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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 - League of Legends

pezus said:
No, what is really OP is players like Mario breaking the goddamn rules

Read the mason thread. I asked for his mod kill even if it costed town the win.

I lost all respect for mario this round...and i repected him alot.

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pezus said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Final-Fan said:
Bus driver basically makes one of you a Godfather every single night, and one of the town a miller every single night, in addition to the vigilante thing. It punishes town for targeting scum correctly AND allows mafia to bypass town targeting powers correctly with protection. I'm not sure I completely agree with TOS who thinks it's broken and should never be used, but in combination with a strongman (ALSO bypassing protection) and a Goddamned Executioner, mafia was disgustingly OP.

I wholeheartily agree.

Anyways, I wanna see the Mafia thread!

You're just mad you were killed night 1 . Or maybe you should be happy about that!

The fact that I was killed Night One means that my opinion is non-bias because I didn't have a lot invested in the game and it's my honest opinion that Mafia was way overpowered.

Executionner is basically two free mislynches for the scum team. 2-Shot Strongman + Bus Driver makes the doctor completely useless, the Bus Driver protects scum that are under heavy suspicious from scans, kills, tracks.

Signature goes here!

pezus said:


Were mafia able to use normal kill along with strongman kill?

mantlepiecek said:
They could have bus driven themselves with someone else like I did. They had A redirector - they could have redirected nen's kills. They could have blocked him.

It's about whom you choose with your role. If nen had killed pezus we would have lost.

At least We had 2 SK that round mantle.

And i was a vig not a SK so its not the same since my targets are easy to figure out.

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Mafia thread please?

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spurgeonryan said:
Lets wait for hatz. H was scum, bit will tell is how it is either way.

Good job on the game yoshi whether it was broken or not. I would probably make everyone S.K if I host and destroy the game. So good job!

It's already been done by zexen_lowe. Shortest Mafia Game Ever.

Signature goes here!

pezus said:
12:59 PM ET (US)
Indeed. Lets hope for a long and prosperous relationship.

Oh, you will pay for this. Trust me.

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TruckOSaurus said:
spurgeonryan said:
Lets wait for hatz. H was scum, bit will tell is how it is either way.

Good job on the game yoshi whether it was broken or not. I would probably make everyone S.K if I host and destroy the game. So good job!

It's already been done by zexen_lowe. Shortest Mafia Game Ever.

I liked the 4 player battle royale

Thee cops (Normal, paranoid, naive) vs 1 mafia.

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So much for the whole bus driver is so OP.


Bus driver + executioner is all we used to win. And without exploiting anything, without cheating.

Executioner could only be used when someone is at L-1, not like linkz's variety last game.


Bus driver was unlimited, and good too. With a vigilante/sk, a bus driver is necessary.



Also, if nen was sk, all it would have done was to make town weaker, not mafia stronger.

Yeah it's fine pezus.