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Forums - Sony Discussion - How bad is the PSV really doing vs the PSP? (actual numbers within)

DirtyP2002 said:


*edit* Stealth edit is so 90s.

lol, figured readers would see the posts where I realize that and that I said I added a note to the OP. :)

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In fact, take off the launch week, and vita is doing even worse than the dreamcast. And I can't stress enough... dreamcast launched with 3 games and far from the holidays.

In japan it's that bad. To me the main problem for Vita.

Looks like its selling similar to the 3DS in those graphs, before the 3DS cut.

Just the 3DS had sold more, before said cut.

Look at the USA graph in particular.


Carl2291 said:
Looks like its selling similar to the 3DS in those graphs, before the 3DS cut.

Just the 3DS had sold more, before said cut.

Look at the USA graph in particular.

True, but there was a big difference between the 3DS and PSV. Profitability margin

3DS has really nice margin per device and PSV does not. Nintendo could cut the price drastically and only then be slightly in the red for each device sold. However, Sony can't do that as they are barely profitable now. They kill the price like Nintendo did and they might as well end the entire product.

At this point Sony's only chance to make it a long term viable product is to put out really good unique games that demand gamer's attention.

superchunk said:
DirtyP2002 said:


*edit* Stealth edit is so 90s.

lol, figured readers would see the posts where I realize that and that I said I added a note to the OP. :)

obvious edits are 80s.


Just by looking at these numbers everybody without fanboy goggles has to agree that the PS Vita is doing terrible. It is tracking behind the predecessor by about 1 million with 1 major region still to come for the PSP. I am not saying the PS Vita is dead and gone, but the launch was / is a nightmare for Sony.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

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superchunk said:

3DS has really nice margin per device and PSV does not. 

Do you have a source for that?  Not because I'm doubting what you're saying, just because I'm genuinely interested.  I've seen a few people around here say that Sony sell the Vita for a slight loss and try to make it back up through the memory cards, but I'm just interested exactly how much they're losing on every system.

As selling similar to the 3DS is debatable also... as vita already had a holiday season in its first year (in japan) and 3DS didn't... that helped a lot, just check 3DS first holiday there.

PSV's holiday will show us how it'll do in the long run.
But I really don't have high hopes for it this holiday anyway...

Kresnik said:
superchunk said:

3DS has really nice margin per device and PSV does not. 

Do you have a source for that?  Not because I'm doubting what you're saying, just because I'm genuinely interested.  I've seen a few people around here say that Sony sell the Vita for a slight loss and try to make it back up through the memory cards, but I'm just interested exactly how much they're losing on every system.

No, I don't have clarification on exactly what the margin is or is not. However, I know LeoJ and others have posted quotes from Sony saying its profitable. I personally think the base model is pretty much even with memory making the profit while the 3G model is profitable even without a memory sale. Probably would also depend on the bundle/price as its mostly being bundled now.

Either way, my point was that the 3DS had a major profit margin at launch and we know of many quotes where Nintendo said post-price cut that it is now losing money but will be profitable very soon, which leads me to think its wasn't much of a loss.

I should have explained that better. Im talking Weekly sales, not total numbers.

Look at the Weeks before the 3DS pricecut. The line for 3DS looks very, very similar to the Vita line. Particularly so in America and Europe. In Japan (and thus WW), the 3DS is doing way better.

For 10 Weeks before the cut, aside from the OoT bump for 3DS, sales look really similar. Maybe its just the graph though. What were the totals for each for the 10 Weeks leading up to the cut?