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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 - League of Legends

nen-suer said:

This is the third time now that you casts suspicion on someone following what somebody else has said.

And its funny you ignore FF who has done the same thing (and acctually admiting it).

My god your scum! Lynching you is my mission today.......but hey,  its not like anyone will listen to logic >_>

I hope Linkz is town this round.

This isn't me casting suspicion on him. This is me addressing someone who broke the rules. 

And if you are referring to you saying "this isn't the first time, but I believe you didn't know this time" that is hardly casting suspicion on him. That's you saying you think he is innocent of any guilt in one sentence. I put my own opinion on it, and completely ignored your post- because as I pointed out he would have known he was breaking the rules. 

And with FF he brok the rules, but a single post of "The Fuck" which could refer to anything, no analysis, no specifics or direction. And one post. Is not the same thing as 5 or 6 on depth analysis and questioning, and responding to questions. Especially after zero was warnd last game. 

You are using bad logic and rule breaking to raise suspicion on me. Which is why "it's not like anyone will listen to <your so called >logic"

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spurgeonryan said:
Yoshiya please tell mbp what is up..

Just woke up. I hope the copnlookd at Prof or linkz or hatmoza. Trucks is a safe bet for them because he is high up and they know he will figure them out. But he would not have been picked first.

What the hell happened last night? I thought stef was lynched?

It was a tie between stef and MBP so no lynch. I checked in 15 mins before deadline and voted MBP to avert a no-lynch. So MBP was lynched 

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man-bear-pig said:
pezus said:
I can't believe MBP was the watcher...why did he not defend himself or give us tips so he would not be lynched?

Huh? I wasn't aware there was any other roles other than town and mafia...I thought the name roles we had were just to set the theme...are you telling me that we're supposed to do other stuff when we get our roles (besides being town and mafia)? Huh? Am I going crazy?

Come to the dead thread, I'll explain it to you.

Signature goes here!

This was a bad hit. Not having watcher is bad.
DT you rwally put yourself in a hard position


DarkThanatos said:
And with FF he brok the rules, but a single post of "The Fuck" which could refer to anything, no analysis, no specifics or direction. And one post. Is not the same thing as 5 or 6 on depth analysis and questioning, and responding to questions. Especially after zero was warnd last game. 

Breaking the rules is breaking the rules; posting once is the same as posting 10 times.

FF played more mafia games that anyone else here and he knows the rules better than anyone else.

You say it doesnt mean anything, i say its a lame attempt to look like a townie who is shocked by the outcome

You singling Zero out is just you choosing the "easy target" here.

You play well, but i noticed you are easy to get "thrown off your game" once pressured and try to discredit or attack your accusers

you also tend to take longer time to respond than normal and ignore things you can't respond too and look for things you can fight back with.

DarkT you are a mafia member.

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My post was just the sort of "WTF, night already?" post that is technically bad because it's night already but it doesn't do anything other than say I have checked the thread and discovered the Day already ended. Which, by the way, I was surprised and dismayed to find. I would have unvoted MBP because, well, I didn't like the lynch anymore.

DT's little campaign seems a little overeager to me. There have been cases of people really pushing modkills as a way of restoring order to in-game behavior gone out of control (lurking/absenteeism, for example), but I don't know why DT is so hot to see zero modkilled when the mod has already made it clear that if zero does it again he will in fact be modkilled.

It may be genuine but I'm leaning more toward the opinion that the crusade is fake, inspired by mafia's desire to eliminate town rather than town's desire to restore law to lawlessness.

Vote DatkThanatos

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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

nen-suer said:
DarkThanatos said:
And with FF he brok the rules, but a single post of "The Fuck" which could refer to anything, no analysis, no specifics or direction. And one post. Is not the same thing as 5 or 6 on depth analysis and questioning, and responding to questions. Especially after zero was warnd last game. 


Breaking the rules is breaking the rules; posting once is the same as posting 10 times.

FF played more mafia games that anyone else here and he knows the rules better than anyone else.

You say it doesnt mean anything, i say its a lame attempt to look like a townie who is shocked by the outcome

You singling Zero out is just you choosing the "easy target" here.

You play well, but i noticed you are easy to get "thrown off your game" once pressured and try to discredit or attack your accusers

you also tend to take longer time to respond than normal and ignore things you can't respond too and look for things you can fight back with.

DarkT you are a mafia member.


In law, a serial offender is punished more then a one-off. It's still breaking the rules yes. But not on the same level. 

I said he should be modkilled primarily, and then i said in case he isn't im voting for him. If he is modkilled it wont effect who we lynch today. 

Thanks for the "play well" complement, but I'm only discrediting your attack on my Zero objections. In regard to your other accusation -->

spurgeonryan said:

Like I said it does not look good for you.
tabaha said:
This was a bad hit. Not having watcher is bad.
DT you rwally put yourself in a hard position

As put by both Spurge and Tabaha as well as yourself, my close to deadline vote on MBP blew up in my face when he came out as town watcher. If he had been Mafia, then we wouldn't be having this conversation. It's one of those things i guess. If it was the other foot, I would be considering voting for me as well. 

All I can say is that I'm not a mafia member, I'm vanilla town. I haven't lied about my role with all my previous claims and I'm not now. My reasons for voting MBP were that he was playing badly - as shown by him not even understanding what watcher was. I'm not solely to blame for him being lynched, there were 3 other people voting him as well, but people always look for someone to blame, and I stand out as the one to take the hit. I can't help that now. 

Someone could easily have come in and voted Stefl to lynch, like I did MBP, and I didn't want him lynched as i said with my "I'd rather keep Stefl then MBP" before my vote. So there was that as well.

I turned up soon before the timelimit because I was at a party and I didn't want to miss the socialising by being on the thread, but I still wanted to be part of the thread as I'd been working that day. 

Finally, every game I've said I don't like no-lynches and haven't seen the point in them. 

There isn't really anything else I can say in my defense that I can think of now. If people decide to lynch me, then I'll flip vanilla town and town will have lost 4 players in a row. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

pezus said:
Oh and I hope zero got his warning and will learn from his mistake. I don't think FF and spurge's posts were big deals because they said nothing that could change anything really, but zero kept answering posts from long ago, possibly increasing suspicion on some in his posts and somehow managed to do it around 6 times or so iirc.

^^Thats my point, except he had also done the same thing the game before. 

Spurge was modkilled in Round 46 for threatening to post his PM after he was warned. Zero was warned last game for the same thing, and then did it again today. I don't see why we should treat him any differently. 

I guess It's up to Yoshiya's discression on how big an impact it will have on the game. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

pezus said:

^No problem. ;o

I do not know what to think about our current situation. On the one hand, DarkT's play so far has been highly suspect, especially that late vote yesterDay. Linkz did that last game to me and got away with it for some time and I can only hope DarkT was scanned/tracked this time around, although I don't think that the tracker or cop should come out yet. On the other hand, I feel like some people have jumped too easily on his play. This might as well be a "setup" although that would not explain his play yesterDay. We should at least consider everything before everyone rush votes one person

Aside from my late vote, and my desire to see the rules upheld, can you explain what other play of mine has been suspect please? 

Aside from that, thankyou for playing like a decent town and not rushing into my lynch. You are now on my town list. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

pezus said:

DarkThanatos said:

There isn't really anything else I can say in my defense that I can think of now. If people decide to lynch me, then I'll flip vanilla town and town will have lost 4 players in a row. 

4 players in a row? 

MBP, Truck, Me, and whoever Mafia nightkill tonight. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War