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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Hardware + Software up! Week Ending Aug. 18th! - New Super Darksiders 2!

Nintendo played very well his cards

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pezus said:
DanneSandin said:
300k for Darksiders2 with 4 days of sale, not including PC or digital download and the WiiU version still waiting... I'd say it's pretty good! We'll know more next week. It'll easily hit 1m before x-mas.

Over 400k actually

hehe well, even better then ;)

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Darksiders II slightly staggered launch in parts of Europe right? In Sweden and other places it wasn't released until the 21st.

So hopefully this means true first week sales were 500K on PS360, which gives hope that it can eventually sell 2 million.

pezus said:
Again I ask where the PC versions of Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs are.

Both numbers are up? They are not very high though.

pezus said:
Farsala said:
pezus said:
Again I ask where the PC versions of Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs are.

Both numbers are up? They are not very high though.

When you mention it, I see the sales for Darksiders but not Sleeping Dogs. 

Are they telling me the PC version of Sleeping Dogs only sold 5.7k? Digital sales must have been pretty substantial then, given that there were about 5000 players playing it at the same time just a few days ago.

According to this site

It's peak was over 12k at the same time for Sleeping Dogs (a steamworks game)


Probably meaningless but if we use the ratios of Dear Esther which sold 50k copies in a week and peaked at 1.1k peak, Terreria with 17k peak for 200k copies first week, The Witcher 2 sold 200k on steam and that peaked at 9k, Magicka did 30k first day with a ~500 peak players. 

Not exactly scientific but Sleeping Dogs could have sold 100-500k copies on PC by those ratios, which is a really broad spectrum lol. 

Tho I think Tripwire Interactive have said that Steam peak was arround 10% of their sales. which would mean around 120k copies for Sleeping Dogs. 

Well at least those number will probably be more acurate than VGChartz' PC numbers lol.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

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3DS 0
PS3 0
360 0
DS 0
PSV 469

GT5 (Week 91)

Sold 21,070 (+15%) units in this week.

7,792,163 LTD.

742,271 in 2012.

Up from 41st to 31st.

Lowest week: 9,628 (Week 24)

Highest week: 2,335,820 (Week 1)

Average: 85,628 per week


Curiosity: GT5 sold at the same frame last year 1,182,109 units, that's a 37% drop but the first week of the 2011 year is Week 6 sales so launch time. If I remove the January month (data before Week 10): 646,426 (2011) to 591,709 (2012), or if I remove the first quarter (data before Week 19): 336,617 (2011) to 356,412 (2012).

So far GT5 is doing better than last year... AMAZING.

January 2011 alone GT5 sold over 300k (Week 6 to Week 10).

ethomaz said:


3DS 0
PS3 0
360 0
DS 0
PSV 469

Does this mean...the Vita is saved?

In seriousness, unusual to see just the one console adjusted and the others remaining the same...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Out of curiosity, what are people's 3DS predictions for next week? I reckon near 300k, certainly above 250k...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.
