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Nope, I'll keep him to increase the gay population so they can one day rise up and overthrow the tyranny of the heterosexual hegemony. Peaceful means of pursuing equality for homosexuals have clearly failed. There is a time and a place for violence, and this -rising up against an oppressive regime- is one of them.

Once genetic selection becomes mainstream I'll ensure all of my (numerous) children are gay to further pursue this aim.

I'd abort them if they're heterosexual though, too many of those already, heterosexuals are like Mario games, too bland and samey to deserve their huge numbers, but people will keep choosing them because most people are sheep who just want things to samey and oppose progress.

It may take decades, but we'll win, and once we do policy should be put in place to ensure that an equal 50-50% of children are straight and gay, for the purposes of equality. 


In  case it's not obvious enough, this post is 0% serious, I'm kind of being a (very) poor man's Rol about the whole thing .I have nothing against gays (I actively support equal marriage rights, and some of my best friends are homosexual) so if this offends you, I apologise. My intent was to kind of satirise the attitude a lot of paranoid conservatives seem to THINK homosexuals have.