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Forums - Politics Discussion - Mitt Romney didn't pay nothing 4 tax's for 10 yrs? Glad doing counter protest at Chik Fil A, telling same sex partners to go there and kiss.

HappySqurriel said:
spaceguy said:
Jon-Erich said:
Unfortunately, what the American people don't understand is that our economy is so internationally linked that even if a politician does all the right things and people are able to find work, some financial disaster in some far away country could have a negative impact on us. Even if in some alternate universe where Romney won the 2008 elections, he would probably have a lot of the same issues Obama is having right now. So whoever wins in November, I hope they try their best, but I don't think we'll see any miracles happen.

thIs is why we should distance or selfs and start a campaign called built here, bought here. Tariffs on all imports from country's with human rights abuse's. This should either be a american goal or even a world wide goal. stop buying from human rights abusing country's and we will see them making conditions a whole lot better to get back into the market.

If you impose tariffs on one countries imported goods they will (likely) impose tariffs on your exported goods, and usually both countries are worse off as a result. Usually you will import similar goods from another country that is a rival of theirs, and they will import goods from another country that is a rival of yours, so neither country produces more goods but your rivals do produce more goods.

he has already demonstrated he has no understanding of basic economic principals there's really no use arguing with huim.

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killerzX said:
HappySqurriel said:
spaceguy said:
Jon-Erich said:
Unfortunately, what the American people don't understand is that our economy is so internationally linked that even if a politician does all the right things and people are able to find work, some financial disaster in some far away country could have a negative impact on us. Even if in some alternate universe where Romney won the 2008 elections, he would probably have a lot of the same issues Obama is having right now. So whoever wins in November, I hope they try their best, but I don't think we'll see any miracles happen.

thIs is why we should distance or selfs and start a campaign called built here, bought here. Tariffs on all imports from country's with human rights abuse's. This should either be a american goal or even a world wide goal. stop buying from human rights abusing country's and we will see them making conditions a whole lot better to get back into the market.

If you impose tariffs on one countries imported goods they will (likely) impose tariffs on your exported goods, and usually both countries are worse off as a result. Usually you will import similar goods from another country that is a rival of theirs, and they will import goods from another country that is a rival of yours, so neither country produces more goods but your rivals do produce more goods.

he has already demonstrated he has no understanding of basic economic principals there's really no use arguing with huim.

Country's with  labor Abuse's don't buy our products. European country's with good labor laws buy them.  Killer give me a break, if you knew anything you would understand that non of the country's that pay slave wages really ever buy our Sh-t. They have there people make it for dirt. Also there people don't have enough to buy our products.  Europe and country's with good pay buy our products. So looks like you have no clue what your talking about. I said TARIFFS ON COUNTRY'S WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES, MEANING, PAYING YOUR PEOPLE SH-T, NOT ALLOWING THEM TO FORM UNIONS AND IF THEY DO, KILL THEM, YOU KNOW SLAVE LABOR CHINA.  Most of our products go to europe. The country's who respect there people and pay them good. If all the country's put tariffs ON IMPORTS FROM country's like china, it would make china treat there people better to get back into the world market. ALSO THIS WOULD BRING JOBS HOME. ALL THE FREE TRADE AND BAD TRADE AGREEMENTS HAS F-CKED US.




For every $10 worth in trade we buy from china, they buy $1 dollar worth and I think it is actually much worst then that, THEY also take all our work, (no it's not the mexican people you think that did it.) So thats worth it. YOU PUT TARIFFS ON THAT AND MAKE IT EVEN. IT IS SUPPOST TO BE UNDER THE TRADE AGREEMENT HOWEVER THE CHINESE DON'T FOLLOW THE RULES AND TRANSGLOBAL CORPORATIONS OWN OUR POLITICIANS. SO NO ONE DOES A F-CKING THING ABOUT IT.

