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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Darksiders 2 studio hits out at "derogatory", "frustrating" Zelda comparisons

o_O.Q said:
lol so according to nintendo fans this game is a copy of zelda now?... soon a dev won't be able to release a game without these ridiculous claims being leveled at it by nintendo fans

lilbroex is not representative of Nintendo fans, either in general or on this forum. Your generalization here is as bad as his.

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M.U.G.E.N said:
am I the only one who thought of God of war way more so than zelda while playing darksiders? The traversal and some of the combat look very similar to gow titles. Darksiders was a great game but a bit too long for my personal taste. Excellent story, characters voice acting, soundtrack and setting. I don't think other than being in the same genre the game is anything like zelda really. I found darksiders to be much more fun to play thanks to the combat

I remember playing through the game at a friend's house several years ago, and I agree with you.   While they both share a genre, the amount of comparisions is not justified imo.  Also, you found it too long?  If I recall correctly, we completed it in just over 20 hours, how is that too long?  If anything that is short, I usually expect to get 35+ from games, ideally something that works out as cheaper than £1 (around $1.55) an hour (something that all games I have in the last year except SM3DLand have achieved).


@o_O.Q - Please don't lump all Nintendo fans together.  A few fans from any fanbase act irrationally and are almost never representative of the entire group

lilbroex, seriously, it's very much possible to make threads without including some outrageous and silly comment. I don't know what you're trying to do here, but if your mission is to rile people up and give them reasons to hate on Nintendo fans then congratulations, you've done well.



I can understand his frustration. I most cases the media doesn't care much at all about similarities between games but then all of a sudden they get really nit-picky and give you the clone stamp of hell.

In the two and a half years since it released, the only talk of Darksiders being like Zelda that I've been aware of has been in the form of statements like "this is what Zelda would be like if Nintendo ever decided to stop making kiddy games". It shouldn't take a genius to figure out that it isn't Nintendo fans saying things like that.


Metrium said:
Sal.Paradise said:
Luckily, their newest game is better than the newest Zelda, so they can feel good about it.

No offence to Vigil, but there is no chances in hell.

It shocked me too, but I know which one I'd rather replay. 

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milkyjoe said:
In the two and a half years since it released, the only talk of Darksiders being like Zelda that I've been aware of has been in the form of statements like "this is what Zelda would be like if Nintendo ever decided to stop making kiddy games". It shouldn't take a genius to figure out that it isn't Nintendo fans saying things like that.

Exactly. The entire comparison was an effort to troll Nintendo from the outset

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Unlicenced Donkey Kong clones, that's a blatant rip-off.

Darksiders franchise a clone of other games, no way in bleeding hell...

'nuff said.

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!
forest-spirit said:

lilbroex, seriously, it's very much possible to make threads without including some outrageous and silly comment. I don't know what you're trying to do here, but if your mission is to rile people up and give them reasons to hate on Nintendo fans then congratulations, you've done well.



I can understand his frustration. I most cases the media doesn't care much at all about similarities between games but then all of a sudden they get really nit-picky and give you the clone stamp of hell.

I spoke my belieft on the matter and backed it up with photographic eviddence. That is more than the rest of your have done. If you don't like my opinion that is your business.

I was pretty sure that it being more than simply inspired by Zelda was the consensus around the net.

lilbroex said:
forest-spirit said:

lilbroex, seriously, it's very much possible to make threads without including some outrageous and silly comment. I don't know what you're trying to do here, but if your mission is to rile people up and give them reasons to hate on Nintendo fans then congratulations, you've done well.



I can understand his frustration. I most cases the media doesn't care much at all about similarities between games but then all of a sudden they get really nit-picky and give you the clone stamp of hell.

I spoke my belieft on the matter and backed it up with photographic eviddence. That is more than the rest of your have done. If you don't like my opinion that is your business.

I was pretty sure that it being more than simply inspired by Zelda was the consensus around the net.


you just showed with your photographic evidence that the game has war as character.

no one is saying it doesn't use mechanics of other games, but it is pretty simple no zelda clone. it's like i would say the last call of duties were halo clones because of regenerating health (or whatever shooter had that first)

lilbroex said:

Love it! I also loved Darksiders. It definately is a homage to what once made Zelda great, in addition to adding God of War/Devil May Cry fighting mechanics. It also adds elements of other great games. But it is not a carbon copy of any of those games. The story is entertaining, not great. But the gameplay is awesome. I loved this game from begining to end. And Mark Hamil's performance was awesome!

As long as the second game just refines and adds upon what made the first great I will be very happy indeed. Nintendo fans should be very happy this is coming to the Wii U, assuming 2 will be as good as the first....