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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - “Still millions” of potential Wii customers, says NoA boss

Well the Wii still needs to top 100M to be considered a success :D

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S.Peelman said:
Turkish said:
S.Peelman said:
Turkish said:
DanneSandin said:
If they catered to other markets as well Wii could reach 120m - but they really have to launch it in eastern Europe and South America then....

lol really

Yes really.

Do you know how many people there are in South America and Eastern Europe? It's not a stretch to think 20m of them will buy a Wii someday. Especially when like 60m of them bought a PS2.

lol you cant compare ps2 success with wii there

I know the PS2 is some kind of divine entity to you, but just because Wii's sales have slowed in the West and Japan doesn't mean it will fail in the new markets.

It will be new there. It will sell. It's just as big of an upgrade to them (the people of Eastern Europe and South America) as a new Gen is for us. The Wii will be the 'new' thing replacing their 'old' thing; the PS2 which they had for a while now.

And for the record. I wasn't comparing the PS2's succes to the potential Wii's. If anything, I said PS2 would beat the Wii 3-1 in the end in those markets, but sales will be there nontheless.

I heard from various people that Wii was available in some S. American countries, it was also available in Turkey via a Turkish partner.

Those markets are Sony territory, Sony won't lose those places and there is still PS3.

Turkish said:
S.Peelman said:
Turkish said:
S.Peelman said:
Turkish said:
DanneSandin said:
If they catered to other markets as well Wii could reach 120m - but they really have to launch it in eastern Europe and South America then....

lol really

Yes really.

Do you know how many people there are in South America and Eastern Europe? It's not a stretch to think 20m of them will buy a Wii someday. Especially when like 60m of them bought a PS2.

lol you cant compare ps2 success with wii there

I know the PS2 is some kind of divine entity to you, but just because Wii's sales have slowed in the West and Japan doesn't mean it will fail in the new markets.

It will be new there. It will sell. It's just as big of an upgrade to them (the people of Eastern Europe and South America) as a new Gen is for us. The Wii will be the 'new' thing replacing their 'old' thing; the PS2 which they had for a while now.

And for the record. I wasn't comparing the PS2's succes to the potential Wii's. If anything, I said PS2 would beat the Wii 3-1 in the end in those markets, but sales will be there nontheless.

I heard from various people that Wii was available in some S. American countries, it was also available in Turkey via a Turkish partner.

Those markets are Sony territory, Sony won't lose those places and there is still PS3.

Yes, no chance of that, just like Sony would never end up in third place following a generation in which they *dominated*. No chance. Can't happen. (Ken Kutaragi, is that you?)

Turkish said:

I heard from various people that Wii was available in some S. American countries, it was also available in Turkey via a Turkish partner.

Those markets are Sony territory, Sony won't lose those places and there is still PS3.

That's very presumptuous, the same could have been said about the Wii in the US and Japan, but it didn't turn out that way. PS may have a strong advantage there, but not one to rule out all other proposals entirely.

Also, regarding the 20M suggested by S.Peelman, if the Wii sold 96M without the extra 60M in the other territories of the PS2 (so 1:1 parity with PS2 in all regions except the ones in OP), then what's to say they can't accomplish the same parity over the 60M?

Lastly, S.Peelman suggested 20M. Even if what you're saying is true (that you can't compare to Sony's success there), 1/3 of the success is not such an unreasonable suggestion.

Also it needs to drop to $99 in November

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d