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Forums - General Discussion - If you knew your unborn child was going to be gay, would you abort him/her?

No, but that's just because I'm not personally in favour of abortion. Has nothing to do with the kid being gay.

If someone else wants to abort their gay kid just on the basis of him being gay...I won't stand in their way.

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Jay520 said:
Ouroboros24 said:

Holy crap, really.

Okay, I'll bite.

What time during the pregnancy.  If it's within 2 months, then yes. 

And yes, I'm being completely serious here.  Nothing against gays, simply I want things my way.  Of course I'll ask the mother first. 

What other traits warrants abortion? Height? Blood type? 

Don't want to over complicate things, so let's stick to just being gay.

I don't follow a specific religion, so I can easily pick which taboo to break.


Just very extreme situations demand abortions. This is definitely not one of them.
Sad thing is that I think many people would do it, especially the same ultra religious people that condemns abortion.

Naw, I'd have someone to go with the movies to that go beyond just the usual action flick.

Never. A son is a son and the parents job is to love them.

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PDF said:
Kasz216 said:

A better question would be... if they could alter him genetically so he wouldn't be gay. Would you have that done.

I'd still say no... but you could make a persuasive argument.

I like that question a lot more. 

It's hard, I would probably make him or her straight.  It really hard, because who am I to say straight is better.  All I know is in today society it seems easier to grow up straight as a kid.  I was never made fun of because i was striaght.  I hope one day that changes.

Closest thing i can think of is the Louis CK white thing.


It's not better to be straight... but if you looked at it from an alien utilitarian "pick one or the other" option.   You wouldn't pick gay.

You'd be bi or straight any day of the week.

Nope, I'll keep him to increase the gay population so they can one day rise up and overthrow the tyranny of the heterosexual hegemony. Peaceful means of pursuing equality for homosexuals have clearly failed. There is a time and a place for violence, and this -rising up against an oppressive regime- is one of them.

Once genetic selection becomes mainstream I'll ensure all of my (numerous) children are gay to further pursue this aim.

I'd abort them if they're heterosexual though, too many of those already, heterosexuals are like Mario games, too bland and samey to deserve their huge numbers, but people will keep choosing them because most people are sheep who just want things to samey and oppose progress.

It may take decades, but we'll win, and once we do policy should be put in place to ensure that an equal 50-50% of children are straight and gay, for the purposes of equality. 


In  case it's not obvious enough, this post is 0% serious, I'm kind of being a (very) poor man's Rol about the whole thing .I have nothing against gays (I actively support equal marriage rights, and some of my best friends are homosexual) so if this offends you, I apologise. My intent was to kind of satirise the attitude a lot of paranoid conservatives seem to THINK homosexuals have. 

curl-6 said:

Nope, I'll keep him to increase the gay population so they can one day rise up and overthrow the tyranny of the heterosexual hegemony. Peaceful means of pursuing equality for homosexuals have clearly failed. There is a time and a place for violence, and this -rising up against an oppressive regime- is one of them.

Once genetic selection becomes mainstream I'll ensure all of my (numerous) children are gay to further pursue this aim.

I'd abort them if they're heterosexual though, too many of those already, heterosexuals are like Mario games, too bland and samey to deserve their huge numbers, but people will keep choosing them because most people are sheep who just want things to samey and oppose progress.

It may take decades, but we'll win, and once we do policy should be put in place to ensure that an equal 50-50% of children are straight and gay, for the purposes of equality. 


In  case it's not obvious enough, this post is 0% serious, I'm kind of being a (very) poor man's Rol about the whole thing .I have nothing against gays (I actively support equal marriage rights, and some of my best friends are homosexual) so if this offends you, I apologise. My intent was to kind of satirise the attitude a lot of paranoid conservatives seem to THINK homosexuals have. 

Wouldn't that also kill off the species over time?

I think being gay is something you're born with, its part of who you chemically are, but its still an abnormal human trait... or at least a rare human trait like... flat feet or albinos, etc.

Kasz216 said:

A better question would be... if they could alter him genetically so he wouldn't be gay. Would you have that done.

I'd still say no... but you could make a persuasive argument.

Not a better question, it an entirely different socio-religious topic; dna manipulation.

I'm specifically questioning the religious views of sin and punishment .. or better yet the capability to permanently prevent your child of sinning.

NintendoPie said:
Er, no.

Besides, I don't think there is a Gay "gene", SuperChunk.

Are you sure?

How many gay people do you associate with? How many of them said they just decided to be gay one day? It seems like an illogical stance to think the hormonal and very physical/chemical based emotion of love and sexual preference is solely based on mental decisions.