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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Conference Thread - WII U = 11/18 - $299.99 ($349.99 Premium)! MoHun 3 Ultimate coming in March!!! :D Bayonetta 2 Wii U exclusive!!

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Is your body ready!? Have you purchased your hype train tix yet!?

Hell the fuck Yeah!!! 256 72.73%
I'm still skeptical... 92 26.14%
DanneSandin said:
radishhead said:
Should I be hyped for this? I don't want a repeat of E3 (although I actually enjoyed E3 2012 xD)

well, you just go and read what viper1 has said in this thread and you know you should be pretty hyped ;) this'll be better than e3!!!

So are we expecting things to be announced here too? I thought this was just going to be about the price, the launch date, and maybe something about the achievement system :o

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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My ticket! LOL 

radishhead said:
DanneSandin said:
radishhead said:
Should I be hyped for this? I don't want a repeat of E3 (although I actually enjoyed E3 2012 xD)

well, you just go and read what viper1 has said in this thread and you know you should be pretty hyped ;) this'll be better than e3!!!

So are we expecting things to be announced here too? I thought this was just going to be about the price, the launch date, and maybe something about the achievement system :o

I think it is said to be a whole day event, six hour conference, the price and date wouldn't take that long. There will surely be launch-window games to test, and new content, it has been said by a few people already (from Iwata to our own Viper1), but there are more titles coming to WiiU than shown.

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

TomaTito said:
DanneSandin said:
^I think it's during the evening here in EU... around 18.00 (6pm)...

We need to add a counter in the OP!!!

There is a counter in the OP... BTW are you sure about that time? I thought it started at 10am EST, meaning 4pm CET for us Europeans.

Luckily I'll be leaving work that day earlier to do somethings, so I can be at home around 5pm :D

Gracias por restregármelo por la cara.

Por cierto, la cuenta atrás termina a las 22h. Seguro que está mal.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:
TomaTito said:
DanneSandin said:
^I think it's during the evening here in EU... around 18.00 (6pm)...

We need to add a counter in the OP!!!

There is a counter in the OP... BTW are you sure about that time? I thought it started at 10am EST, meaning 4pm CET for us Europeans.

Luckily I'll be leaving work that day earlier to do somethings, so I can be at home around 5pm :D

Gracias por restregármelo por la cara.

Por cierto, la cuenta atrás termina a las 22h. Seguro que está mal.

De na. Es una de las ventajas de trabajar en el extranjero! La mayoría de la gente termina su jornada alrededor de las cinco, por eso DanneSandin ha dicho que era de noche a las seis cuando para nosotros es tarde. Muchos cenan a esa hora... jejeje!

Los contadores online no se si están bien. Me pasó lo mismo con la cuenta atrás de E3, no terminaba a la hora correcta, pero a los demás les salían las cuentas.

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

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Remember This?

Guess what the initial game releases will be for Nintendo’s new home console, Wii U? Soon we’ll scratch off to reveal the names! ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒

@TomaTito: Wow, having to get off work earlier as foreigner? Sounds cool, Double T! :)

@IDONTEVENKNOW: OMG, I totally forgot about those scratches!

P.S. Do I really need to post a ticket to get on th hype train???

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!

Just lucky I had an appointent sheduled beforehand for that date, didn't notice it was this thursday until today xD

Double T out!

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

4 days left! Need more train gifs!

(Sort of)

C-M-D said:

4 days left! Need more train gifs!

How about a video?