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Forums - Politics Discussion - Romney doesn't care about 47% of americans

badgenome said:
steverhcp02 said:

@ the bold. Once someone starts with the talkign points "liberal media" then my interest wanes. But that little ditty with the swear words shows some pizzaz but once you come to terms with reality and that Obama will be re-elected the aggression should subside.

@ the edit. Well ive done peer interviews to hire people at my Hospital. I sit down ask direct questions related to the position theyll be hired to and get direct answers. I dont have them send in 30 second clips of why the other potential hire is a communist or a neo-con and hire them to a 4 year contract without sitting face to face so id argue youre wrong.

@ overal discussion. Dont belittle other peoples opinions on a forum (asking a lot i know). I wasnt argueing tax definitions i simply pointed out my opinion on the comment in the context of reality. You show a lack of control which doesnt suit your argument, Once you and many others realize we arent swaying ideas and we will all walk away from these screens back to our lives with the same believes we are simply venting and looking for public approval from others, this will be a better healthier debate.

I am not "wrong" at all. I was simply pointing out my amusement of his comments which were this: He lumps all who pay no income tax/have benefits (47%) as not taking initiative, responsibility of their lives etc. I simply pointed out he only pays taxes on his money making him more money. If a Republican colleague Newt Gingrich were to enact his tax plan of 0% capital gains, Romney ADMITTED he would pay an effective rate of 0%. Which i found humerous because its not that outlandish that at one point Newt was on the verge of being nominee and then Romney could tell himself he needs to take personal responsibility for his life, thats all.

If I am belittling your opinion, it's only because it's a remarkably silly one. "All it would take for Romney to pay 0% income tax is for us to tax his income at 0%! LOLOL!"

And once again, where you were wrong is when you said that Romney is currently paying little to no income taxes at the moment - indicating that you believe that the capital gains tax is not an income tax. It is, and if you've ever seen a tax form you should know this, so you were wrong. It is really quite cringe-inducing to watch someone be so obviously wrong and still deny it, so please, please stop this madness. You don't even have to make a mea culpa or anything. Just stop.


I never said that. I said Republicans like Gingrich believe that reducing taxes on cap gains leads to more investment and growth of the economy. I dont think its that far fetched when up until this summer we were very close to seeing the republicans take over the senate, already control the house and romney capable of being elected that they could in fact introduce that change to the tax code. Granted, rokney doesnt believe in makng cap gains taxes 0% since his defense against Gingrich was hed pay no taxes if they were, but the ideology of the Republican party leads me to think that could change over time.

Youre choosing to focus on the parsing of words rather than my substance because you know my substance is correct so you instead decide to demean and shout me down about "capital gains being income tax" I explained later i simply dont equate money making money as being "income" like most of the 47% working 40-60 hours a week getting tax breaks to ease their burden, sorry i refuse to equate cap gains with 9-5 middle class income tax. I never once said Capital gains is NOT Income tax.

My overal point was not that "mitt romney would pay no taxes if he paid no taxes" As you are quoting me as having said. But he pays 10-15% in taxes which he admited were strictly cap gains. So my aforementioned scenario would then put him in the 47% of lazy, good for nothing moochers.....which is what i thought was ironic.

Youre the only one stuck on this argument about the taxes he pays from cap gains being income tax, im not debating that or even saying that or have even said that. 

I never once said anythign about capital gains not being income tax, I simply said he currently pays little to none, because we simply dont know since he wont release previous records. Granted hes donating a lot of his money and doing good things, my point isnt and never was that hes a bad guy, evil rich man, it was simply that his disdain for people not paying income taxes is funny because if Paul Ryan in 2010 and Gingrich in 2012 had their way he would be one of them. I dont see how thats worthy of such ire and anger that youre giving me and your attempts to make me look like a fool.

Your need to be condescending in your posts in politcal discussions is very strange when i was never even directing hostility toward you the way you are toward me, i was speaking on the topic at hand and you just cant handle the fact someone feels differently than you about something, whats the point in coming to a forum, just write a blog or a diary if you cant handle people commenting on the topic proposed.

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steverhcp02 said:


I never said that.

You said exactly that:

"Also in one of the republican debates when Gingrich said he wanted to make the tax rate on capital gains 0% to which Mitt respnoded saying if that were true hed pay 0% taxes, which means........he currently pays 0% or little INCOME TAXES. Which is exactly the people he cant convince to take control of their lives or personal responsibility. Interesting."

And since we now have his 2011 taxes with a notarized letter attached saying that his effective tax rate has been 20.2% over the past two decades (basically the same rate that the Obamas pay), we know that nothing else you've said on this subject is even close to being correct.

badgenome said:
steverhcp02 said:


I never said that.

You said exactly that:

"Also in one of the republican debates when Gingrich said he wanted to make the tax rate on capital gains 0% to which Mitt respnoded saying if that were true hed pay 0% taxes, which means........he currently pays 0% or little INCOME TAXES. Which is exactly the people he cant convince to take control of their lives or personal responsibility. Interesting."

And since we now have his 2011 taxes with a notarized letter attached saying that his effective tax rate has been 20.2% over the past two decades, we know that nothing else you've said on this subject is even close to being correct.

Well that was released yesterday, thanks for pointing that out, ill have to read more on it. So in light of the new facts i was wrong. At the time of the discussion we didnt know.

you guys do realize that romney has other income besides what he gets from investments right? Don't you remember the controversy over him saying he only made a little bit from speeches and that "little bit" ended up being almost 400k?

gergroy said:
you guys do realize that romney has other income besides what he gets from investments right? Don't you remember the controversy over him saying he only made a little bit from speeches and that "little bit" ended up being almost 400k?

Under Paul Ryan's budget plan, if you factored together all his income, he would pay around 1% total on all his income:


So, at least I am aware of it.

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...and Obama doesn't care at all about businesses or the wealthy Americans who pay the majority of the taxes. Both candidates suck ass which is why I support Gary Johnson.

Marks said:
...and Obama doesn't care at all about businesses or the wealthy Americans who pay the majority of the taxes. Both candidates suck ass which is why I support Gary Johnson.

Except Romney said the former, and Obama didn't say the later.

Paul Ryan says to not feed the fish:

richardhutnik said:
Paul Ryan says to not feed the fish:

"Teach a man to fish. Don't simply feed [him] fish."

Seems pretty obvious.

KungKras said:
badgenome said:

It's hilarious how this is the big story of the day, just like Romney's comments last week overshadowed everything else (including murder). You carry that fucking Obama water, media!

Because if a guy running for president says stupid shit, it aint more important than regular everyday news?

He's pointing out the obvious bias in the media.  The same media that refuses to go to and see visual and audio proof that Obama is indeed a practicing secret Muslim who refuses to admit it because he's worried it would destroy his party and his image.  Which it would. Even so....