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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 - League of Legends

zero129 said:
b]REMOVE VOTE: Final Fan
VOTE: Hatmoza

Im not sure this will change anything unless you guys follow me on this and i think you should.
But if you guys wont listen to me and if Final Fan flips town today im going for Nen or Hatz tomorrow.

For now im off to bed as its 4:26am here atm

This will change everything. Re-vote FF.

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hatmoza said:
supermario128 said:
I can't be here all night either, so I'll leave it to other players to decide what they want to do and who they will believe. I just hope you really aren't town.


Then vote FF. Mario can wait for tomorow specially since no one else is voting his atm.

You dont have the luxuary of picking who to vote for. Vote FF for today and live to fight another day.

Mario wont have room to hide tomorow.

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Also doctor-san, flip a coin between hat and me tonight (really flip a coin don't try to think logically)
With 50% fail chance Mafia would be stupid to target either of us.

If the cop wanna scan someone then scan hat if it makes you feel better.
If we have a tracker then track Mario

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supermario128 said:
Haha. Now I'm sure Hatz is lying. He is contradicting himself too much. I asked him if he read his role PM before he made that post for a reason.

First he says, "I am the beloved Princess and my lynch would cause two consecutive nights."

So, only his lynch causes two consecutive nights, right?

Then he says: "Also, my claiming would only make me a permanent liability since the doc (or any protective role) would have to keep me alive. If you remembered my very first post in the game it was for permanent protection."

So now he can cause two nights in a row from not only being lynched but from being killed? lol How quick he changed his mind...

"I never expected protection, but I never wanted to make it obvious to anti town at the same time. Just a request of protection would demand/repel some attention from all power roles."

Again, why do you need protection if only your LYNCH causes two nights in a row? Or are you going to flip flop some more?

Beloved Princess is a player who, upon death, causes the next Day phase to be skipped.

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spurgeonryan said:
Wow! Out of the blue you and hats equal each other out. Once story you two devised last night. As a new mod I am sure yoshi put all that in the game. In just a few hours time.

So you think it is Mario and final fan who are scum, possibly zero. I voted for hatmoza but you barely mention me. Is that odd nen?

Yeah. We figured trucks was the only mason becouse the op said "The Mason"

We knew the town was too stupid to notice so i claimed mason.

Hat suggested i push for mario and he will act like pain in my ass until i role claim, but at that time FF entered the scene and looked

alot more scummy town than Mario. And since they both claimed vanilla they were both an equally threat that must be elimanted.

(You know that less innocents people for cop to scan is good for the mafia).

I changed the plan and went for FF...hat got pissed and stopped talking to me (yes we can talk during the day).

And now i'm trying to save his sorry a$$.


I didnt go after you becouse you indimidate me as a player and i cant win an argument aginst you. Your logic is always sound.

thats why i like to go with easy, vanilla mislynches.....easy to digest.

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spurgeonryan said:
Put a little pressure and watch the panic. Out of the blue at the last minute you are all of a sudden hatz white knight? I think hatz post more in the lastnsix hours than the whole game. Don't quote me on that, could be a little more or less.

You think pressure i think time limit. 

And thats why i cant win an argument aginst you. You see thing i dont.

You make me feel stupid :(

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spurgeonryan said:

Nen I do not know what you are pulling. Strange act in deed.

My insults are about as subtle as a flying brick.

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spurgeonryan said:
Too bad your aim is off a bit.


Let Hat be invistegated tonight and vote FF today.

Cop role claim tomorow regardless of the resut. He says hat scum we lynch hat.

he says hat town we lynch you Mario.... ok?

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deadline at 1 gmt right ?
so 2 hours remaining.

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nen-suer said:
mantlepiecek said:
When it comes to balancing, we still don't know what the setup actually is. It is also possible that the game is unbalanced.

Hat's tone tells me he is desperate, he never usually is this desperate either as scum or town. In fact, the more suspicion you pile on him the more scummy he gets but he also gets aggressive. That is when he is scum.

I will lay off him today. I felt suspicious of him because of DT lynch but he does act scummy always, but what he said now makes me think I maybe wrong about him. Nevertheless I will be keeping an eye on him.

I will vote for the person who is most likely scum though -

Vote : Zero129

Vote FF, i'm starting to be alittle suspcious of you mantle.

You said you though FF was more scummy than mario. Zero wont be lynched becouse no else is voting him.

So vote FF and lets get this over with.

Well, I don't have much of a problem with an FF lynch. What do you think about zero though?