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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Does this picture offend you? [NSFW] [VERY GRAPHIC, WARNING]


Well does it?

Yes. 13 12.75%
No. 58 56.86%
Reported. 30 29.41%


    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Around the Network

Expected /r/spacedicks. Saw a misposted /r/wtf. Disappointed.

No and people shouldn't be offended at all since you never intended to with the op. It was merely a question.

ROFL @ Badgenome

People who are offended by "a pile of chocolate pudding" are the ones that need to be banned for being overly sensitive; especially when its in cartoon form. For as long as I've been on forums, I've seen things (on this site) that's much worse that your OP that people didn't find offensive; that ultimately got the OP and or user banned. It's pitiful.

Dude... That's the most offensive thing ever.

sethnintendo said:
He called the shit, poop! - Billy Madison
