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Forums - Sony Discussion - PSN to get day one downloads of key October releases with PS+ members getting discounts


With deals like these, are you more likely to consider PSN/PS+?

I already prefer psn over... 29 34.94%
The ps+ discounts make it VERY enticing 19 22.89%
Not bad, not bad at all. 15 18.07%
I still prefer hard copies over anything else 16 19.28%
No, just- no! 3 3.61%


The new program is called "PSN Day 1 Digital" and includes the following games:

  • Resident Evil 6 (October 2 – $59.99)
  • NBA 2K13 (October 2 – $59.99/$53.99 for PS Plus members, with pre-order)*
  • Dishonored (October 9 – $59.99/$53.99 for PS Plus members, with pre-order)*
  • DOOM 3: BFG Edition (October 16 – $39.99/$35.99 for PS Plus members, with pre-order)*
  • 007: Legends (October 16 – $59.99)+
  • Medal Of Honor: Warfighter (October – $59.99)
  • Need For Speed: Most Wanted (October 30t – $59.99/$53.99 for PS Plus members, with pre-order)*
  • Assassin’s Creed III (October 30 – $59.99)*

* Available for pre-order
+ 10% discount for PS Plus members during first week of availability


Yeah...nothing else to say really except..."yeah..."

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Around the Network

A day one discount of $6? Not bad at all.

pokoko said:
A day one discount of $6? Not bad at all.

Let's be honest, if you searched hard enough, you could get a better deal on hard copies day one as well. However, as this is psn where you normally get ripped off, this is kind of a big deal.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Ajescent said:
pokoko said:
A day one discount of $6? Not bad at all.

Let's be honest, if you searched hard enough, you could get a better deal on hard copies day one as well. However, as this is psn where you normally get ripped off, this is kind of a big deal.

Sometimes yes, if you get free shipping and don't have to pay taxes.  It's not an incredible deal, but it's not bad.  It's a start for digital content on consoles having better pricing, anyway.

Sony is really strengthening its online space.

Just like Kaz Hirai told he would do, when he took over as Sony CEO.

The way they are pushing PS+ and Gaikai purchase, prove that

Around the Network

PSN becoming more like Steam.

Good job Sony, good job.

O_O!! might pick up that Doom 3!!

I wish downloads of full games were cheaper. Downloads should be 20% off RRP. Plus, i dread waiting for a game like Assassin's creed III to download, it would take forever.It's good that PSN is offering the choice, nonetheless

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the2real4mafol said:
I wish downloads of full games were cheaper. Downloads should be 20% off RRP. Plus, i dread waiting for a game like Assassin's creed III to download, it would take forever.It's good that PSN is offering the choice, nonetheless

Ass-creed is "pre-downloadable" meaning you can download the game before its official release date and then be able to play it at exactly 00:01 The night it's released

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

PSN+ downloads have killed my 320 GB drive. I'm down to my last 50 GBs dammit.!