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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - PlayStation Vita Projects Being Moved To Wii U?


Do you think this will get the type of coverage that negative news about the Wii U got around the internet

Yes 5 16.67%
No 19 63.33%
Even more 6 20.00%
theprof00 said:
Port games from a console with relatively low sales to one with no sales?

Categorize this as unsubstantiated rumor, imo.

No rational person is questioning whether or not the Wii U will sell.

Around the Network
theprof00 said:
Port games from a console with relatively low sales to one with no sales?

Categorize this as unsubstantiated rumor, imo.

Touch screen controlls may make it difficult/expensive to port to the XBox 360 or PS3, and the processing power differences may make it difficult/expensive to port to the Wii or 3DS ... On top of that, the Wii U's unestablished library and (likely) first year game drought gives these games the best opportunity to sell even though the Wii U's userbase will be substantially smaller.

I'm not saying I think the rumours are necessarily true, but I see little reason to discount them outright.

TadpoleJackson said:
Already posted:

indeed it is, locked.