SO INSTEAD OF JUMPING ON AND SAYING I DON'T KNOW SH-T. LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND ATLEAST TELL YOUR SELF THE TRUTH. I THINK YOU HAVE NO CLUE WTF YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. EVERYTIME YOU COME IN, ALL YOU DO IS FLAME. NO DATA, NO PROOF OR GOOD CONVERSATION, JUST FLAMMIN.  Ask DR. Jill Steine(green party), Rocky Anderson(Justice Party), Buddy Roemer (Reform party) all running for president. All of these people where either republican or democrates and actually are trying to do the right thing. They bring this up all the time  and all of them are from different backrounds. I bet you will vote for romney though. Wall street owns his a--. I will be voting for one of them up top and voting mostly democratically in the house and senate. However if it is a corporatist i will be voting green or independent. So I actually do my research. just cause i don't agree with you doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. You seem to think you have all the answer though. So go right a full page on what you think we should do. I can 't wait for that. LOL

Also one of Mitts main jobs was to teach people how to move there company's and corporations over seas. So you go ahead with your awesome expertise and vote for Mitt like I know you will.  Let me guess your a Poor/middle class White uneducated male, that only reads or watch's right wing radio. I'm just guessing but I bet I'm right. LOL  This is not a insult, just a guess. This is what the majority of the republican base is. Usually people who vote out of hate. If you want I can post the article or the statistics. This is right, thats why republicans always talk about people who are so lazy they won't work. NEWS FLASH, THERE IS NO WORK!!!.  People can't find work because people like mitt shipped all the jobs over seas, i also blame clinton for this as well. Corporatist are corporatist, don't matter what party there in.   

@HappyS, most of that was not meant for you, unless it was explaining what I meant by the tariffs. I could also pull up many top economist that agree with me.

spurgeonryan said:
I am not sure if this thread has more than 1 OP, but I will say that Americans are suckers if they vote for Romney. He will be just as greedy and corrupt as Bush was.

MITT=WALL ST.(If they can't see that there blind). Actually they should change mitts name to wall st. It's like Gordan Gekko running for the presidency.

not a fan of obama but holy sh-t.

A lot of amercans are suckers spurgeonryan. They vote because of hate of black, hispanic and the likes. they think it's them that crashed us, not nonstop politicians from the 80's to present being corporatist and wall st owned, rigging the game for the ubber rich. The tax code is very complex and only allows a tenth of the 1% to actually use the loop holes and cheat the fuck out of our system and people can't figure out why where broke. us middle class don't need a complex tax code. only the super rich do. It should be the bigger your profits the more you can afford. if it's a small bizz they get a smaller percent and so on. However the middle class small bizz is paying all the tax's while the big corps/people are paying nothing. I'm middle class and and pay bills, property tax's and the like. I know what I'm talking about but I bet all these people rent or live with mommy still and have it all figured out, they think it is someone from the other race running there life's. F-cking hate rules this country.

When you vote by hate rather then actually economic sense or morals, we are in big trouble.

Also you want to know who the republican base is. LOL a report came out and most Republicans are.

MALE, NON EDUACATED, WHITE MIDDLE/POOR CLASS, I will add mostly all racists, homophobic, woman haters. LOL, really who can deny it. Just read there bills. Transvaginal probing to name one. All woman being basically raped to do what she thinks in her best interest. Majority of eduacted White Males vote other wise. I'm white and would never vote republican. LOL Dems are not much better but hey there is a difference. They protect Medicare, unions, SS, Medicade and the working man. Well they have to do a better job on the middle class. However this is the corporatist in the party.

I agree most with the vermont progressive party.

Moderated - Kasz216

spaceguy said:
spurgeonryan said:
I am not sure if this thread has more than 1 OP, but I will say that Americans are suckers if they vote for Romney. He will be just as greedy and corrupt as Bush was.

MITT=WALL ST.(If they can't see that there blind). Actually they should change mitts name to wall st. It's like Gordan Gekko running for the presidency.

not a fan of obama but holy sh-t.

A lot of amercans are suckers spurgeonryan. They vote because of hate of black, hispanic and the likes. they think it's them that crashed us, not nonstop politicians from the 80's to present being corporatist and wall st owned, rigging the game for the ubber rich. The tax code is very complex and only allows a tenth of the 1% to actually use the loop holes and cheat the fuck out of our system and people can't figure out why where broke. us middle class don't need a complex tax code. only the super rich do. It should be the bigger your profits the more you can afford. if it's a small bizz they get a smaller percent and so on. However the middle class small bizz is paying all the tax's while the big corps/people are paying nothing. I'm middle class and and pay bills, property tax's and the like. I know what I'm talking about but I bet all these people rent or live with mommy still and have it all figured out, they think it is someone from the other race running there life's. F-cking hate rules this country.

When you vote by hate rather then actually economic sense or morals, we are in big trouble.

