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Forums - Politics Discussion - US Senate candidate: Pregnancy from rape can be ‘something that God intended to happen’

happydolphin said:
Proclus said:
Fucking idiot.

Pardon my French.

I still don't get what is so idiotic about it. The person said the obvious: the baby was born, and that is a miracle of life.

Question, what if you were that baby? Yes, you would want to be born regardless, because that's what fighters do, they strive to survive and live life to the fullest.

The person even clearly said they thought rape was wrong. Anyways.

If i have no consciousness, i can't think.

While i believe abortion is not a decision to be made lightly, unborn babies have no "life" in the sense of human, sacred and inviolable life. Theirs is on the level of animal life, which is also not meant to be disposed of lightly, but lacks that core aspect of "self" that grants inherent human rights.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Mr Khan said:

If i have no consciousness, i can't think.

While i believe abortion is not a decision to be made lightly, unborn babies have no "life" in the sense of human, sacred and inviolable life. Theirs is on the level of animal life, which is also not meant to be disposed of lightly, but lacks that core aspect of "self" that grants inherent human rights.

I was talking about a person born after a rape. It's a person born, so deal with it bros. It's a life, it's a miracle.

Whether you believe in miracles or not, that's your choice, but a human existence is sacred in my eyes.

happydolphin said:
Proclus said:
Fucking idiot.

Pardon my French.

I still don't get what is so idiotic about it. The person said the obvious: the baby was born, and that is a miracle of life.

Question, what if you were that baby? Yes, you would want to be born regardless, because that's what fighters do, they strive to survive and live life to the fullest.

The person even clearly said they thought rape was wrong. Anyways.

Quit trolling, that is not what the guy said. He expects someone who is raped to carry the child of their rapist against their will, and say that God "intends" for her to do that. 

What if God doesn't exist?

Mr Khan said:
happydolphin said:
Proclus said:
Fucking idiot.

Pardon my French.

I still don't get what is so idiotic about it. The person said the obvious: the baby was born, and that is a miracle of life.

Question, what if you were that baby? Yes, you would want to be born regardless, because that's what fighters do, they strive to survive and live life to the fullest.

The person even clearly said they thought rape was wrong. Anyways.

If i have no consciousness, i can't think.

While i believe abortion is not a decision to be made lightly, unborn babies have no "life" in the sense of human, sacred and inviolable life. Theirs is on the level of animal life, which is also not meant to be disposed of lightly, but lacks that core aspect of "self" that grants inherent human rights.

So then... do you support post birth "abortions".

I mean... nothing changes for it to reach human level emotions for quite a while after birth.

People put dogs to sleep they don't want to care for anymore all the time.

Pigs for example pass consiousness tests that infants fail...


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gigaSheik said:
What if God doesn't exist?

What if morality doesn't exist?

It baffles me how people think God has this huge plan and that he/she decides each and every one of our fates. I guess he intended me to type this then huh? I'm not saying a God doesn't exist. It just surprises me on how people look at God.


Kasz216 said:
Mr Khan said:
happydolphin said:
Proclus said:
Fucking idiot.

Pardon my French.

I still don't get what is so idiotic about it. The person said the obvious: the baby was born, and that is a miracle of life.

Question, what if you were that baby? Yes, you would want to be born regardless, because that's what fighters do, they strive to survive and live life to the fullest.

The person even clearly said they thought rape was wrong. Anyways.

If i have no consciousness, i can't think.

While i believe abortion is not a decision to be made lightly, unborn babies have no "life" in the sense of human, sacred and inviolable life. Theirs is on the level of animal life, which is also not meant to be disposed of lightly, but lacks that core aspect of "self" that grants inherent human rights.

So then... do you support post birth "abortions".

I mean... nothing changes for it to reach human level emotions for quite a while after birth.

People put dogs to sleep they don't want to care for anymore all the time.



I guess it depends on the definition of sentience. You know, i'll have to think about that.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

14 pages had to be about something.
He didn`t support rape: "And I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”
All he is saying that creating life - despite the origin - is something that comes from God. It was God`s plan that despite what happened, still, a life should arise.
Maybe, just maybe, this child will be the best thing to happen to the mother even being born under such conditions.

Max King of the Wild said:
gigaSheik said:
What if God doesn't exist?

What if morality doesn't exist?

Does it? What is imoral to u can be normal to some1 else. Like menage a trois, swing, etc.