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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - You've Got To Be Kidding Me: Circle Pad Add-On for 3DS XL


Do you feel like Nintendo is nickle and diming you?

Yes, the second analog st... 102 58.29%
No, and the Frankenstick ... 71 40.57%
Total:173 The system isn't even released yet! Why not just include it directly like everyone wants you to?

Am I the only one who feels like Nintendo is nickle and diming us, not to mention that this will make 3DS XL even less portable?

"Well certainly with the Xbox 360, we had some challenges at the launch. Once we identified that we took control of it. We wanted to do it right by our customers. Our customers are very important to us." -Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb (10/2013). Note: RRoD was fixed with the Jasper-revision 3 years after the launch of 360

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"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it's called Xbox 360,”-Don Mattrick

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Maybe Nintendo is afraid to make a 3DS with another analog stick so the early adapters don't feel screwed.

Looks like the Wii U pad could have been redundant (or even inferior) if they gave the 3DS XL the same controller connectivity.

Anyway, not surprised at all. Most people won't use it anyway. If you look at the Gamecube games you will find that even those games barely used the C-stick for anything that couldn't have been replaced by buttons... or a touch screen.

Well of course this was going to happen. Every revision of the 3ds that changes its form factor will require you to buy another circle pad pro :-/

even if it did have an 2nd analogue stick i am not gonna buy it again anyway, i am sticking with the original until the end of the 3DS life cycle.. like the original brick DS.

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Having only 2 sticks still aren't good. It means people with 3 hands are still 1 stick short.

Damnyouall said: The system isn't even released yet! Why not just include it directly like everyone wants you to?

Am I the only one who feels like Nintendo is nickle and diming us, not to mention that this will make 3DS XL even less portable?

Because Nintendo handheld games are never going to incorporate the second stick.

Not ever.

becasue backslash form early owners

It can't be nickle and diming people because the cost of the second analog could just as easily be included in a model that had it. Having a peripheral excludes the cost from the actual 3DS. What it really is is poor insight and a solution that undermines essential features of the device, like portability. Releasing a 3DS XL without the second circle pad all but requires the release of a CPP XL. It is not ideal, but it is a solution. Hopefully sometime in 2013 they release a new model with those new controls built in. It would greatly enhance the gameplay mechanics of the device, especially over the last generation, while the DS didn't have a circle pad at all, one analog was not a favorite feature in the PSP.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Chark said:

It can't be nickle and diming people because the cost of the second analog could just as easily be included in a model that had it. Having a peripheral excludes the cost from the actual 3DS. What it really is is poor insight and a solution that undermines essential features of the device, like portability. Releasing a 3DS XL without the second circle pad all but requires the release of a CPP XL. It is not ideal, but it is a solution. Hopefully sometime in 2013 they release a new model with those new controls built in. It would greatly enhance the gameplay mechanics of the device, especially over the last generation, while the DS didn't have a circle pad at all, one analog was not a favorite feature in the PSP.

This is, to me, more of a bone thrown to third parties without acknowledging the controls as a strict necessity for the average 3DS owner. Nintendo will never use the two sticks; it matters little ot them if anyone outside of Capcom ever does. THis is a Monster Hunter accessory, and nothing else really matters.