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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The state of the gaming industry in 2014

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the world ends this year so everybody is doomed this time and not just Nintendo! ha in your face haters!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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2014 Steam box is taking over the gaming world.
Not only can you simply slide in a bigger hdd or ssd, but also specially designed gpu's over the years if you want better frame rates.

RedInker said:
Very hard to predict everything that can happen. However I predict that Call of Duty will release in November 2014.

It's not that hard.  It's almost 2013.  Just think about the conditions the companies are in, if their current financial status will change for better or worse, and whether their next console will launch successfully or not at all. 

And yeah, there will be a Call of Duty in 2014.....but will it be Black Ops 3, Modern Warfare 4, World at War 2, Big Red One 2, or (dare I say it) Call of Duty 5?

d21lewis said:

And yeah, there will be a Call of Duty in 2014.....but will it be Black Ops 3, Modern Warfare 4, World at War 2, Big Red One 2, or (dare I say it) Call of Duty 5?

Call of Duty: Ancient Warfare nothing but knife attacks.

Wrong wrong wrong wrong, wrong wrong wrong wrong, your wrong, your wrong, your wrong.

In 2014 the Xbox division will be dead after Rare fanboys took Steve Ballmer hostage and forced him to close down the division that killed their company in Spring of 2013. Sony shut down all their divisions except for Biochemistry and The TARDIS (The newly named study in 2013 on time travel) after firing Kaz as CEO and hiring Bill Ritch as of January 1st 2013 (presenter at 2006 E3 for Genji: Days of the Blade), the company's only goal is to create giant enemy crabs and send them back to feudal Japan to make the game historically accurate. Nintendo still does video games but have branched away from the norm and are the creators of hit Eroge's like Stop Sniffing My Pantsu's Onii-chan, The Day of the Tentacle and Highschool of Bondage. Along with their new genre of games Nintendo have journeyed back to their origins of Love Hotels, the hotels are popular among the young for their rent-able cosplay of their hit game characters.

But one company saw this disaster looming, they knew if they were not to step up to plate the industry would go the way of Newspapers, (Which indecently are used as clothing for hip youngsters). On February 13th of 2013 that brave company now only known as S announced and launched their new console called P.R.O.J.E.C.T 4, (aka P4) it had a rough start at first but by Mid 2013 gamers saw the looming doom of their other console makers and bought P4 in hopes of a brighter gaming future. Their hopes were answered with the rebirth of gaming, dead companies came back to life including Midway, Bullfrog Productions, Factor Five and many more. This revival caused peace to form between fighting countries causing a unity among the world. This story is only just the starting point of what S will do for all in existence it's self, it's difficult challenges that it will face are numerous, but that's another story for a different time because this is the story of SEGA: The Revolution of Humanity.

Former something....

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Ooohhh prediction time!

Nintendo: Since the sweeping success of MH4, the 3DS is now the platform for third parties not on android or ios. The Wii U will have had 2 amazing holidays and because of high developing costs and ease of porting, over 80% of all multiplatform games are on the Wii U. The Wii is no longer produced and is only played by hackers, modders, and hombrewers. The 3DS is fully hacked but the Wii U is still not.

Sony: Sony tries to reboot itself. It tries to make all of its products integrate together like what Apple does but the the sales don't meet the expectations yet again. They try to make the PS3 viable with another cross-over game, but fans only want the PS4 to be released. The PS4 is shown off well but Sony is still determined to support the Vita so the games still look like PS3 quality because of cross-buy/ cross-play. The Vita is now fully hacked and is more prevalent than it was on the PSP. Sony has closed another European Studio after its disastrous failure on the Vita. Sony announces The Last Guardian as a PS4 launch title it the same way as Zelda:TP was.

Microsoft: Microsoft has had a good launch with its new console (no longer having the title "XBOX" in it to appeal to a more mainstream crowd.) There is still a huge problem with the hardware but not in the same vain as the original 360 with the RRoD. Game support from third party is the best since Microsoft has now gone for timed dlc exclusivity this gen. Microsoft has no intention of gaining any more support for its first party and put its focus solely on making its console the entertainment hub. Sales are good for Microsoft only in the U.S. and terrible everywhere else due to the inability to gain content providers outside of the U.S. and Canada. The console is still not hacked yet.

OUYA: Is hacked the first month of its availability. Has a niche and is only available to buy online. Developers show no interest after they receive no profits after they put their products on it. It lives in a way that you see new indie devs put their crap/mediocre games on it. Many Nintendo and some Sony games are copied and put on the OUYA every now and again by devs and they are bad replications.

Apple: They try again with a reboot of Apple TV, but since hipsters can't show off Apple TV at the local bar it is not a success. They just keep on going the same way they always have by just letting third parties put crap on its device.

Steam: The Steam box is released and fully hacked in the same week. Steam users don't buy it because they already have better PC's and console users don't buy it because they don't have any exclusives that make it worth buying. In an attempt to get more users to the Steam box, Valve makes its game exclusive to the PC and the Steam box. It fails and does not get the user's buy the Steam box and instead it loses them much revenue. Steam is still looking like it is going to be the next Vita but since the console is still new it is not ready to be called a failure.

Games: Fracking Amazing and are still fun to play.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

We all look back fondly on the "instant classic" vita that was "too good for its time". Just like we do with the dream cast today.

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

turtuls said:
Ooohhh prediction time!

Nintendo: Since the sweeping success of MH4, the 3DS is now the platform for third parties not on android or ios. The Wii U will have had 2 amazing holidays and because of high developing costs and ease of porting, over 80% of all multiplatform games are on the Wii U. The Wii is no longer produced and is only played by hackers, modders, and hombrewers. The 3DS is fully hacked but the Wii U is still not.

