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Forums - Movies & TV - Watch & Rate The BATMAN (1989) -- Batman Film Celebration Week



0 - Worst movie ever 0 0%
1* - Poor film..even green lantern is better 0 0%
2* - Below Average 1 3.13%
3* - Average movie 5 15.63%
4* - Good film 16 50.00%
5* - Awesome movie!!! 10 31.25%

This is the story of Batman for me, I'm not a comic book fan so take from that what you will.

9/10 - Keaton and Nicolson are amazing!

Two bits that spring to mind are the 'You wanna get nuts? *smashes something* Lets get nuts!' and 'Bob.. Gun... *shoots Bob*'

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Oh and the NES game was bloody amazing too!

pezus said:
RedInker said:
My favourite Batman film, 7 out of 10. I loved the Batmobile. I remember having a driving Batman game shaped like the Batmobile.

Favourite Batman film and only 7/10!? What would you give BB and TDK?

I've not seen the newest films yet. Mainly because I cant stand Cristian Bale.

pezus said:
RedInker said:
pezus said:
RedInker said:
My favourite Batman film, 7 out of 10. I loved the Batmobile. I remember having a driving Batman game shaped like the Batmobile.

Favourite Batman film and only 7/10!? What would you give BB and TDK?

I've not seen the newest films yet. Mainly because I cant stand Cristian Bale.

Holy mother of god! Should see them though. But how can't you stand Chris Bale? He is brilliant

I just find him arrogant and up his own arse. He also sucked balls in Terminator Salvation. Maybe I'll give the films a go next time they're on TV.

pezus said:
RedInker said:

I just find him arrogant and up his own arse. He also sucked balls in Terminator Salvation. Maybe I'll give the films a go next time they're on TV.

No, Terminator Salvation sucked balls. End of

Christian Bale is a really good actor (American Psycho, The Machinist, The Fighter, BB, TDK, The Prestige, Empire of the Rising Sun etc.). You should not let your opinion of him as a person hold you back from watching great Batman films! 

I shall give them a go for you sir.

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I dug it out and watched it today. It's probably been about six months since the last time I watched the older Batman movies so I knew what I expected. Like I said before, back in 1989, this was the most awesomest thing, ever. Today, not so much. The first few minutes where Batman's first appearance was like a bad special effect (him on that rooftop) made me cringe. Him raising his cape to scare the two thieves on the rooftop ("Hey, look at me, I'm scary!) didn't come off very well, either.

Anyway, I enjoyed the movie after I quit looking for things to criticize. Keaton's performance was pretty satisfying (though he doesn't appear to be the "Pinnacle of human performance" and he can't fight). Nicholson was still pretty great but a bit overshadowed by Heath Ledger's performance in The Dark Knight. The romance with Vikki Vale just didn't do anything for me.

Great movie (at one time, my favorite movie of all time) that just fell victim to the higher standards of today. And why the hell were Bruce Wayne's billionaire parents walking through an alley, anyway? Looking forward to watching Batman Returns tomorrow. I remember liking it a whole lot more for some reason.

And here's Jeremy Jahn's take on things: