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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - "no one is playing games on Wii" - Mike Goodman. "ROFFLE!!!" - My response

Rugger08 said:
I use my Wii for its amazing calender functionality. Definitely not for gaming.


I like how it would show the amount of each game I've played on it. If there any games to play that is.

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That guy is an idiot. What do people buy it for then!? XD 

Then I play what on my wii?


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

___O_o______ said:

i will be ROFFLE when the ps3 outsells the Wii for a week worldwide. It will happen in the next 6 months, no matter how much crap is spewed out from your mouths.

God help Nintendo if they're not number 1 for a single week!


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Some thoughts on this right now.

1. The analysts who are still predicting the Wii's early demise appear to be trying to explain away why they got their prediction for this generation (PS3 domination) wrong.

2. Many third-parties came over quickly and did less than stellar jobs. There has not been a lot of third-party AAA development for the Wii, so its not like a lot of them initally jumped on the ship. Given some of the offerings from third-parties (poor quality), I hope some of them do go away. (And it would be good for the others.

3. I wonder if the analysts were saying the same thing about the DS when the PSP came out and did not dominate.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


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zackblue said:
Then I play what on my wii?

 Forecast and Everybody Votes Channel!


Who the freaking care who wins XD hahaha as long as your getting the games you like heck it could be in last place

whatever said:
Where are the numbers showing how many people bought a PS3 as mainly or exclusively a Blu-ray player.

I would bet that, on average, Wiis get more gaming use than PS3s.

 lol, yep

___O_o______ said:
You guys, this yankee guy is right to a point. most of you are nintendo fanboys, so you say there are a bunch of games to play. But, you also spout that this console is bought by a lot of casuals. Casuals honestly don't care much about the hardcore games you guys like. They are more for the mainstream games of the Wii, and give a rat's ass about the hardcore games you keep saying everyone will buy.

i will be ROFFLE when the ps3 outsells the Wii for a week worldwide. It will happen in the next 6 months, no matter how much crap is spewed out from your mouths.

In the next 6 months? Well I doubt it but anything could happen... it will either have to be next week/week after whilst Wii is still low, or else GTA4 release [assuming it is same week for US and EU] ... even then I am sceptical. GTA4 will make a huge impact but it would need to almost triple its sales. Despite the unlikelyhood of this happening, what does it mean for PS3 to outsell Wii for 1 week when Wii has outsold PS3 for all other weeks, most by more than double.

___O_o______ said:
You guys, this yankee guy is right to a point. most of you are nintendo fanboys, so you say there are a bunch of games to play. But, you also spout that this console is bought by a lot of casuals. Casuals honestly don't care much about the hardcore games you guys like. They are more for the mainstream games of the Wii, and give a rat's ass about the hardcore games you keep saying everyone will buy.

i will be ROFFLE when the ps3 outsells the Wii for a week worldwide. It will happen in the next 6 months, no matter how much crap is spewed out from your mouths.
