleeping Dogs were disappointing to say the least and expect a 30 million loss :( It seems like Japanese companies are having trouble, Nintendo, Sony, Sega, Square Enix... The only exception right now is Capcom who posted record profits this quarter... damn DLC.

Not game related but Sharp and Panasonic is posting huge loss this quarter too.

True, I forgot. It's insane how 10 years ago these companies were the dominant force in consumer electronics and now....well the results speak for themselves :(

Hmm i hope Sony returns to profit within the next year but i guess that all depends on how they proceed with their biggest money losers TV's and computers.

Around the Network
Vinniegambini said:
theprof00 said:
Vinniegambini said:
ethomaz said:

I can't go sleep because I found that.

"Sony Corp is likely to say it returned to an operating profit for July-September after it sold a chemicals business, but investors still aren't sure a consumer electronics revamp will deliver the profit growth the group seeks.

The maker of Bravia TVs, Vaio laptops and PlayStation game consoles, battling weak demand and tough competition, is expected to say it earned operating profit of 33.8 billion yen ($424.7 million) in its second quarter, after losing 1.6 billion yen a year ago, according to an average estimate from five analysts on Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S."

That's a estimate and seems fine.


One time gain transaction of 700 million from its chemical business. If you substract that, Sony would of posted a 276 million loss this quarter but a profit is a profit nonetheless.

Profit IS profit, especially considering they bought:

Gaikai (July 3): 380 million

Next quarter, we will also see these two new purchases posted:
11% of Olympus [for a total of >50%] (Oct 1): 640m
Pixim (oct 3rd): ~50m

I may be wrong but the purchase of Gakai does not affect their Q2 results as it is considered an asset. But yes, profit is profit. It's good to hear

Huh, what do you mean?

phenom08 said:
^You don't think it's a coincidence Sony is combining the figures just in time for the Vitas performance do you?

Did I say so? I explained perfectly fine a reasoning to group the devices together along with the timing for Vita's underperformance.

Was the mention of a reasoning behind Sony's actions that wasn't overly critical deserving of a knee jerk reaction from you?

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Less than one hour now.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

Vinniegambini said:
On a side note, Square Enix also reported that they will post a loss this quarter. Sales of Sleeping Dogs were disappointing to say the least and expect a 30 million loss :( It seems like Japanese companies are having trouble, Nintendo, Sony, Sega, Square Enix... The only exception right now is Capcom who posted record profits this quarter... damn DLC.

How on earth did Capcom post profits? Haven't all their games been flunking lately? RE6s legs have also practically been severed.

kachow? any news?