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Forums - Sony Discussion - SONY rating cut again by S&P. *Update: Moodys follow suit.

d21lewis said:
One of the reasons why I don't think there is ever going to be a Playstation 4.

But... that would mean the end of SCE as a whole (basically). Sony will cut off the handheld business first before they do that and concentrate on their home console business. (And as much as I want the Vita to have a great library of cheap games for me to play through in 2015, I think that's exactly what they're gonna do - either that or let the Vita die a slow death while concentrating on the PS4)

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bye bye Sony,it was fun while it lasted.

i think Sony should stop buying studios and compagny until they make some profit

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

sales2099 said:
VGKing said:

I don't really give a f**k. They still seem to be pumping out great AAA games.
Vita is a different story though...

Ya you and all other PS3 fans dont give a f**k..........until they close a studio. Then its all "WTH happened?!?!!?" 

FYI.......the only AAA game they released this year was Journey.....and the dev announced they are going multiplat. Seems Sony couldnt afford to renew the exclusivity contract. 


And I can't wait to play it on WiiU!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Hmm, the next quarter's totals are due out fairly soon, aren't they? End of June was the finish for the first quarter, so end of September should be the cut off point, correct?

I'm interested in seeing how Sony did and if the negative outlook is going to continue.

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Second time this year? Damn

d21lewis said:
One of the reasons why I don't think there is ever going to be a Playstation 4.

This is also why the PS3 was discontinued after three years on the market like everyone said.

OT: Hirai sure inherited an assload of hurt from his predecessors... This does not bode well at all. The gaming division will be the last to undergo cuts though, since it historically has been pretty damn lucrative and has made them a global superpower. But they sure do need a PS4 that nets them a small profit already from the beginning, they can't take another PS3 sized bleed-out.

Mummelmann said:
d21lewis said:
One of the reasons why I don't think there is ever going to be a Playstation 4.

This is also why the PS3 was discontinued after three years on the market like everyone said.

OT: Hirai sure inherited an assload of hurt from his predecessors... This does not bode well at all. The gaming division will be the last to undergo cuts though, since it historically has been pretty damn lucrative and has made them a global superpower. But they sure do need a PS4 that nets them a small profit already from the beginning, they can't take another PS3 sized bleed-out.

@bold. Exactly.

Now, do u guys think PS4 will be a continuation of the "add more power" strategy that SONY has been following w the brand or could it be a race head to head w Nintendo to bring the most innovative product?

carlos3189 said:
Now, do u guys think PS4 will be a continuation of the "add more power" strategy that SONY has been following w the brand or could it be a race head to head w Nintendo to bring the most innovative product?

I'm sure they'd like to take the 'add more power' route, but that route usually ends up associated with 'What do you mean there's nothing left in the accounts?' lately. However, 'power' doesn't necessarily need to mean expensive these days either and even quad core processors, in bulk, probably won't put them out a huge amount of money. I think they could do both. Get the power that they can work with and afford while doing their damnedest to work some innovation with their first and third party people.

A console that is profitable out of the gate with a line up of mind meltingly good launch games would do wonders for their bottom line.