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You are all faggots

yes 15 88.24%
neptune20 said:

Hover over this for a secret message

Holy crapola how did you do that?!

Around the Network
Gilgamesh said:
your to young to be drinking and on drugs NFG :P

I think it's that time of the month again.... >_>


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Gilgamesh said:
your to young to be drinking and on drugs NFG :P


and u need sum comas!

neptune20 said:
spurgeonryan said:
Why all the mysticwolf hate. I feel he is being decrimitive against here.

He's a bigger spammer than I am and have ever been EVEN IN MY NFG YEARS, he posts about stuff THAT I HONESTLY DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW I HONESTLY JUST CAN'T STAND HIM. oops caps lol

It's the Post Your Mind thread. Why do you expect? xD

sorry I have a really bad back...

Around the Network
NintendoPie said:
neptune20 said:
spurgeonryan said:
Why all the mysticwolf hate. I feel he is being decrimitive against here.

He's a bigger spammer than I am and have ever been EVEN IN MY NFG YEARS, he posts about stuff THAT I HONESTLY DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW I HONESTLY JUST CAN'T STAND HIM. oops caps lol

It's the Post Your Mind thread. Why do you expect? xD


arcane_chaos said:
sorry I have a really bad back...


This gay is getting a little.....heavy. I'm gonna need a

*drops gay*
*gay shatters*

Oh well. I tried. Anyway NFG, you do KNOW you don't have to be gay to have anal sex, right?

no one uses "xD" anymore, if you do, I facepalm!

d21lewis said:
This gay is getting a little.....heavy. I'm gonna need a

*drops gay*
*gay shatters*

Oh well. I tried. Anyway NFG, you do KNOW you don't have to be gay to have anal sex, right?

I know but guys are hot and like two guys is just double hot so gay anal sex is like 78458983457289 times hotter IDK