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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Let's Play: Pokemon Yellow - Nuzlocke Run

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Who should I face first, Koga or Sabrina?

Koga 19 67.86%
Sabrina 2 7.14%
Blaine 3 10.71%
I Dunno 1 3.57%
Salnax said:
Player2 said:
Salnax said:
Player2 said:

Have been our nuzlockers abducted by Pokemon White 2?

That and midterms.

Is it common to have exams in october over there? Here we don't have anything like that.

Only on the college/university level.

I see. Well, in the university we have exams only at the end of the semester. Anything extra depends on the mercy of the teacher. And people wonder why the academic results in Spain are so bad.

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Ah Pokemon yellow! :) don't you miss when this was all brand new stuff?!


God dammit update i read this whole thread start to finish with the last update i wanna know MOAARE!

Exams must be brutal on the young experienced trainer, I see... XD

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!
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TripleMMM said:
Exams must be brutal on the young experienced trainer, I see... XD

Well, there's not much coordination between classes, so they last about three weeks. And I can't be half-arsed about it; I have a very nice scholarship that I'd like to last for the next couple of years. Don't worry though; I should be back at this in a couple of days.

Ouch, that's a downer. Where's the class rep when you need one? Oh wait, their isn't one... XP

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!

Good to know that this will be back...