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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 - League of Legends

Final-Fan said:
tabaha said:
sorry for being late but uni work is getting heavier.
The lynch went really bad, but at least it wasn't any power role. Mafia targeting another vanilla was pretty lulzy. Of course it is bad to have deaths, but having none on the "role side" of town is good.
I'm still to understand how stefl died. Not sure if something related to his role or not. I don't really know what is a mafia 2-shot. oh well.
I just hope we have a cop who knows what he's doing

He was a 2-shot strongman.  This means that his role granted him the power to use his strongman capabilities up to two times (non-consecutively, as indicated).  Strongman is a mafia role that means the strongman's kill ignores protection like doctor, but he would probably still die if targeting a paranoid gun owner, because that isn't protection per se, but rather a role that just kills anything that targets it.  It is unknown why exactly he died.  It could be a PGO, although if so I'm surprised the PGO didn't also die; it could be a vigilante; who knows. 

The amount of confusion and ignorance you profess here, along with stating the obvious, makes me suspicious that you're mafia just summing up known facts and faking ignorance. 

You're wrong but that's your opinion


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Vote: Mario

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RolStoppable said:
nen-suer said:

Vote: Mario

How sure are you this time?

You voted DarkT too you know.

I was wrong about DarkT and i wont deny my responsiblity in his mislynch like you guys.

I think your town mainly becouse of your scum list "nen, hatmoza, prof and tabaha." lets just say i dont consider any of them scum  :P


I know Mario alot better than i'm pretty sure about him. I also have my eyes on (hopefully) the last mafia member,

but i wanna see how he will he react today.


Tell you what. Vote Mario and  blame me (and even lynch me tomorow) if he is town. 

I dont mind shouldering all the balme if that will make you guys more confident with your play.

Hell you can blame me for MBP lynch too if you like after all i was online and didnt do anything to stop it like you said.


If you have another player you wanna lynch then stick you neck out and try to have him lynched & dont coward from the consequences 

if your wrong. You can blame me if things go wrong and have all glory if you are right :P

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pezus said:
nen-suer said:

Vote: Mario

Have you got some info to back up that vote or are you just that sure he's scum??

Do i need to bold my posts in the future >_>

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pezus said:
nen-suer said:
pezus said:
nen-suer said:

Vote: Mario

Have you got some info to back up that vote or are you just that sure he's scum??

Do i need to bold my posts in the future >_>

No I saw your post to mario, but then this vote came a few hours later as if you were waiting for something


So you're asking why now and not why.

For number of reasons. I wanted him to reply to my post and i wanted to judge a "certain individual" reaction.

And finally because i'll be going to bed soon.

Chelsea vs Manchester United match kept up late and i need to sleep now.


What do you think of Mario and who are your suspects pezus ?


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RolStoppable said:
I think we should lynch a brony toDay. It's just a hunch, but for some reason I feel it's the right thing to do.

Not sure if I should follow you with that. One of them did indeed answer my question in a pretty detailed way. Also, looks like he's certain about the PGO and I got the feeling he mentioned it a lot for a simple explanation


I should, but it's like, every time I post I have someone quoting me saying I didn't interpreted it correctly. It gets depressing after a while


I'll start of by saying I am sorry for lurking. Me being busy with schoolwork, along with actual work, along with not knowing the theme, along with not having any sort of role has left me not having time/ not participating as much as I usually do.

Nen is dead wrong about me btw. I am a vanilla townie. It should be pretty obvious imo. I did find it strange how he waited so long to vote for me. He even "double HoS" me, which should have been a vote if he was really that suspicious.

Where is our cop hiding? Surely you have found some mafia by now, no? If not you should make it obvious who you think (know) is town is a discrete way.

At this point I'm fairly confident when I say Hatz, Nen, and Tabaha are scum. There is no more than 3 left, we can be sure of that.

I'm pretty sure Pezus and Spurge are town. Rol, Final Fan, and Linkz (Mantle) are also probably town. Not sure about Zero; he could go either way.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Vote: Hatmoza

He is scum, I'm sure of that.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

RolStoppable said:
hatmoza said:
RolStoppable said:

Who are what killed stefl is a good question. Town either has a vigilante or there is a serial killer and the "one more per Night" message from the start of Day 2 flavor was refering to him which then implies that there was actually a prevented kill during Night 1. One thing that stefl's flip presumably confirms is that the town must be quite powerful, because he was a two-shot strongman.


Is the bolded you basically telling us town beware! my scum was under attack by third faction?


Where I left off before I was interupted by the sudden end day. Save us time and effort and come forward if you and Zero are masons. Reduce our suspect pool. Otherwise, I have no reason not to believe both of you are not scumbuddies.

The bolded is a pretty clear cut "either or" statement, so no.

Why did you knowingly put DT at L-1, even though some people hadn't had time to post on Day 2 at this point?

Mainly because I wasn't going to be online for a while. Plus no one would have been stupid enough to hammer him. Little to my knowledge, we had an anonymous voter which is a role I'm not familiar with. And it's quite a clever role if I do say so myself.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson