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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Q1 - $221m loss on of revenue $1.08bn. Shipments: 1.86m 3DS, 710k Wii, 540k DS

What time Japan Time?

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

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TripleMMM said:
Bloody hell, I never took into account of the exchange rates. I knew about the devaluation of the US dollar and the much terrible Euro against the strengthen yen, but I did not know it was this devastating.

I need to know where the devil you got those exchange rate charts, kynes, so I can know for next time?

Forget what I said about Nintendo their winnings back right after the holidays, make that way pass beyond that, like for the next 3-4 months or so...

in google just type in USDJPY or EURJPY. I check every couple days to see what's going on. Simply googling SNE will bring up Sony's exchange.

A lot of their loss in the past couple days is directly related to Microsoft's gaming sector profit loss, which is being completely misinterpreted by the economists and shareholders. People are saying it's a sign of a struggling gaming market on the way out, but really that's just how it is at this point in the generation. Just another example of wild speculation by an increasing number of casual investors.

Thanks, prof00.
I'm starting to think that the misinterpretation of gaming industry is also the cause (and probably the main reason) of the wild speculation.

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!

Well it's 1:20pm in Japan right now. So we have 100 minutes until the reports get posted. (For those asking about the time)

The September quarter honestly should be much more interesting than this one. Wii is due for it's final price cut, and they should be able to afford it with the presumably profitable 3DS XL launch, and then the Wii U launch in November. But the other thing to see will be the splits on NSMB 3DS for digital vs. traditional retail. Top games on Virtual Console (for Wii) have done 1m - 4m globally, against maybe 35m Wiis connected to the internet.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

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On a different but related note. Nintendo has been outsourcing some of their trusted brands like Smash bros, Metroid, etc... to trusted third party developers. Is this a direct result of Nintendo closing up development studios or consolidating them to save money? Anybody have any info about Nintendo consolidating/closing studios?

TripleMMM said:
Thanks, prof00.
I'm starting to think that the misinterpretation of gaming industry is also the cause (and probably the main reason) of the wild speculation.

Just everyone thinks they're a professional now, and most people on this site know a fair bit more than the average person investing in gaming stocks, I would say. Gaming doom... People think gaming is on the way out, but only put up graphs of consoles. They ignore PC gaming, using ridiculous reasons like "it's just WoW and subscriptions". Now PC gaming has boomed in the last couple years by a huge margin thanks to indie gaming and avenues like Steam.

For instance, you look at every year of console gaming, and you see a curve going up, and then spiking with wii's big years, and then slowing. Investors say "that's it, gaming is finished", but in actuality, if you remove those huge spikes, and leave the years where wii is low in sales, the graph is still curving up, even after the spike, it's higher than before. It was an artificial boost to the industry, but people treated it like it was the new norm.

anyway, rant over. People are just incredibly dumb.

shakarak said:
On a different but related note. Nintendo has been outsourcing some of their trusted brands like Smash bros, Metroid, etc... to trusted third party developers. Is this a direct result of Nintendo closing up development studios or consolidating them to save money? Anybody have any info about Nintendo consolidating/closing studios?

mmmm I'm pretty sure they've been buying up dev studios, not shuttering them.

theprof00 said:
shakarak said:
On a different but related note. Nintendo has been outsourcing some of their trusted brands like Smash bros, Metroid, etc... to trusted third party developers. Is this a direct result of Nintendo closing up development studios or consolidating them to save money? Anybody have any info about Nintendo consolidating/closing studios?

mmmm I'm pretty sure they've been buying up dev studios, not shuttering them.

Not sure if they have been buying any more. But I do know they have been hiring developers to help with the Wii U development. Project Sora was closed down, but it seems development teams with the Project monkier are only made to finish a certin project then get disbanded. The parent studio Sora Ltd, is still going. The lending out liscense is a practice they started to improve third party relations starting with Capcom a while ago. (Because they know it was impossible to get into a bidding war for exclusive content with Microsoft and Sony) When Capcom was having fincial proplem Nintendo lent them Zelda for a run of games that help the publisher out quite a bit. They got a few games from Capcom from the deal. (Though it turned to a fiasco.) The biggest being RE4

alright I bet we will see doom articles on n4g tommorow