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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

mantlepiecek said:

Who are you talking about ?

Proff. Didn't he say he thought me and Zero were Masons?

TruckOSaurus said:
@hatmoza: Could you please post a picture of your face when you read Zero's alignment? Thank you!

Hat is like the prof. In a situation like this he'll blame the dead guy for playing "horribly" ROFL.


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spurgeonryan said:
In what world would Mario just say who and what he is like that?

Mantle why did you vote me and then unvote for no reason?

Didn't everyone think that Mario was supposed to be the cop or something?

If everyone thought mario was cop then they wouldn't have voted him, simple.


And I voted you because you always dance when someone is suspicious of you. It's high time you get used to it and be calm. I don't know if you are town / scum, but you need to show higher level of calmness either way and also decrease your randomness. Think before you post.


Saying "LOLz mantels is sdscum lol" without proof and even probably a feeling isn't going to help anyone, neither you, nor the town, nor the scum.

nen-suer said:


TruckOSaurus said:
@hatmoza: Could you please post a picture of your face when you read Zero's alignment? Thank you!


Hat is like the prof. In a situation like this he'll blame the dead guy for playing "horribly" ROFL.



Exactly. I already know what he is going to say.

spurgeonryan said:
Didn't everyone think that Mario was supposed to be the cop or something?

No we thought he was (3rd party) prof even suggested that he maybe radish's nemisis that was mentioned (if i'm not mistaken )

and it made sense imo (now i'm thinking maybe prof is that dude....dan dan daaaaa).

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Mario was not the nemesis of radish. If that was the case, mario would have gone against radish.

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spurgeonryan said:
I am always calm Mantle. That is me being calm. Do you think I was serious last night when I was trying to push Linkz buttons? DO you think that I care if you are defensive? I always have a reason for what I say, I just do not say the reason because I will either look stupid or it will make sense and the other side will know it. So that was actually kind of a lame excuse. How long did it take you and Linkz to think that one up?

Sorry, if you are trying to act sophisticated or something then let me tell you I have enough experience seeing you play to not be fooled.

Maybe you have changed, if that is the case then ignore me. But if you are the same there is no defence.

Your tone, it doesn't suggest calmness btw.

What a horrible night... truly it couldn't have gotten any worse than that.

I'm off to classes now. Be back in a couple of hours.

Spurge confirmed scum.


There is a fantastic reason why I am budding up to hat. Even he knows it.

I am not going to consider people I know as town as anything less than that.

Mario and Zero both brought that upon themselves, honestly - maybe that'll be a lesson to them. Mario had no reason at all to "claim" so early on. When I'm home I'll do further analysis, and I'll give what I'm going to do regarding my role a long think. Honestly, after seeing the doc and watcher go, I'm not expecting to live tonight anyway

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spurgeonryan said:
Like I said Mantle. Put a case up. the bigger the case the harder your fall. did you just say that you are a mason?

You never said to put up a case.


Anyways. You are nowhere near as important as linkz and carl are right now. Once they get taken out, and if we still feel you are scum, then we will come back to you.