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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Hideki Kamiya does not like PlayStation All Star Battle - Claims its a rip off that throws morals away.

shut up and give me my vanquish 2!!!!

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arcane_chaos said:
shut up and give me my vanquish 2!!!!

As Kamiya would say: Use your brain!

In other words, go ask Shinji Mikami for that one xD

OMG, look at these xD:


This is gold (The first one) xD

And this xD:

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P


I think everyone knows it's a rip-off. It's just about whether you're OK with rip-offs or not. I personally don't care much about these things. Though I have no intention to purchase this game.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

Maybe it is just me but I think that it seems dramatically less honorable for a first party developer to rip-off a game of another first party developer ...

It is my belief that the first party studios are supposed to be developing unique content that drives users to their system, not trying to rip off the original content of another developer because they're lazy/incompetent and can't come up with their own ideas.

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Chandler said:

I just preordered :D Wouldve bought it anyway but well, he sealed the deal.


Also, this

Sony already admitted it so there is really no battle to fight here.

lol yeah I remember that, it was just after they released the trailer at Sony E3 presentation, they remove it just a couple of minutes after. Someone probably got fired for that

Nintendo and PC gamer

Someone hit a nerve

Fuck him.

4 ≈ One

I'd say that's fairly classic Kamiya.

I think "rip off" is a strong word, but well... it was heavily inspired by Smash bros.
Anyways, that doesnt mean it will be a bad game (I havent played it yet :O so i cant make a judge), it will probably be a really competent fighter and fun (at least thats the impression i get from the people playing the beta :)). Everybody wins, probably Sakurai will try to compete with this game (and all the past Smash games) to make the overall better brawler and we fans can rejoice! (and then, if this game is succesful, Sony will make PSASBR 2 and it will be better, etc etc)

Overall, more games like Smash bros is a good thing :)