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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: Wii U will sell under 40 million units

Oh I'm so happy you bumped this thread.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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Brutal bump

snowdog said:
I couldn't disagree more. I'm personally expecting it to shift 10-15m units before the PS4 and 720 are released, and due to Nintendo's (surprising!) forward thinking regarding the console's architecture combined with the U having a standard rendering pipeline this time around it won't have any problems getting multiplatform titles after the PS4 and 720 are released.

It's launching (whether launch or launch window titles) with several system sellers aimed at a variety of different demographics - NSMB U, Pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover, ZombiU, Rayman Legends, Aliens Colonial Marines, Dragon Quest X and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. We may have to wait a little longer for Dragon Quest X, I haven't kept up with the details of that one but the others are either launch or launch window titles.

Lol, when looking back at this, 10-15 million? And 720? Where did you get that from? I didn't know Microsoft would ever call their console Xbox 720, that sounds plain stupid.

man-bear-pig said:
UPDATE: Current Wii U sales: 3,906,796. 36,093,204 to go...

im not seeing any updates. im just seeing some bragging

LinkVPit said:
I'll go 65-70 million, and roughly the same for PS4 & NextBox.


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So many face palm worthy posts in this thread. lulz


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Metallicube said:

Looks at Wii U lineup...
2D Mario
Dragon Quest
Monster Hunter
Black Ops 2
Assassin's Creed 3
Wii Fit
Lego City Stories
Just Dance

Smash Brothers
3D Mario

Yeaaah.. somehow I don't see only 40 million sales happening, sorry..

80-90 million IMO

And who are these 80m - 90m people going to be exactly??


Total lifetime sales of 35 million for me and Nintendo will turn a tidy profit on that.

happydolphin said:
man-bear-pig said:
the_dengle said:
I agree, no way can Wii U sell 40 mil in Japan. Not even Monster Hunter can do that. 30 mil in Japan at most. Definitely not more than 35 mil. Maybe, absolutely not more than 37 mil in Japan alone, no ifs ands or buts.


He's basically saying that it will destroy your prediction considering it will sell about the number you predicted in Japan alone. And I agree with him. As someone else put it, for japan, this is like the most deadly "handheld" ever made.

My prediction for the WiiU is 150M.

I LOL'ed so hard at this one, had to quote before it gets edited or something.

bananaking21 said:
man-bear-pig said:
UPDATE: Current Wii U sales: 3,906,796. 36,093,204 to go...

im not seeing any updates. im just seeing some bragging

After the horde of Nintendo fanboys decimating him for this thread, I think he's earned some bragging rights. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!