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badgenome said:
steverhcp02 said:


I never said that.

You said exactly that:

"Also in one of the republican debates when Gingrich said he wanted to make the tax rate on capital gains 0% to which Mitt respnoded saying if that were true hed pay 0% taxes, which means........he currently pays 0% or little INCOME TAXES. Which is exactly the people he cant convince to take control of their lives or personal responsibility. Interesting."

And since we now have his 2011 taxes with a notarized letter attached saying that his effective tax rate has been 20.2% over the past two decades, we know that nothing else you've said on this subject is even close to being correct.

Well that was released yesterday, thanks for pointing that out, ill have to read more on it. So in light of the new facts i was wrong. At the time of the discussion we didnt know.