Also you want to know who the republican base is. LOL a report came out and most Republicans are.

MALE, NON EDUACATED, WHITE MIDDLE/POOR CLASS, I will add mostly all racists, homophobic, woman haters. LOL, really who can deny it. Just read there bills. Transvaginal probing to name one. All woman being basically raped to do what she thinks in her best interest. Majority of eduacted White Males vote other wise. I'm white and would never vote republican. LOL Dems are not much better but hey there is a difference. They protect Medicare, unions, SS, Medicade and the working man. Well they have to do a better job on the middle class. However this is the corporatist in the party.

I agree most with the vermont progressive party.

If you haven't been paying attention the Obama administration has remarkably close ties to large investment banks (in particular Goldman Sachs), and I doubt Mitt Romney could be any closer to Wallstreet than Obama already is.

As for the political party affiliation and educational attainment, there is a relationship there but it is not (necessarily) that more educated people vote for Democrats ... For the most part,  conservative minded people enter into the STEM fields, Business, or trade school, and get a job soon after graduating with a Bachelor's degree (or a technical diploma). More progressive minded people enter into the Liberal Arts, upon graduating with a Bachelor's degree they enter into a graduate program because they can't find jobs, and eventually end up working at Starbucks complaining about how unfair the world is that no business respects their Women's Studies degree. Essentially, the values that make someone a conservative (personal accountability, financially conservative, etc.) are also qualities that would prevent someone from getting a student loan and going to school for 8 years to get a PHD in puppetry.

On the lower end of the scale, the poor urban population that represent the bulk of the highschool dropouts (and the high school graduates who are functionally illiterate and innumerate) vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats; at the same time poor uneducated rural people tend to vote overwhelmingly in favor of the Republicans.

HappySqurriel said:

If you haven't been paying attention the Obama administration has remarkably close ties to large investment banks (in particular Goldman Sachs), and I doubt Mitt Romney could be any closer to Wallstreet than Obama already is.

As for the political party affiliation and educational attainment, there is a relationship there but it is not (necessarily) that more educated people vote for Democrats ... For the most part,  conservative minded people enter into the STEM fields, Business, or trade school, and get a job soon after graduating with a Bachelor's degree (or a technical diploma). More progressive minded people enter into the Liberal Arts, upon graduating with a Bachelor's degree they enter into a graduate program because they can't find jobs, and eventually end up working at Starbucks complaining about how unfair the world is that no business respects their Women's Studies degree. Essentially, the values that make someone a conservative (personal accountability, financially conservative, etc.) are also qualities that would prevent someone from getting a student loan and going to school for 8 years to get a PHD in puppetry.

On the lower end of the scale, the poor urban population that represent the bulk of the highschool dropouts (and the high school graduates who are functionally illiterate and innumerate) vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats; at the same time poor uneducated rural people tend to vote overwhelmingly in favor of the Republicans.

That's the funny thing.

All the fed's QE projects have generally helped one group of people.

BIg corporations and the Stock Market.

The stock market is at all time highs, corporations are making all time high profits...

Yet there is no improvent for anyone else under Obama hasn't gotten much better because the demand just isn't there, so the companies aren't reinvesting that money.

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I like how the thread title says didn't pay nothing.... So he did pay something considering the double negative.

Kasz216 said:

That's the funny thing.

All the fed's QE projects have generally helped one group of people.

BIg corporations and the Stock Market.

The stock market is at all time highs, corporations are making all time high profits...

Yet there is no improvent for anyone else under Obama hasn't gotten much better because the demand just isn't there, so the companies aren't reinvesting that money.

The Fed controls itself which is why it should be abolished.  Obama can't tell the Fed to stop printing money or change their strategy.  The only thing he can do is appoint the chairman and vice-chairman.

"As stipulated by the Banking Act of 1935, the President appoints the seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; they must then be confirmed by the Senate and serve for 14 years.[2] Once appointed, Governors may not be removed from office for their policy opinions. The chairman and vice-chairman are chosen by the President from among the sitting Governors for four-year terms; these appointments are also subject to Senate confirmation" - wiki 

Basically, he shouldn't have appointed Ben Bernanke considering the only thing that bastard knows what to do is print more money.  If anything point the finger at the Fed and Congress (since they make the budget and they approved Ben Bernanke) then the President.  Everyone always thinks the President has a shit load of influence (aka gas prices, etc) yet the President really doesn't do shit for the most part.  The Presidential powers have been expanded greatly in the past few decades but they really can't do too much without votes from Congress.

