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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 and PS3 YOY changes.

Doesn't tell us much without adjustments. Both consoles could be more down then that. Also tells us both consoles either need a pricecut to drive sales, or don't need a pricecut so Sony and MS can make money.

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man-bear-pig said:

Maybe they are keeping the release of the 720 on the DL (that stands for down low, yo) so they can get a surprise jump-start on the PS4. One can hope...

Not so sure of that. The last jump-start I an remember was Sega Saturn in US and it flopped hard. If they really release it in 2013 (and I think they will), it'll be announced in E3 for a hollidays release.

Announcing it now, they would just give hollidays for Sony and Ninty and wouldn't have any advantage for doing that, since we already got the Wii U and Sony could announce PS4 at E3 and still keep a god sales level at this year's hollidays.

kowenicki said:

Year of two halves?

Global numbers YOY.

Jan to Jun 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 12.73%,    360 down 20.58%

Jul to now 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 37.13%,    360 down 29.59%


I thought it was interesting.  What does this tell us?





It tells us that you waited to make this thread untill just a few weeks after the PS3 fell behind the 360 in yoy sales for the second part of the year and right before the new PS3 slim model comes out which will boost sales back up. *golf clap*

kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:

Year of two halves?

Global numbers YOY.

Jan to Jun 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 12.73%,    360 down 20.58%

Jul to now 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 37.13%,    360 down 29.59%


I thought it was interesting.  What does this tell us?





It tells us that you waited to make this thread untill just a few weeks after the PS3 fell behind the 360 in yoy sales for the second part of the year and right before the new PS3 slim model comes out which will boost sales back up. *golf clap*


That would be devious if it was true wouldnt it.  

Unfortunately, it isnt. The PS3 fell behind the PS3 in second half year sales?  really?  Guess what.... you're wrong.... again!  The PS3 is ahead of the 360 for the second half of the year by about 200k.  Oops the whole premise of your post (whining) went up in smoke. 

It tells us something concrete and it tells us something real, if you cant deal with it then buy a blanket.  Run along.

Lol nope, i'm talking about market share the same thing you're talking about in your original post, not unit sales difference, nevermind you're wrong again, run along. *rolls eyes*

kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:

Year of two halves?

Global numbers YOY.

Jan to Jun 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 12.73%,    360 down 20.58%

Jul to now 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 37.13%,    360 down 29.59%


I thought it was interesting.  What does this tell us?





It tells us that you waited to make this thread untill just a few weeks after the PS3 fell behind the 360 in yoy sales for the second part of the year and right before the new PS3 slim model comes out which will boost sales back up. *golf clap*


That would be devious if it was true wouldnt it.  

Unfortunately, it isnt. The PS3 fell behind the PS3 in second half year sales?  really?  Guess what.... you're wrong.... again!  The PS3 is ahead of the 360 for the second half of the year by about 200k.  Oops the whole premise of your post (whining) went up in smoke. 

It tells us something concrete and it tells us something real, if you cant deal with it then buy a blanket.  Run along.

Lol nope, i'm talking about market share the same thing you're talking about in your original post, not unit sales difference, nevermind you're wrong again, run along. *rolls eyes*

you said in yoy sales.  thats not market share, its sales.  stop back tracking.

I quoted your post about market share yoy so that is what i was talking about, you're wrong, fact.

Around the Network

PS3 super slim is here.

kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:

Year of two halves?

Global numbers YOY.

Jan to Jun 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 12.73%,    360 down 20.58%

Jul to now 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 37.13%,    360 down 29.59%


I thought it was interesting.  What does this tell us?





It tells us that you waited to make this thread untill just a few weeks after the PS3 fell behind the 360 in yoy sales for the second part of the year and right before the new PS3 slim model comes out which will boost sales back up. *golf clap*


That would be devious if it was true wouldnt it.  

Unfortunately, it isnt. The PS3 fell behind the PS3 in second half year sales?  really?  Guess what.... you're wrong.... again!  The PS3 is ahead of the 360 for the second half of the year by about 200k.  Oops the whole premise of your post (whining) went up in smoke. 

It tells us something concrete and it tells us something real, if you cant deal with it then buy a blanket.  Run along.

Lol nope, i'm talking about market share the same thing you're talking about in your original post, not unit sales difference, nevermind you're wrong again, run along. *rolls eyes*

you said in yoy sales.  thats not market share, its sales.  stop back tracking.

I quoted your post about market share yoy so that is what i was talking about, you're wrong, fact.

It isnt about market share.  Its about YOY decreases.  Where the fuck are you getting market share from?

*rolls eyes* What ever cherry picking year on year stat you happen to be refering to in your original post that is from July till now, that is what i am refering to. You waited to make this thread until just a few weeks after the PS3 fell behind the 360 in terms of that stat. *golf clap*

Turkish said:
PS3 super slim is here.

That'll probably only provide a boost for a week or two, then level off where it was before-ish, then sales will increase for the holidays.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

It tells us that ps3 had a price cut this time last year

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

trasharmdsister12 said:
kowenicki said:

its just facts... I know that doesnt always go down well here. But its interesting none the less.

Oh I'm not knocking the content of the OP. OPs like this can drive some good sales discussion (which is lacking severely in presence). I just know that things like this often erupt into juvenile attacks so I'm going to keep a close eye to make sure to to catch any of it early. I should've just kept my mouth shut and eyes open as I appear to be the main factor of derailment so far. *sigh*

*fades into background*

You should follow the poster of this thread very closely then..

OT: Well, yes the ps3 dropping in price about a year ago increasing sales almost dramatically a year ago would explain why it looks to be doing so bad in comparison to a year ago.. since it's not getting that huge boost during the July-present dates it got during the same time frame last year..

