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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 - League of Legends

mantlepiecek said:

If the doctor is alive, would there be a reason for someone to hide?

If the doctor is already dead we don't have to worry about him dying.

Nintendo still doomed?
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supermario128 said:
mantlepiecek said:

If the doctor is alive, would there be a reason for someone to hide?

If the doctor is already dead we don't have to worry about him dying.

But he can't protect anyone else either.

oh, pezus is role claiming. Lets hope for somthing intersting and not another generic ice cream flavour >_>

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zero129 said:
mantlepiecek said:
I didn't expect hatmoza would be mafia after that. But I am happy we got scum. I thought we were done after seeing hatmoza lynched.

Anyways, spurge and zero, I think one of these two or both maybe scum. Tabaha is a possibility as well.

Exactly what is it that makes me scum?. If anything your more scum like .

And i still cant believe someone would think spurge is scum at this point.

Well, spurge was acting strange during day 3, he usually doesn't act like that at all. Which is why I thought he was scum. Posting rarely, his activity is usually higher than everyone else´s.

Whereas you, you have never given reasons for your feelings. You just voted people saying you think they are scum. You never posted day 2. Maybe it was because it was short, I don't know.

Your play this game hasn't given me an impression that you are town.

zero129 said:

nen-suer said:

 lol....i'm man enough to admit when i **** up badly.

I''m punishing myself too like i said. I won't push for anyone lynch and will go with the majority.

I'll only make small observations from time to time.

Except now you fucked up on day 1?, Day 2, and if we where to of followed you we would of been in big doo doo now you follow me?.

Could be honest mistakes on your behalf but im not getting good vibes from you atm

It takes more than half the votes to lynch someone. But sure darT was my fault.

Unlike most i take resposiblity on my actions and reflect on them.

I can act like most do here on and blame soemone coze he made me agree with him or blame my victim for playing scummy,

or foS 6 poeple and if one of them flip scum i'll focus just one that,  but i dont do that.

You should be more like Mario and respect a post like that becouse you may its a rare sight that you may never see again.

Now with this few people its your chance to step up and take all the glory (would help if you stop supecting A CLAMIED MASON).

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pezus said:
Going to grab dinner now - just a heads up. Please everyone say if they are okay with mass-claiming while I am gone.

Really now ?!!.......Hope you choke on it  >_<

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I was going to write a huge post to zero, but I see he has probably not yet caught up. >_>

mantlepiecek said:

I was going to write a huge post to zero, but I see he has probably not yet caught up. >_>

Add it to the queue now or he may leave and start reposnding when its night again :P

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zero129 said:
For all we know maybe town only had 1 mason?.

We call that vanilla townie, but sure that's a valid assumption.

pezus said:
nen-suer said:
Really now ?!!.......Hope you choke on it  >_<

What's the rush lol? Well now I am back and no one even commented on the issue. Jesus

The suspense lol. I wanna sleep early and was hoping you'd claim before that.

I'll wait i guess.

pezus said:
How would scum know that?

Do not bring logic into this!!!

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zero129 said:
mantlepiecek said:
spurgeonryan said:
Being illogical by throwing my name and Zero's name out there. Lol! As if there were not way better choices. Here is what I know about zero. He always checked in to mafia quick topic before he post when he was scum with me.

Also I went after two scum successfully this game. That is why you are being illogical. I would have got rid of zero before even touching hatmoza. That is why you are being illogical. hatmoza would have killed zero in real life, plus zero post on his wall about the game. come on man! Are you saying that is Hatmozas Ace in the hole? hatmoza told the guy to post on his wall, and in the night like that? Get REal!

You are skum! Mario or pezus third party. Third party would have no need to be as scummy as you are being.

Oh. I see. So you are using meta to decide that I am illogical.

So you are saying that zero is not scum because he spoke with hatmoza in the wall and not in the mafia QT? That doesn't make me illogical though, it is just using meta to decide someone's alignment, which actually makes sense in your case.

However he could still be third party, my analysis on him isn't based on meta like yours, it's based on his play through this game.

1)Am i not playing the same way i did when i was town last game?. So exactly what is it about my play style that makes me scum?.

2)You said you where suspicous of me or at least tried to paint suspicions on me yesterday, imo i think you hoped a bunch of people would of agreed with you and followed you on a lynch on me.

Cos you seen how easy hatz got me lynched last game when i was the town doc by saying stuff like "Zero's play style is mafia guys lynch him!" that was pretty much ther only thing hatz was using on me that game to get me lynched cos he had nothing else.

3)Now guess who is following in his footsteps?. You come trying to paint suspicions on me first chance you get "Zeros style has been scummy guys" You see no one is listening to you or going to follow you on your lynch train so you start following us all on the Final Fan lynch.

4)When i was voting for Final fan etc yesterday i was only doing it to see if it would keep hatz off my back (And it worked as you can see). As he was my main suspect out of everyone (This is the truth) but i didnt think no one would follow me on a lynch and instead going after him would get me lynched.

5)So when hatz didnt come after me it was confirmed for me that the was something fishy about how hatz was no longer coming after me once he found an easier target for yesterday (Or so he thought)

As soon as i seen spurge and rol was willing to lynch him i jumped on that bitch like a fat kid on cake.

6)You on the other hand if i remember right went right back to trying to paint suspicions on me "I dont like zero changing his vote etc".

Anyway Mantle imo the is a very strong possibality your scum, why more chance then me or anyone else

But please tell me why you think im scum?

@ Bolded : I already did.

At 1) I want to know why you are asking that.

2) I am still suspicious of you. Hat trying to lynch you doesn't make you town.

3) You can and probably are the sk. If you are the sk hat trying to lynch you would make sense, wouldn't it?

4) From what I remember, hat wanted to lynch mario, not FF. I don't see how he got off your back because you voted FF. And you never really told us your truth.

5) So you were afraid of hat and jumped on his bandwagon, basically. What would you have done if he was beloved princess?

I doubt you would have cared.

6) Yes, because I was suspicious of you. You changed your vote without any reason.


Also, let's look who remains out of those three - without tabaha, spurge, and you, we have mario, nen, pezus, myself.

I trust mario, nen, because of nen's roleclaim, and mario's push for FF's defence. A push for defence is much more important to me than a push for a lynch, because scum do bus each other many times to look detached.

And besides that, mario also pushed for hat's lynch.

Pezus, I don't really think he is scum. If he is scum he is playing really well - and there is no reason to think so when we have better options to look over.

So, remaining - spurge, you and tabaha. Out of which I feel tabaha is the most suspicious, you next and I don't think spurge is scum.