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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

DarkThanatos said:
radishhead said:

After reading through the last 50 posts, I'm really starting to doubt that we've "cracked" anything - the only way to know for sure is to lynch Mantle, which I'm not completely opposed to, but I'm not sure if it's worth doing just to test someone's theory on character alignment

I think I'm fairly confident on the races.  

Plain Human : Mafia

Corrupted Human and Shadowspan: Town 

Godlike: Town/ 3rd Party

I'm taking this from the OP and from the knowledge that I am Ertagor, a Corrupted Human and town. 

However the only way that we can confirm anything or get any more knowledge now is to lynch someone and see what the reaction/ turnout is. 

Out of all the players so far, Mantle has stood out to me, as having inconsitent arguments, flaws in his knowledge and responses, and throwing around accusations based on little to try and shake off suspicion, rather then giving consistent counter-arguments. Seeing as 7 of us have at some point voted Mantle, and two more have said they are willing to vote for Mantle, I would reccomend giving that a thought. 

Point out the inconsistent arguments.

I can see where you are with flaws in knowledge.

Also show me where I throw around accusations based on little to try and shake off suspicion. Do you know that this is exactly what conj said last round as scum? I am not going to say only scum say this, but this point needs proper proof.

What do you feel about Nen?

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TruckOSaurus said:

Okay, let me tell you what's bothering me then.

I've done some checking and you were the first one to use the term "shadowling" which is fine since I figured you got the term from the same place I did. From that point on, I assumed you were shadowspawn/shadowling.

Then came the whole deal with prof and HappyD arguing about names. Now, I don't pretend to understand prof's mind but as I read it from my point of view I thought he was pressuring HappyD because he thought you made up a name and that a scum HappyD had followed suit to appear town while not realizing shadowlings didn't have names.

Afterwards came the answer that there were corrupted humans and that humans had names.

Now, what I'm getting at is:

If you are a shadowling, how come you have name? And if you're a human, where did you get the term shadowling?

Ah, I might as well clear that up.

I felt that the term "Shadowling" was a good neutral term for calling others. Essentially calling people "townies" if you will (In previous games, even if they weren't actual townies, they wouldn't object to me calling them that term.) I did not want to directly call anyone specifically a "SpadowSpawn" (the actual role that Stefl has given some players), as there are at least three different types of players, and any of them could be pro-town (including God-like and Corrupted Human). So I coined the term "shadowling", as it fits the wordage of "townie" as well as the flavor we're playing in. Role playing is fun, but I did need to clarify that. ^_~


However, I do think you're pressing too hard for me to reveal my true form (whether it be ShadowSpawn, Human, or GodLike) right now. I'm not going to reveal it at this time. Be gone!

Smeags said:

Ah, I might as well clear that up.

I felt that the term "Shadowling" was a good neutral term for calling others. Essentially calling people "townies" if you will (In previous games, even if they weren't actual townies, they wouldn't object to me calling them that term.) I did not want to directly call anyone specifically a "SpadowSpawn" (the actual role that Stefl has given some players), as there are at least three different types of players, and any of them could be pro-town (including God-like and Corrupted Human). So I coined the term "shadowling", as it fits the wordage of "townie" as well as the flavor we're playing in. Role playing is fun, but I did need to clarify that. ^_~


However, I do think you're pressing too hard for me to reveal my true form (whether it be ShadowSpawn, Human, or GodLike) right now. I'm not going to reveal it at this time. Be gone!


Smeags, can I ask you to confirm the correctness of my post below (underlined) and the incorrectness of the one quoted (bolded)? I ask because I'm having trouble ridding myself of the bs from prof:

happydolphin said:

theprof00 said:

You are so blind.

I haven't danced at all. I asked you questions that you've OUTRIGHT refused to answer. I've told you that it's important that you answer these questions. You've instead called me a bully. I PREDICTED that not answering questions leads to problems, you refused again. Now I tell you everything and you say I'm dancing.

