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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

That's 4 players already dead mantle, seeing that i'm a tree stump now.

I'm a dead man talking.

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Radish who do you think is scum, just curious.

Smeags said:
Linkzmax said:

I will take your mug, but I have no interest in your apology, scum.

I am glad for this, but believe me, it wasn't your manners that made me look back and reassess our bickering. I did not want this to become too tied together and therefore be a focal point if one of us is killed and show up town (I assure you, your words will come back to haunt you if I am consumed by the light). I mean, look at Mantle and Carl... their fates have become intertwined on how much they've focused on each other. I am just not confident enough in your alignment to town to play this game of names.

Also, this night is annoying now that our target for the lynch is obvious. It's not just the forces of darkness that want him dead... it's the forces of light as well. It shall be impossible to get a tell from anyone wanting to lynch him. We'll have to wait another day I suppose.

I am not worried. Why would your teammates kill you, and how could that haunt me? I can understand you wanting to distance yourself from me though, because you think it'd be safer to off me without fear of backlash.

As for mantle and Carl, if mantle somehow flips non-town then his case against Carl goes out the window. If Carl flips town, I don't think it has any bearing on mantle though.

nen-suer said:

Was radish hammered ?
If he is at L-1 let me try voting just for fun :P

Kinda skipped these last posts (really tired) but i think Linkz wanted a proff i was silenced...i think.

I was curious why you hadn't "voted" me. Only you, the silencer, and his teammates if applicable would have known that it doesn't actually count. Would have been a great chance to gauge reactions.

But your idea of proving yourself is a good one. Assuming you still have a voice toMorrow, I'd like you to vote on the leading lynch again so we know it's not just some temporary thing.

I haven't changed my mind from the list I posted earlier - I'd look it up, but I'm doing something else atm

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nen-suer said:
TruckOSaurus said:

nen-suer said:

Thanks smeags.

Vote: Radishead

He should still need two more then

Wouldn't that be three more votes since you're supposed to be silenced?

Oops. In my defense im really tired >_<


Hey, Zero kept calling me "nan" and you didnt hear me complain about it :P

Actually, you were right. The table was wrong for the same reason that Mario's table was off. 

Linkzmax said:

I am not worried. Why would your teammates kill you, and how could that haunt me? I can understand you wanting to distance yourself from me though, because you think it'd be safer to off me without fear of backlash.

As for mantle and Carl, if mantle somehow flips non-town then his case against Carl goes out the window. If Carl flips town, I don't think it has any bearing on mantle though.

You're certainly made up your mind then. That's quite a pity.

Time to move on then.

Indeed. Unless you are a time traveler.

Interesting note, despite getting 17 votes (if i include mantle),
Radish was only voted by three people on both days. Myself, DT, and yoshi

I think you mean nen, but if his counts then smeags vote doesn't technically count. radish's doesn't count either way, but that makes zero and Noc the only players never to vote radish.