HappySqurriel said:
spaceguy said:
spurgeonryan said:
I am not sure if this thread has more than 1 OP, but I will say that Americans are suckers if they vote for Romney. He will be just as greedy and corrupt as Bush was.

MITT=WALL ST.(If they can't see that there blind). Actually they should change mitts name to wall st. It's like Gordan Gekko running for the presidency.

not a fan of obama but holy sh-t.

A lot of amercans are suckers spurgeonryan. They vote because of hate of black, hispanic and the likes. they think it's them that crashed us, not nonstop politicians from the 80's to present being corporatist and wall st owned, rigging the game for the ubber rich. The tax code is very complex and only allows a tenth of the 1% to actually use the loop holes and cheat the fuck out of our system and people can't figure out why where broke. us middle class don't need a complex tax code. only the super rich do. It should be the bigger your profits the more you can afford. if it's a small bizz they get a smaller percent and so on. However the middle class small bizz is paying all the tax's while the big corps/people are paying nothing. I'm middle class and and pay bills, property tax's and the like. I know what I'm talking about but I bet all these people rent or live with mommy still and have it all figured out, they think it is someone from the other race running there life's. F-cking hate rules this country.

When you vote by hate rather then actually economic sense or morals, we are in big trouble.

Also you want to know who the republican base is. LOL a report came out and most Republicans are.

MALE, NON EDUACATED, WHITE MIDDLE/POOR CLASS, I will add mostly all racists, homophobic, woman haters. LOL, really who can deny it. Just read there bills. Transvaginal probing to name one. All woman being basically raped to do what she thinks in her best interest. Majority of eduacted White Males vote other wise. I'm white and would never vote republican. LOL Dems are not much better but hey there is a difference. They protect Medicare, unions, SS, Medicade and the working man. Well they have to do a better job on the middle class. However this is the corporatist in the party.

I agree most with the vermont progressive party.

If you haven't been paying attention the Obama administration has remarkably close ties to large investment banks (in particular Goldman Sachs), and I doubt Mitt Romney could be any closer to Wallstreet than Obama already is.

As for the political party affiliation and educational attainment, there is a relationship there but it is not (necessarily) that more educated people vote for Democrats ... For the most part,  conservative minded people enter into the STEM fields, Business, or trade school, and get a job soon after graduating with a Bachelor's degree (or a technical diploma). More progressive minded people enter into the Liberal Arts, upon graduating with a Bachelor's degree they enter into a graduate program because they can't find jobs, and eventually end up working at Starbucks complaining about how unfair the world is that no business respects their Women's Studies degree. Essentially, the values that make someone a conservative (personal accountability, financially conservative, etc.) are also qualities that would prevent someone from getting a student loan and going to school for 8 years to get a PHD in puppetry.

On the lower end of the scale, the poor urban population that represent the bulk of the highschool dropouts (and the high school graduates who are functionally illiterate and innumerate) vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats; at the same time poor uneducated rural people tend to vote overwhelmingly in favor of the Republicans.

If you think the business community doesn't have it out for all new graduates, equally, you're wrong. Only outstanding comp sci majors (emphasizing the outstanding) can really find work quickly.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

sethnintendo said:
Kasz216 said:

That's the funny thing.

All the fed's QE projects have generally helped one group of people.

BIg corporations and the Stock Market.

The stock market is at all time highs, corporations are making all time high profits...

Yet there is no improvent for anyone else under Obama hasn't gotten much better because the demand just isn't there, so the companies aren't reinvesting that money.

The Fed controls itself which is why it should be abolished.  Obama can't tell the Fed to stop printing money or change their strategy.  The only thing he can do is appoint the chairman and vice-chairman.

"As stipulated by the Banking Act of 1935, the President appoints the seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; they must then be confirmed by the Senate and serve for 14 years.[2] Once appointed, Governors may not be removed from office for their policy opinions. The chairman and vice-chairman are chosen by the President from among the sitting Governors for four-year terms; these appointments are also subject to Senate confirmation" - wiki 

Basically, he shouldn't have appointed Ben Bernanke considering the only thing that bastard knows what to do is print more money.  If anything point the finger at the Fed and Congress (since they make the budget and they approved Ben Bernanke) then the President.  Everyone always thinks the President has a shit load of influence (aka gas prices, etc) yet the President really doesn't do shit for the most part.  The Presidential powers have been expanded greatly in the past few decades but they really can't do too much without votes from Congress.