My justification:

You called yourself a shadowling, smeags used the word before you. Smeags claimed a name. Then you did too. I am a shadowling and I don't have a name. Therefore, you cannot be a shadowling and have a name. That is called logic. Then after much arguing, you say that you are a corrupt human. I just want to make sure you are being honest because it sounded like you were just making something up to "satisfy me". I told you there would be no problems, that I am not a firebrand who likes to start trouble simply because of a misunderstanding. You have time and again danced around.

Mario was a human yet as a human yourself, you never felt the need to say "hey guys maybe humans aren't all mafia". These are questions that I ask you to avoid all this conflagration.


You claim to be a shadowling, but don't believe that that is a shadowspawn. So be truthful and explain how you are a shadowling and I am not.

If Smeags used the word before me to denote anyone in the land of darkness, as Linkz and I brought forth his posts, you should see that you claiming to be a shadowling as a creature with no name contradicts Smeags' use of the word, and as such you mislead everybody, and are now blaming me for holding my cards close to my chest for YOUR mistakes.


It would help if you put it in the form of "HappyD was right, and Prof was wrong". lol

As facetious as this may sound, this will help me, personally, and town achieve their goals imho. Thanks in advance!

happydolphin said:
theprof00 said:

Good night everyone, I had a good rest.

So, first things first


I voted for Mantle because I thought Hat was a nighttime lie detector. Guess not.

Secondly, I'm not seeing any lightness in his recent posts.

Thirdly, Mantle, just don't talk to happy. He still thinks I've made mistakes but cannot put them into words.

Fourthly, we have not "cracked the DRM", and anyone who has claimed or said anything of insight AFTER my initial interrogation on happy is moot. I gave away everything and the only people that can be trusted as having said the truth about their roles would have come previous to that. We do not allow "me too's" in mafia.

My current town list is mantle, hat, happy, trucks. I disagree with whoever had said it that zero is town.
We have 19 players, and this is 5 down for me. 14 to go.


EDIT: put 'unvote' on a separate line.

Wat >.>

I asked you to question me but you never did.

If you're still convinced I'm wrong, feel free to ask me questions in a numbered format, and I will answer them. I am not the type who thinks "playing close to my chest" is a good strategy, nor is answering questions with questions, so as long as you ask me a coherent series of questions without writing things like "that proves you are mafia" or "that is hypocritical" of which will simply make the discussion more convoluted as I retort, I will answer each and every one and prove to you that I've made no mistake.

happydolphin said:
Smeags said:

Ah, I might as well clear that up.

I felt that the term "Shadowling" was a good neutral term for calling others. Essentially calling people "townies" if you will (In previous games, even if they weren't actual townies, they wouldn't object to me calling them that term.) I did not want to directly call anyone specifically a "SpadowSpawn" (the actual role that Stefl has given some players), as there are at least three different types of players, and any of them could be pro-town (including God-like and Corrupted Human). So I coined the term "shadowling", as it fits the wordage of "townie" as well as the flavor we're playing in. Role playing is fun, but I did need to clarify that. ^_~


However, I do think you're pressing too hard for me to reveal my true form (whether it be ShadowSpawn, Human, or GodLike) right now. I'm not going to reveal it at this time. Be gone!


Smeags, can I ask you to confirm the correctness of my post below (underlined) and the incorrectness of the one quoted (bolded)? I ask because I'm having trouble ridding myself of the bs from prof:

happydolphin said:

theprof00 said:

You are so blind.

I haven't danced at all. I asked you questions that you've OUTRIGHT refused to answer. I've told you that it's important that you answer these questions. You've instead called me a bully. I PREDICTED that not answering questions leads to problems, you refused again. Now I tell you everything and you say I'm dancing.

