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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Last Story Thread

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I can't say this game lives up to the lofty standards on xenoblade (a comparison that sadly was always going to be made after operation rainfall), as it's a bit slow to start and slightly more linear than id of liked. but i think mistwalker did a very good job of streamlining the JRPG genre. I hope they bring this series back to the WiiU early on in its lifecycle and really give the IP a chance to shine.

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Personally, Xenoblade felt too long for me. I don't have the time or attention span to invest in a single game for 100 hours. Skyrim is probably one of the best and biggest RPGs in recent memory. I played about 20 or 25 hours worth and haven't touched it since. There are other things I want to play.

So if the Last Story comes in at around 25-30 hours, I'll be fine with that.

Check out my Youtube Let's Play channel here.

25-30h is more than enough for me

Crono141 said:
Personally, Xenoblade felt too long for me. I don't have the time or attention span to invest in a single game for 100 hours. Skyrim is probably one of the best and biggest RPGs in recent memory. I played about 20 or 25 hours worth and haven't touched it since. There are other things I want to play.

So if the Last Story comes in at around 25-30 hours, I'll be fine with that.

Generally i would agree with you. Xenoblade happened to come at the exact right point in my life, just after graduating college and in a span of complete unemployment, when i could sink 2-4 hours in a day and was able to get the game done in about 40 days

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

That terrapin was annoying with the move that basically killed your entire party.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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MrT-Tar said:
Michael-5 said:
I just realized....Disaster: Day of Crisis was localized in Europe. WTF Reggie!! So now I have 2 fairly decent games I want to play, but amd debating import costs (and unlocking my system).

You should be able to find a copy of Disaster for under £10 ($15).  As for the other game, is it Pandora's  Tower?  Or Project Zero/Fatal Frame II?


But on the other hand, you guys got the likes of Earthbound, Valkyrie Profile, Xenosaga, Dragon Quest/Warrior VII, etc while we never did.

On ebay, I can only find Japanese version of Disaster: Day of Crisis. We didn't get either Pandora's Tower or Fatal Frame 2.

Wow Euro gamers missed out on a lof of Sony JRPG's. Yea you missed Earthbound, but we missed Terrainigma, and I think Terranigma is the better game.

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Crono141 said:
Michael-5 said:
I just realized....Disaster: Day of Crisis was localized in Europe. WTF Reggie!! So now I have 2 fairly decent games I want to play, but amd debating import costs (and unlocking my system).

This is literally no downside to unlocking your system, by the way.  Look up a windows program called ModMii.  It'll get you going and download everything you need to get everything you want on an unlocked system.

Thanks, I used to have a Modded PS2 and my old PC plays PS1/PS2 games, but with a modded system I find myself downloading way too many games, and not playing them all. When I buy them, they at least stare me on the face, and my limited cash forces me to make sacrifices, which I need to do because I have even less time to play everything I like.

If I can find cheap copies of Disaster and Pandora's Tower on ebay, I'll buy them and play them through ModMii. I know I can just download them......heck maybe I'll give them a demo run before I import, I hear both games aren't that good.

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Conegamer said:
I did create a thread, but it never really took off. I guess people didn't care.

Anyway, the best parts of the game are chapters 4-5, 19-28 and 35-Endgame. 1-3 are a bit slow, but alright. I downright hated 6-18 and 29-34. I don't like the boat, alright? I like the city, don't take me away from it for half the game!

Now I know the game is about 35 chapters or so.....Really 4-5 are the better part of the game? I'm on Chapter 8 or something, on the boat, I'm really hoping for a twist, or just a driving force to push to toward some end goal.

Still, I do enjoy the game, but I can't sit down and play this for 3 hours at a time like I cold with XenoBlade. The game has a great battle system though.

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Crono141 said:
Personally, Xenoblade felt too long for me. I don't have the time or attention span to invest in a single game for 100 hours. Skyrim is probably one of the best and biggest RPGs in recent memory. I played about 20 or 25 hours worth and haven't touched it since. There are other things I want to play.

So if the Last Story comes in at around 25-30 hours, I'll be fine with that.

Yea, XenoBlade was too long. I hated how there were 3 hour long stretches whre not much happens, you just go from A to B.

However let me tell you, the last 15 hours or so (on a 60 hour playthrough) are amazing. They are about on par to the first 4, and Colony 6. It's worth picking up again if you can force yourself to Bionis's Head and then again to Mechonis's Head (which is 5-10 hours from the end).

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Conegamer said:
I don't like the boat, alright? I like the city, don't take me away from it for half the game!

my sentiments exactly!

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

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