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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:
Oh, I see Rol's trap now- look, I assumed that he was one of the players that hadn't posted yet, because otherwise I thought it unlikely that Rol would talk about him in that way right in front of him. Nice job Rol, but I promise you that I'm operating under the new mindset that I discussed in the round 41 death topic.

That's an empty promise, because you already failed the test. The new radish would have considered the possibility that I was asking a trick question, especially after the events on Day 1 of round 41 where the old radish stumbled into the same trap twice.

My promise for the new radish was to analyse posts more and to generally be more verbal about my suspicions and questioning - I appreciate that this isn't a great start, but I haven't actually stepped away from my guidelines. 

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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NoCtiS_NoX said:
mantlepiecek said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

What's this? I am doing the same thing aren't I and you chose to ignore it? hmmm...

I am pro-town. It's this the new cool stuf. I am pro-town. I am pro-town. I am pro-town, I am pro-town. I am pro-town.

There you go. 

I didn't ignore it. Your's was the first serious vote on stefl, but supermario's was the second one. I wanted to stop any kind of rushed lynch of prof, although looking at supermario's post made me think he might be joking.

Rush lynch on prof? I don't see it. It's just 2 votes against prof. Why do you feel there will be a fast lynch or are you just pressured that your scum mates is being voted?

Aand why only prof?? Stefl also has 2 votes  before and yet you don't feel the need to stop the votes against him.  


By the statement, "No revenge-voting please" I was addressing everyone in the thread. Even you Noctis. I ignored the vote on stefl by insomniac so I thought stefl had only one vote on him.

So what you are saying is that prof is my scum buddy and I was trying to save him. That makes no sense. Your point of only two votes being on prof would have still applied, wouldn't it? So why would I try to save him when there were only two votes?

The answer : I was trying to foil a rush lynch.

As for stefl, supermario hadn't voted stefl. Supermario went around HoSing two people and then settled to vote for one guy because he is "unlynchable". I found that act suspicious.



HoS : Spurgeonryan               

I went back and read the thread. I find it very suspicious that he asked me for my role. When I clearly asked him for his alignment. He also didn't answer the question right away.

RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:

My promise for the new radish was to analyse posts more and to generally be more verbal about my suspicions and questioning - I appreciate that this isn't a great start, but I haven't actually stepped away from my guidelines. 

You failed to analyze my question. Or rather you didn't give it any real thought. It's this kind of attitude that makes it easy for scum to feed you misinformation on which you then decide your vote in their favor.

But you haven't been the only one to fall for it, so what do you think of the other people who fell into the trap?

Although Prof and Pezus aren't usual suspects for falling into a trap like that, I don't think it means anything about their alignment- it's just a little embarassing for them. Doing that in the early game does mean (at least for me) that we're encouraged to read posts more carefully, which could definitely hepl out in the long run- so I take back what I said about you looking too hard for traps and potentially hindering town. 

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:

My promise for the new radish was to analyse posts more and to generally be more verbal about my suspicions and questioning - I appreciate that this isn't a great start, but I haven't actually stepped away from my guidelines. 

You failed to analyze my question. Or rather you didn't give it any real thought. It's this kind of attitude that makes it easy for scum to feed you misinformation on which you then decide your vote in their favor.

But you haven't been the only one to fall for it, so what do you think of the other people who fell into the trap?

Just because this is getting a little confusing, you were referring to the fact that nen-suer clearly is not in this game, right?

I imagine most people interpreted your comment about him as a joke, though admittedly radish's comment didn't come across like that.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Well, glad that's over. I'm back and fAAabulouuuOUouOUous.
I'm gunna go finish sleeping in a few after I have something to eat.

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Also, there's actually a lot of female characters.
Margereu Tully
Lady Catelyn
the evil sorceress chick
Yara Greysomething
Ygrytte the wildling

hatmoza said:
supermario128 said:

HoS: Hatz
You start things off with an ellipsis in your opening post, which is often very telling. Then you go after Spurge right away which makes me think you are a little too eager.

HoS: Spurge
Honestly, I'm not sure of anyone who would go to the thread unless they read their PM first. Obviously there are instances where someone won't read their PM until night one, but that is obviously not the case because you wouldn't have told us otherwise.  

Vote: Prof
Like Rol said, he is a hindrance to the town. Just look at last game for all the proof you need. Plus, he thinks he can never be lynched in this game. We need to show him he can be. Also because he is bound to be mafia at some point and I think he is this game.


Before we go any further I would like everyone to say one simple phrase, and I'll start things off.

I am pro town.

Now everyone else do the same.

I'm gonna try to bite my tongue only because I have a town read on you for promoting discussion.

First. I really don't think you are stupid enough to subtly imply you are a lie detector. Even if you are not, congratulations for the attention you have just absorbed away from the town. Every watcher, tracker, protective role that exists is now going to consider paying you a visit because they are going to think what any other towny is thinking right now, scum are gonna get you.

What did I say in my 2nd or 3rd post of the game. Do not claim. So, right now,  especially on day 1, I don't give a hoot what your role is. I don't care if you are a towny that can shoot rainbows out of his. What I'm trying to say here is DON'T roleclaim, and carry on.

That said, I am town. I applaud you for getting the ball rolling. This  will definitely get the game started with talk. but at what cost? I dread the thought that so many night actions are going to be wasted on you tonight.


Now,  my ellipses... you do realize that there was no flavor when I posted that, no? More so, I am interested in your explanation to how they are telling. Explain that to me. That part didn't click in my brain. Also explain the logic behind HoSing me -and please try to witness the irony here- for my suspicion on Spurge WHEN you immediately HoS Spurge for the same reasons I was suspicious of him.

quoted for attention, mario. I see you've been online well after this post.  Respond Mr. "it's so important that everyone answers my question"

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Korppi said:

Checking in.

I love how you finally appeared immediately after Kantor's list of players who did  post yet.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

DanneSandin said:
I'm checking in now and reading through the thread... I still don't get all the accusations being thrown around after 3 posts, but up untill the last game there were a whole lot I didn't understand, period ^^

And I don't really get why ppl appease Mario and his request; if he had some lie detector role he wouldn't go out and spell it out THIS early in the game. Unless he wants to draw the mafias attention to him... some form of body guard role? Bullet proof? But I'll humour him:

I am pro town.

Happy now Mario? =)

And here we have another player posting just briefly after he's mentioned as someone who didn't post yet.

Spurge's accusation is that he claimed he didn't read his PM. You honestly don't have to read passed 10-15 posts to figure that out. Why? Why is that a hard accusation to 'get'? Let me tell you, it's a common tell for scum to not care to analyze and read deeper into posts because they simply don't care. And why should they? They aren't scum hunting. Now, do you understand my  reasons for being suspicious of you? Point both reason out for me.

That said, I do agree that mario is acting beyond dumb. Still, I already said that earlier, and you sir are now parroting. Add to the that the level of discomfort you show in your post towards mario's actions. You sound frustrated that you have to say "I am pro-town". Now to be fair, one could probably  argue I displayed the same level of discomfort in my post for mario. But Ill counter that 1) I don't care and 2) I was actually pissed off that he might screw us over with attracting too many actions on him tonight that are better off spread around the town.


HoS Danne

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

theprof00 said:

I agree that roleclaims are a bad idea. I dont know why hat thought he needed to share that specifically, but it is sound advice.


Yeah, you would love to know the specificity of what I say and do, wouldn't you? 

Furthermore I don't want another sibling incident, and I don't want us risking important roles being manipulated or blocked as I already mentioned prof.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson