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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The VGChartz "The Last Story" thread! Predict First Week and Lifetime sales for the game in America!

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What will The Last Story sell first week in the US?

>50k 3 16.67%
50-70k 4 22.22%
70-90k 2 11.11%
90-110k 2 11.11%
110-130k 0 0%
130-140k 0 0%
140-160k 2 11.11%
160-180k 0 0%
<180k 0 0%
See results 5 27.78%

But Nintendo could actually help to advertise the game. I don't really know.

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spurgeonryan said:
I guess I should ask if you have played Pandoras Tower yet as well then? Because word on the street is that Pandoras tower is better than The Last Story. Are they both Full blown RPG's or is Pandoras tower different?

I was hyped when it came out in Japan. I was dying to see what the first week sales were going to be. I was happy when I saw they were decent, but then second week sales plunged. It has been so long that I do not really care anymore. Plus there has not been as big a push on this site for this game as there was for Xenoblade. Xeno had a decent amount of threads, but this is only the fourth one that I can think of. Soriku made one, I made one about the special edition, I just forgot the other one, and this one that we are in. There is no hype. I do hope that it pushes out what I said though, and that the drop is around Xenoblades drop. Anything below 250,000 in the end would not sit well I think.

All three are different, and all three are good in their own well, and, as such, everyone should all all three:

Xenoblade- A massive, 80 hour long story with a likable cast, some stunning, open areas, a gripping story with hundreds of quests. My favourite.

Last Story- A 25 hours long campaign set in a huge, vibrant city with lots of interaction and a good number of side-quests. 45 chapters, 5 of which are bonus dungeons, most dungeons are replayable. An immense amount of customisation and a modern battle system. 

Pandora's Tower- A 15 hour long game, where you have to traverse a number of towers with unique and interesting puzzles to defeat a demon, to take its heart and feed it to your mutating girlfriend against the clock. Think of the tower as Zelda dungeons and the bosses as Collosus from SotC, and you're on the right lines.


So all 3 have their positives, and I'd recommend them all. You just choose your favourite.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Your brackets are wrong.

First week sales should be around the 60k mark.

Boutros said:
But Nintendo could actually help to advertise the game. I don't really know.

That depends. Did Nintendo advertise Xenoblade at all? I'd imagine they'd push this more; due to it having the links to the Final Fantasy developer, and it looking more 'traditional', as it were. It looks more like what people would buy, and doesn't look all that Japanese (in the nicest way). So it may be an easier sell.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Chrizum said:
Your < > brackets are wrong.

First week sales should be around the 60k mark.

In the poll, you mean? It's too late to change them now...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Around the Network
spurgeonryan said:
So there are no RPG elements to Pandoras tower? That would be a plus for me, since I can only deal with one RPG per year. That is Aidyn Chronicles.

There are some RPG elements to it (upgradable weapons, collectibles etc.), but it's an Action RPG, focus on the 'Action' part. Again, it's a bit like Zelda in that respect.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Boutros said:

50k-70k FW in NA. 300k LT in NA.

Let's not forget that XSEED is planning a limited run.

I win.

Just finished The Last Story. I thought it was awesome! It took me about 23 hours to beat, which is enough for me. It has a great ending to it and good closure.

I love it. :)

The BuShA owns all!

I didn't see this thread until just now, so it's too late to predict week 1 sales, however I am surprised at how many units it sold despite its last minute delay. I think week 2 sales will be stronger, and overall I expect this game to sell 200,000 in Americas lifetime, so more then Japan. Hopefully this is enough to encourage XSeed to localize Pandoras Tower.

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