Sony: Sony tries to reboot itself. It tries to make all of its products integrate together like what Apple does but the the sales don't meet the expectations yet again. They try to make the PS3 viable with another cross-over game, but fans only want the PS4 to be released. The PS4 is shown off well but Sony is still determined to support the Vita so the games still look like PS3 quality because of cross-buy/ cross-play. The Vita is now fully hacked and is more prevalent than it was on the PSP. Sony has closed another European Studio after its disastrous failure on the Vita. Sony announces The Last Guardian as a PS4 launch title it the same way as Zelda:TP was.

Microsoft: Microsoft has had a good launch with its new console (no longer having the title "XBOX" in it to appeal to a more mainstream crowd.) There is still a huge problem with the hardware but not in the same vain as the original 360 with the RRoD. Game support from third party is the best since Microsoft has now gone for timed dlc exclusivity this gen. Microsoft has no intention of gaining any more support for its first party and put its focus solely on making its console the entertainment hub. Sales are good for Microsoft only in the U.S. and terrible everywhere else due to the inability to gain content providers outside of the U.S. and Canada. The console is still not hacked yet.

OUYA: Is hacked the first month of its availability. Has a niche and is only available to buy online. Developers show no interest after they receive no profits after they put their products on it. It lives in a way that you see new indie devs put their crap/mediocre games on it. Many Nintendo and some Sony games are copied and put on the OUYA every now and again by devs and they are bad replications.

Apple: They try again with a reboot of Apple TV, but since hipsters can't show off Apple TV at the local bar it is not a success. They just keep on going the same way they always have by just letting third parties put crap on its device.

Steam: The Steam box is released and fully hacked in the same week. Steam users don't buy it because they already have better PC's and console users don't buy it because they don't have any exclusives that make it worth buying. In an attempt to get more users to the Steam box, Valve makes its game exclusive to the PC and the Steam box. It fails and does not get the user's buy the Steam box and instead it loses them much revenue. Steam is still looking like it is going to be the next Vita but since the console is still new it is not ready to be called a failure.

Games: Fracking Amazing and are still fun to play.

For some reason, I really liked this one.  I'm gonna make my mom read this to me before I go to bed every night!

d21lewis said:
turtuls said:
Ooohhh prediction time!

Nintendo: Since the sweeping success of MH4, the 3DS is now the platform for third parties not on android or ios. The Wii U will have had 2 amazing holidays and because of high developing costs and ease of porting, over 80% of all multiplatform games are on the Wii U. The Wii is no longer produced and is only played by hackers, modders, and hombrewers. The 3DS is fully hacked but the Wii U is still not.

Sony: Sony tries to reboot itself. It tries to make all of its products integrate together like what Apple does but the the sales don't meet the expectations yet again. They try to make the PS3 viable with another cross-over game, but fans only want the PS4 to be released. The PS4 is shown off well but Sony is still determined to support the Vita so the games still look like PS3 quality because of cross-buy/ cross-play. The Vita is now fully hacked and is more prevalent than it was on the PSP. Sony has closed another European Studio after its disastrous failure on the Vita. Sony announces The Last Guardian as a PS4 launch title it the same way as Zelda:TP was.

Microsoft: Microsoft has had a good launch with its new console (no longer having the title "XBOX" in it to appeal to a more mainstream crowd.) There is still a huge problem with the hardware but not in the same vain as the original 360 with the RRoD. Game support from third party is the best since Microsoft has now gone for timed dlc exclusivity this gen. Microsoft has no intention of gaining any more support for its first party and put its focus solely on making its console the entertainment hub. Sales are good for Microsoft only in the U.S. and terrible everywhere else due to the inability to gain content providers outside of the U.S. and Canada. The console is still not hacked yet.

OUYA: Is hacked the first month of its availability. Has a niche and is only available to buy online. Developers show no interest after they receive no profits after they put their products on it. It lives in a way that you see new indie devs put their crap/mediocre games on it. Many Nintendo and some Sony games are copied and put on the OUYA every now and again by devs and they are bad replications.

Apple: They try again with a reboot of Apple TV, but since hipsters can't show off Apple TV at the local bar it is not a success. They just keep on going the same way they always have by just letting third parties put crap on its device.

Steam: The Steam box is released and fully hacked in the same week. Steam users don't buy it because they already have better PC's and console users don't buy it because they don't have any exclusives that make it worth buying. In an attempt to get more users to the Steam box, Valve makes its game exclusive to the PC and the Steam box. It fails and does not get the user's buy the Steam box and instead it loses them much revenue. Steam is still looking like it is going to be the next Vita but since the console is still new it is not ready to be called a failure.

Games: Fracking Amazing and are still fun to play.

For some reason, I really liked this one.  I'm gonna make my mom read this to me before I go to bed every night!

You should have her read you this instead. It's a better listen.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls


Xbox- 360 selling well due to very low price. The new Xbox only been out for a few months (released xmas 2013), but has a decent fanbase and games already, due to cheap launch price.

Nintendo- Wii and DS, forgotten about mostly. 3DS, selling well and has a comparable gaming catalog to the DS by then. Wii U also doing well, with great 3rd party support

Playstation- PSP and PS2 still selling but no new games for them. PS3 still selling well, with some exclusives coming out still. Vita doing OK, with good support because of price cut in 2013. And PS4 coming out in the spring, costs the same as the new xbox.

Apple- iPad's and iPhone's selling by the bucket load as usual!

PC- growing because of steam and windows 8. Also, steam releases it's own system to compete with the other consoles

Also, lots of cheap Chinese knockoffs of what look like Xbox 720 flood the market

Xbox Series, PS5 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch 2 will outsell the PS5 by 2030