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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Q1 - $221m loss on of revenue $1.08bn. Shipments: 1.86m 3DS, 710k Wii, 540k DS

The Japanese document is out.

You can find HW and SW on page 10.

Totals for hardware.

DS: 152.05m
3DS: 19.00
Wii: 96.56

Too tired to do anything else.

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so how bad is the loss compared to last years?

didnt last year take a loss of 300 million? so its better than last, thats good, i expect them to make a profit next quarter do to XL being profitable

June Quarter  HW / SW

3DS - 1.86 / 7.39m

Wii - 0.71m / 8.47m

DS - 0.54m / 8.48m

That's around 24.35m games shipped for the three platforms combined. Looks like Wii is still their main revenue source for software too given the games cost more than 3DS and sell more still.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

Only? Man how high were the DS sales back in the day? They must have some high expectations, the 3DS selling at a loss is hurting them pretty bad right now, IDK if they have sold a console at a lose before, it must be a new experience for them.

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This Year: Q1 Loss ~ $221m (78 Yen per $)

Last Year: Q1 Loss ~ 327m (78 Yen per $)

The forecast calls for 20b Yen lost in H1 of the current year, and they had a 17.23b Yen loss in Q1, so you can assume they intend to lose only $35m in the next quarter, it's not a terrible result given how much revenue has gone down. They've driven up profitability a ton and will be making more money over Oct-Dec than last year.

3DS sold over half of its units globally in Japan for the quarter - that is why they say "only".

Next quarter is the one to watch

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

I'm sure the Wii U will bounce the company back to the green age.

It's just that simple.

TheSource said:

This Year: Q1 Loss ~ $221m (78 Yen per $)

Last Year: Q1 Loss ~ 327m (78 Yen per $)

The forecast calls for 20b Yen lost in H1 of the current year, and they had a 17.23b Yen loss in Q1, so you can assume they intend to lose only $35m in the next quarter, it's not a terrible result given how much revenue has gone down. They've driven up profitability a ton and will be making more money over Oct-Dec than last year.

3DS sold over half of its units globally in Japan for the quarter - that is why they say "only".

Next quarter is the one to watch

Yeah I expected that as well, I think they will do a lot better next quater, and its almost a guarentee that they will be profitble for the october-december range. Stuff Like XL and WII u is going to help because of their profitablity

bobgamez said:
TheSource said:

This Year: Q1 Loss ~ $221m (78 Yen per $)

Last Year: Q1 Loss ~ 327m (78 Yen per $)

The forecast calls for 20b Yen lost in H1 of the current year, and they had a 17.23b Yen loss in Q1, so you can assume they intend to lose only $35m in the next quarter, it's not a terrible result given how much revenue has gone down. They've driven up profitability a ton and will be making more money over Oct-Dec than last year.

3DS sold over half of its units globally in Japan for the quarter - that is why they say "only".

Next quarter is the one to watch

Yeah I expected that as well, I think they will do a lot better next quater, and its almost a guarentee that they will be profitble for the october-december range. Stuff Like XL and WII u is going to help because of their profitablity

We don't know the MRSP yet, so we can't know if it will be profitable or not.

yikes..... at wii and 3ds

