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Forums - Sony Discussion - Destructoid: Playstation All Stars is 'something much more, unique and special' than a Smash Brothers clone

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Oh My God guys!

You all are like totally ridiculous! It's obvi SSB clone!!!

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M.U.G.E.N said:

it's phenome08...the man made like 4 alt accounts to troll sony the moment he got banned last time. Just ignore and report

I think he trolls everythang. Not just Sony...

NintendoPie said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

it's phenome08...the man made like 4 alt accounts to troll sony the moment he got banned last time. Just ignore and report

I think he trolls everythang. Not just Sony...

Nope it's mainly sony...that's for certain

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

Mr Khan said:
If anything, this article makes me want to bury them further in the "they hate Nintendo, should never listen to them" list.

But my Nintendo fanboyism aside, and aside from the use of Supers in lieu of ring-outs, i'm not seeing what's so vastly different. What the article seems to indicate is just that Superbot has taken a bit more care to differentiate the playstyle of every character so that you get more Ice Climbers/Olimar/Snake/Zelda/Lucario/Pokemon Trainer than many of Brawl's characters. Which is still an improvement, as it won't have Smash Bros' problems of clone characters (and yet better, with more distinction per character), but the mechanical differences still don't seem to be there.

you're not seeing it because you're not giving credit to how different the gameplay will be from this important gameplay change.

think about the shooter genre and all the sub genres associated with that.  high damage/life ratios like in UT and you have a twitch shooter. lower the damage/life ratio and it plays completely different.   old fps had life bars and gameplay was more defensive and slow.  halo introduced regenerating health and it speed up gameplay and made people play more aggressively.  metroid adds a lock on element that makes a shooter much more accessible.

so now think about smash brothers.  the only way to score is to get a knock out.  you could have done the absolute lowest amount of damage in a round and still win as long as you got the killing blows.  gameplay is fairly defensive in nature.  doing damage when the opponent is low in health is to your disadvantage.  i've played a lot of SSB in my life and tons of games played out with people just running in circles trying to avoid a knock-out instead of fighting, especially during tie breaks.

now consider supers.  you cannot score without a super.  you cannot super without charging a super up.  you cannot charge a super up without damaging your opponent.  it is a gameplay that rewards inflicting damage and discourages playing defensively.  that means to win, you need to change your strategy to how to play the game compared to SSB ... be more aggressive.  and that means the gameplay is faster in nature.

it's a subtle change but so was regenerating health bars in FPSs.  but when it changes the way people approach a game that kind of subtle change and give a massive change in the way people feel about the gameplay.

kitler53 said:
Mr Khan said:
If anything, this article makes me want to bury them further in the "they hate Nintendo, should never listen to them" list.

But my Nintendo fanboyism aside, and aside from the use of Supers in lieu of ring-outs, i'm not seeing what's so vastly different. What the article seems to indicate is just that Superbot has taken a bit more care to differentiate the playstyle of every character so that you get more Ice Climbers/Olimar/Snake/Zelda/Lucario/Pokemon Trainer than many of Brawl's characters. Which is still an improvement, as it won't have Smash Bros' problems of clone characters (and yet better, with more distinction per character), but the mechanical differences still don't seem to be there.

you're not seeing it because you're not giving credit to how different the gameplay will be from this important gameplay change.

think about the shooter genre and all the sub genres associated with that.  high damage/life ratios like in UT and you have a twitch shooter. lower the damage/life ratio and it plays completely different.   old fps had life bars and gameplay was more defensive and slow.  halo introduced regenerating health and it speed up gameplay and made people play more aggressively.  metroid adds a lock on element that makes a shooter much more accessible.

so now think about smash brothers.  the only way to score is to get a knock out.  you could have done the absolute lowest amount of damage in a round and still win as long as you got the killing blows.  gameplay is fairly defensive in nature.  doing damage when the opponent is low in health is to your disadvantage.  i've played a lot of SSB in my life and tons of games played out with people just running in circles trying to avoid a knock-out instead of fighting, especially during tie breaks.

now consider supers.  you cannot score without a super.  you cannot super without charging a super up.  you cannot charge a super up without damaging your opponent.  it is a gameplay that rewards inflicting damage and discourages playing defensively.  that means to win, you need to change your strategy to how to play the game compared to SSB ... be more aggressive.  and that means the gameplay is faster in nature.

it's a subtle change but so was regenerating health bars in FPSs.  but when it changes the way people approach a game that kind of subtle change and give a massive change in the way people feel about the gameplay.

don't forget about having 3 levels of supers. It just brings a whole new strategy element to the game as well. You will have to weigh in the pros and cons of using w/e super that is available to you now throughout the game. 

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

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I remain skeptical, but I do want to try it asap.


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

M.U.G.E.N said:
NintendoPie said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

it's phenome08...the man made like 4 alt accounts to troll sony the moment he got banned last time. Just ignore and report

I think he trolls everythang. Not just Sony...

Nope it's mainly sony...that's for certain

Definitely mainly Sony :)

pezus said:
phenom08 said:
Kenology said:
This makes no sense:

"Perhaps it's a benefit of these characters being born on more advanced hardware or not being limited to 2D platformers, but All-Stars roster feels much more imaginative and fitting than any Smash Bros. game."

That's just not true in more ways than one.

I think it's fine to like this more than Brawl, most Sony fans will "like" it better than Smash Bros. by default (it's on PS3, it has Sony characters, etc). It may boil down to whether you like ring outs vs a scoring system. But the author does seem to be more of a Sony fan because the comment I quoted is a little silly/fanboyish.

Exactly Kenology, whats worse is how this game will fail to sell like the rest of Sony's exclusives, such a good concept should be appreciated so much more. If it is a Smash rip off i truly dont see why people are so defensive, Smash is an excellent game and this should end up better than Brawl since its developed on better hardware. I say go right ahead Sony, so the Sony boys can catch a beating in their own game from  a Smash Bros pro. :)

Excuse me?

Lol, just an opinion. Good grief the internet must be serious to you guys. Hell i actually like Uncharted just ask CGI

M.U.G.E.N said:
pezus said:
phenom08 said:
Kenology said:
This makes no sense:

"Perhaps it's a benefit of these characters being born on more advanced hardware or not being limited to 2D platformers, but All-Stars roster feels much more imaginative and fitting than any Smash Bros. game."

That's just not true in more ways than one.

I think it's fine to like this more than Brawl, most Sony fans will "like" it better than Smash Bros. by default (it's on PS3, it has Sony characters, etc). It may boil down to whether you like ring outs vs a scoring system. But the author does seem to be more of a Sony fan because the comment I quoted is a little silly/fanboyish.

Exactly Kenology, whats worse is how this game will fail to sell like the rest of Sony's exclusives, such a good concept should be appreciated so much more. If it is a Smash rip off i truly dont see why people are so defensive, Smash is an excellent game and this should end up better than Brawl since its developed on better hardware. I say go right ahead Sony, so the Sony boys can catch a beating in their own game from  a Smash Bros pro. :)

Excuse me?

it's phenome08...the man made like 4 alt accounts to troll sony the moment he got banned last time. Just ignore and report

I see i have a fan, thanks for the support and report me? Do i really need to be banned AGAIN?

NintendoPie said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

it's phenome08...the man made like 4 alt accounts to troll sony the moment he got banned last time. Just ignore and report

I think he trolls everythang. Not just Sony...

I usually troll sony for the laughs and Microsoft is no fun to troll. On topic, I hope this game does come out good honestly, it isn't like we dont need more games like this since Ninty could careless about giving its fans more than 1 smash within 4 years.