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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Would it matter if other people had the points and I didnt ask the questions? No. The points are still there, its just i put the points together to come up with the scenario that youre 3rd party.

Just because I never wrote them down, doesnt mean I wasnt thinking them. If someone notices something before me, then big whoop. Ive not been on NEARLY as much as some people and I wont see things as quick as other people would. What youre essentially saying is that if you arent the first to notice something, then its scummy. To quote you, "lol".

Im also not trying to "protect" myself from a lynch. Just because Im focused on you, doesnt mean im trying to somehow save myself. Ive seen other people are suspicious of me, for whatever reason, but theres nothing really that Ive noticed to say to them. You, on the other hand... Thats a different matter.

I dont see what was so bad about asking hat about his race. I was curious after re-reading a spat between him and truck (I think it was truck).

Ive held the same suspicion. It didnt change. You DID say you were straight up, human... AND you said you thought Light was Town.

Why would you do both? Please answer me. Why would you claim plain Human and then say that Light was Town? What are you, mantle?


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mantlepiecek said:

Like I said, the theory that I should have known everything as an uninformed majority compared to informed minority is laughable.

As you can see, mario made the same mistake as town. So yeah, keep trying harder.

Oh, and you are not corrupted human. I know this for a fact.

Do you really know this for a fact or it's just a way for you to show you're convinced of your claim?

Signature goes here!

Carl2291 said:
Would it matter if other people had the points and I didnt ask the questions? No. The points are still there, its just i put the points together to come up with the scenario that youre 3rd party.

Just because I never wrote them down, doesnt mean I wasnt thinking them. If someone notices something before me, then big whoop. Ive not been on NEARLY as much as some people and I wont see things as quick as other people would. What youre essentially saying is that if you arent the first to notice something, then its scummy. To quote you, "lol".

Im also not trying to "protect" myself from a lynch. Just because Im focused on you, doesnt mean im trying to somehow save myself. Ive seen other people are suspicious of me, for whatever reason, but theres nothing really that Ive noticed to say to them. You, on the other hand... Thats a different matter.

I dont see what was so bad about asking hat about his race. I was curious after re-reading a spat between him and truck (I think it was truck).

Ive held the same suspicion. It didnt change. You DID say you were straight up, human... AND you said you thought Light was Town.

Why would you do both? Please answer me. Why would you claim plain Human and then say that Light was Town? What are you, mantle?

Except you are the only one who is left with those points now. Others who brought those points up I've already spoken against.
Let us see then, you say I refused to say whether I am pro-town. You realize how foolish that statement is, considering I've already said it?

I said it in the statement where I claim "plain" human. Once again you prove your weak suspicion on me.

This is called parroting. Saying things others do but not actually believing in it.

You also realize hat refused to say it as well? Linkz actually said he is mafia.

So why aren't you being against him?

You have no other points. All you can do is write down what other people say and use it in your weak attempt at trying to save yourself.

Why would I claim human? I already said it. It was to clear hat of being town. In that post itself I say that trucks, zero and hat, all are pro-town. And I was right about two from the flips already.

You say you haven't been trying to save yourself from a lynch, but then your suspicion on me only started after I was suspicious of you. You started being aggressive towards me only after I was super aggressive. So why is it that all the reasons for me being scum were there before me being on your case, but you got aggressive only after I did?

That's called trying to save yourself.

Why would I say light is town? It should be pretty obvious really. There is no mention of light being town or scum in my pm. Nor in the OP flavor.

I am corrupted human, which I have also claimed.

With hat's hint, there is literally no way you could have been doubtful that he is corrupted human.

TruckOSaurus said:
mantlepiecek said:

Like I said, the theory that I should have known everything as an uninformed majority compared to informed minority is laughable.

As you can see, mario made the same mistake as town. So yeah, keep trying harder.

Oh, and you are not corrupted human. I know this for a fact.

Do you really know this for a fact or it's just a way for you to show you're convinced of your claim?

The latter :-p

The fact that hatmoza got killed is interesting. He wasn't the most trusted player in the game many people voiced suspicions of him so why kill him?

Then reading his flipped role, a very good reason arose! He was a flavor cop and if I remember correctly he scanned Carl as "Human" but since we didn't know if he was supposed to scan just Human/Non-Human we didn't make much of it.

So what if Carl is a non corrupt human (scum) that got scanned but got off because of this technicality then you can bet the scum team would be terrified of hatmoza scanning a real corrupt human and reporting this the following Night thus incriminating Carl. That would make killing hatmoza essential!

Signature goes here!

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wow, thanks for killing hat for me lol

I'm going to side with Mantle against Carl. Like Mantle has been saying, Carl has just been parroting over and over. If he had given up by now then maybe I would have just put it down to him looking to get a different reaction out of Mantle but the fact that he is continuing with these weak points despite the same result coming out of it which just doesn't seem right.

On top of that like Truck pointed out, Hat scanned him human and seeing as Hat probably scanned me last night since I had so much suspicion on me, he would have mostly likely found that I was corrupt human (I am still not 100% convinced that Hat scanned corrupt humans and humans differently but it seems the most likely scenerio now) and thus would have known that corrupt humans scanned differently. Like Truck said, mafia couldn't risk this happening and thus they needed to get rid of him.

Vote: Carl

vote: carl
Mantle who are you other suspects? Darkthan, linkz, yoshi?

theprof00 said:
vote: carl
Mantle who are you other suspects? Darkthan, linkz, yoshi?

Dark thanatos, ff, linkz. Maybe noctis, yoshiya weakest scum feel.

Actually, let's vote yoshi instead and see ehat he flips.
If he flips human we can lynch carl tomorrow.
Vote yoshi