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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U costs 400€ - coming to Europe 21st December... says Amazon

AUS TOO HAS A PLACE HOLDER. Most likely the console here will be $350-$450 AUD as PS3 is still around $350 mark for 160gb model.

Wii U - White (Estimated price)
Wii U
Console Hardware



- Release date: TBC 2012 (?)
- Final billing occurs when shipment is processed. (?)
- Eligible for Pickup@Store. (?)



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Conegamer said:
kitler53 said:
has to be a placeholder, someone mistyped Dec 31st...

but awesome if (it were) true!

Having an incrediblyexpensive console arriving incredibly lat is awesome...why?

...because i'm still bitter.  take the above post as no different than a rol post when sony does yet another stupid thing.

Edit: also $400 isn't really all that expensive, imo.  the amount of stuff a home console can do is surely worth $400 bucks no? 

Didn't even read that part where they admitted that they don't have a clue.

And yes it was from Golem :P