Except Bernake has moved in concordance with everything the President has done.

Tarp and QE were the same, and Obama wanted both done...

Tarp more or less made QE ony benefit the rich, because TARP and government stimulus in general only causes great uncertantity as people way for the government spicket to turn off... because it has to at some point.

Stimulus policies basically require companies to be stupid, for them to be successful.

Mr Khan said:
HappySqurriel said:
spaceguy said:
spurgeonryan said:
I am not sure if this thread has more than 1 OP, but I will say that Americans are suckers if they vote for Romney. He will be just as greedy and corrupt as Bush was.

MITT=WALL ST.(If they can't see that there blind). Actually they should change mitts name to wall st. It's like Gordan Gekko running for the presidency.

not a fan of obama but holy sh-t.

A lot of amercans are suckers spurgeonryan. They vote because of hate of black, hispanic and the likes. they think it's them that crashed us, not nonstop politicians from the 80's to present being corporatist and wall st owned, rigging the game for the ubber rich. The tax code is very complex and only allows a tenth of the 1% to actually use the loop holes and cheat the fuck out of our system and people can't figure out why where broke. us middle class don't need a complex tax code. only the super rich do. It should be the bigger your profits the more you can afford. if it's a small bizz they get a smaller percent and so on. However the middle class small bizz is paying all the tax's while the big corps/people are paying nothing. I'm middle class and and pay bills, property tax's and the like. I know what I'm talking about but I bet all these people rent or live with mommy still and have it all figured out, they think it is someone from the other race running there life's. F-cking hate rules this country.

When you vote by hate rather then actually economic sense or morals, we are in big trouble.

Also you want to know who the republican base is. LOL a report came out and most Republicans are.

MALE, NON EDUACATED, WHITE MIDDLE/POOR CLASS, I will add mostly all racists, homophobic, woman haters. LOL, really who can deny it. Just read there bills. Transvaginal probing to name one. All woman being basically raped to do what she thinks in her best interest. Majority of eduacted White Males vote other wise. I'm white and would never vote republican. LOL Dems are not much better but hey there is a difference. They protect Medicare, unions, SS, Medicade and the working man. Well they have to do a better job on the middle class. However this is the corporatist in the party.

I agree most with the vermont progressive party.

If you haven't been paying attention the Obama administration has remarkably close ties to large investment banks (in particular Goldman Sachs), and I doubt Mitt Romney could be any closer to Wallstreet than Obama already is.

As for the political party affiliation and educational attainment, there is a relationship there but it is not (necessarily) that more educated people vote for Democrats ... For the most part,  conservative minded people enter into the STEM fields, Business, or trade school, and get a job soon after graduating with a Bachelor's degree (or a technical diploma). More progressive minded people enter into the Liberal Arts, upon graduating with a Bachelor's degree they enter into a graduate program because they can't find jobs, and eventually end up working at Starbucks complaining about how unfair the world is that no business respects their Women's Studies degree. Essentially, the values that make someone a conservative (personal accountability, financially conservative, etc.) are also qualities that would prevent someone from getting a student loan and going to school for 8 years to get a PHD in puppetry.

On the lower end of the scale, the poor urban population that represent the bulk of the highschool dropouts (and the high school graduates who are functionally illiterate and innumerate) vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats; at the same time poor uneducated rural people tend to vote overwhelmingly in favor of the Republicans.

If you think the business community doesn't have it out for all new graduates, equally, you're wrong. Only outstanding comp sci majors (emphasizing the outstanding) can really find work quickly.

Things are unusually bad for recent graduates currently, but that doesn't mean that all college graduates are being treated equally as bad:

The unfortunate thing is there are no charts that demonstrate the underemployment rate; but the average wage is certainly a decent demonstration of that. Computer Science and Mathematics graduates may have an unemployment rate of 8.2% but their average salary of $46,000 implies that most of the working graduates are working in their field. In contrast, the Humanities and Liberal arts may only have modestly worse employment prospects by having an unemployment rate of 9.4% but their average salary of $31,000 implies that those that are working are mostly working low wage positions.