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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

mantlepiecek said:

Sorry it stands for fingers of trust, either way. Prof is the only one I consider 100% town other than (stupid) hat.


I usually don't go around being mean either. But to throw away the caution of fellow people and instead listening to the likes of linkz, seriously you guys get rivalry affect you too much. Not listening to prof was your greatest mistake..

Hat made more sense than proff. And as a corrupted human he could have known the stuff shadow spwans too.

Hat was just  being hat...confident and arrogant.

Prof suggesting that me & Zero were Mason was just "WTF" moment for mee…specially i had to wait for Zero semi role claim to fully trust him.

And btw the moment he instantly agreed when i disagreed with you flavor analysis should made you think he is probably town

Coze no scum with a brain will jump in like that if he didn't know all the facts.

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mantlepiecek said:

Votes do not count during midnight nen.

I'm shadow boxing Linkz

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spurgeonryan said:
Are we still allowed to talk?

Night talk is allowed yeah.

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nen-suer said:
mantlepiecek said:

Sorry it stands for fingers of trust, either way. Prof is the only one I consider 100% town other than (stupid) hat.


I usually don't go around being mean either. But to throw away the caution of fellow people and instead listening to the likes of linkz, seriously you guys get rivalry affect you too much. Not listening to prof was your greatest mistake..


And btw the moment he instantly agreed when i disagreed with you flavor analysis should made you think he is probably town

Coze no scum with a brain will jump in like that if he didn't know all the facts.


Who are you talking about ?

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Hope Mario will stop hinting roles & role claiming "for attention" in the future.
You just screw everybody starting with yourself.

Also Mario's flip makes radish's role more believable now right ?

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@hatmoza: Could you please post a picture of your face when you read Zero's alignment? Thank you!

Signature goes here!

At last.

Well town, good job.

Yeah, that as well. "LOL guys, I am the strong POWER ROLE, HONESTLY GUYS!!!"

"Oh yeah, DOCTOR, if you are alive, protect me kay?"

Now we see both of them lynched by town.

And it would have been radish instead, if linkz had his way.

spurgeonryan said:
Sorry was at red liight. I do not think nen would have pushed me to vote if he was scum.

If you are really driving then please stop everything else your doing.

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