My justification:

You called yourself a shadowling, smeags used the word before you. Smeags claimed a name. Then you did too. I am a shadowling and I don't have a name. Therefore, you cannot be a shadowling and have a name. That is called logic. Then after much arguing, you say that you are a corrupt human. I just want to make sure you are being honest because it sounded like you were just making something up to "satisfy me". I told you there would be no problems, that I am not a firebrand who likes to start trouble simply because of a misunderstanding. You have time and again danced around.

Mario was a human yet as a human yourself, you never felt the need to say "hey guys maybe humans aren't all mafia". These are questions that I ask you to avoid all this conflagration.


You claim to be a shadowling, but don't believe that that is a shadowspawn. So be truthful and explain how you are a shadowling and I am not.

If Smeags used the word before me to denote anyone in the land of darkness, as Linkz and I brought forth his posts, you should see that you claiming to be a shadowling as a creature with no name contradicts Smeags' use of the word, and as such you mislead everybody, and are now blaming me for holding my cards close to my chest for YOUR mistakes.


It would help if you put it in the form of "HappyD was right, and Prof was wrong". lol

As facetious as this may sound, this will help me, personally, and town achieve their goals imho. Thanks in advance!

He cannot answer that it is or it isn't a contradiction because he has no way of knowing about shadowlings with or without names. He just said that he used the word erringly as just a blanket term for 'shadow people'. However, someone like myself, who IS called a shadowling, picked up on it, and looked to see if anyone else used the word. There were three instances. Smeags, you, and trucks, though in Trucks' case, he never uses the word shadowling, but "underling", which I felt was similar enough. I also left him out of the examples, but now seeing him come in and specifically ask about shadowlings is, to me, confirming that I read him correctly.

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theprof00 said:

He cannot answer that it is or it isn't a contradiction because he has no way of knowing about shadowlings with or without names. He just said that he used the word erringly as just a blanket term for 'shadow people'. However, someone like myself, who IS called a shadowling, picked up on it, and looked to see if anyone else used the word. There were three instances. Smeags, you, and trucks, though in Trucks' case, he never uses the word shadowling, but "underling", which I felt was similar enough. I also left him out of the examples, but now seeing him come in and specifically ask about shadowlings is, to me, confirming that I read him correctly.

It's bs.

You called yourself a shadowling, smeags used the word before you. Smeags claimed a name. Then you did too. I am a shadowling and I don't have a name. Therefore, you cannot be a shadowling and have a name. That is called logic.

That was your logic, nothing about some secluded information we didn't know about, only what you wrote was your logic. Otherwise, hidden information is not considered logic, it's considered hidden information.

THAT is called logic.

Vote: No Lynch

Just throwing this out there because I was alright with lynching Mantle, but I think that his story adds up now (I can understand why he would address himself as "human" rather than "corrupted human" if he thought that the "corrupted" part only applied to him). Although I've got a few suspects, I've not got enough evidence (read: any evidence) to make it worth placing a vote at the moment.

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zero129 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Smeags said:

Nay. Rolaze was the name given to me by Stefl our Supreme Creator. I wear the name proudly.

(Anywho, today's kinda busy for me with a test in school, but I'll try and stop by later on to participate more.)

Are you a shadowling or a corrupt human?

Ok now you talking about Shadowlings, as far as i know its something smeags just made up!.

It's not. If Smeags is to be believed (and I currently do), he just happened to use a term that's part of the game setup by accident while roleplaying.

Signature goes here!

zero129 said:
theprof00 said:
zero129 said:

Well Hatz didnt really give me any reason to think he is lying. also once he pointed out what he meant by the two towns thing being about two types of humans the rest of his posts made alot of sense to me.

Also i dont think he is right about prof being town, but i think he might be just saying that so everyone can stop focusing on you and prof and move on to more important things.

Mean reason i think prof might be scum is his back and fort with you and his shadowling claim, when we all know the is no such thing. its like he wanted to take attintion away from the whole mantle thing maybe.

So for now i have Mantle, Prof, Mario on my watch list.

But no i cant vote for links cos i dont think he is scum, well at least im not getting a scummy vibe off him atm.

Why are you blindly following Hat when I jumped on his vote as well. Surely if you think that I am mafia then the mantle lynch is not to be trusted, yet, you said that if mantle is town, hat has explaining to do. This doesn't add up to me.

Also, that is why I said you 'didn't claim shadowspawn', because in my point of view, we haven't seen a single person actually called shadowspawn. I know of shadowling and we've heard of corrupted town, but we haven't seen shadowspawn. Anyone can feel free to correct me, but this is precisely why I said you didn't claim.

1What doesnt add up?. i explained why im going to trust hatz for today, remember i only have last game to go off but in that game hatz was right about alot of things. and i dont think he would of put himself out knowing if he is wrong the will be a sure lynch on himself the next day unless he really has something.

2But i will admit my opinion could change again as the has been alot of replys since i made that post and im still just reading them.

3Also Prof, dont try playing the game you where playing with HappyD with me cos really it wont work. I was one of the first to claim Shadowspawn. We do know that the is Shadowspawn as i am one and so is some other players who claimed (Plus we have it writing in the OP!!). Shadowling on the other hand we have no proof of other then you words and this is why i highely suspect you.

theprof00 said:
By the way, you said my back and forth with happy was scummy. Please explain. What did you make of the argument?
You seemed interested in some things, specifically had questions. I answered them. How does it all fit into your theory, now that you know everything?

Honestly, I want to see if you're actually keeping up with what was going on, because I don't think you were, and I think you're using the argument to paint me negatively, which strangely enough, you didn't accuse happy despite him being involved.

4I told you what i made of it. I find it as a bunch of random babble (I dont think im the only one) that didnt lead anywhere and took about god only knows how many pages to get to nothing.

5But it did allow you to make slips such as you being a "Shadowling" etc when i know for a fact that the town has no shadowlings and only ShadowSpawn!!.

theprof00 said:
Oh, also I voted for mantle, yet you say I'm trying to take the heat off of him?

6 I voted for everyone in my team last game and yet i turned out to be scum in that one.

1 What doesn't add up, which I thought I wrote clearly enough, is this:
You say you think I'm scum - You voted with Hatmoza, someone I also voted with - you say Hat seems like town - You then say that if Mantle is town, Hat has explaining to do. The problem is, townies make mistakes, and mafia capitalize on them. I'm on the lynch, you think I'm scum, you should be thinking that I'm taking advantage of a mislynch. So why would Hat have explaining to do, the person who you think is town, and not prof who has explaining to do, someone who is mafia and put a vote down immediately after Hat did?

2I'm not interested in changing anyone's opinions, I'm interested in the mindset that made you say that. Any scum can say, oh, I was wrong I think differently now. The point is to find out 'why' they thought differently.

3 I'm not playing any game. Shadowspawn is in the OP. It's an easy fakeclaim. You can't just use the op and say 'oh, I am confirmed then', because me, as a town shadow'ling' who has looked at the terminology in the OP and found it to be lacking, doesn't trust someone who claims the OP flavor default.

4So you don't know who was right and who was wrong? Are you admitting to not reading it?

5 It's not a slip. It was carefully calculated. As proof of which, I am a shadowling with no name. I called happy on a claim which I perceived as 'shadowling Selyan'. He refers to himself as a shadowling, and calls himself shadowling. On my left hand, I have me, shadowling no name, and on my right hand I have shadowling with a name. The two don't make sense together. I challenge happy, and guess what? He's not a shadowling. Thereby proving my logic that a shadowling cannot have a name. It's simple really. Please explain to me how that was a slip.

6 You said I brought up an argument with mantle to take the heat off of him. This has nothing to do with voting for scummates. You said that my purpose was to remove pressure from mantle, but you can plainly see that I was still putting pressure on him as well by discussing him with Hatmoza while CONCURRENTLY arguing with Dolphin.

Wasn't there a previous round where we had some members of a faction that had a name and others that didn't? I can't remember

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