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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

Well day 1 certainly has been a mess so far. But no matter. I will fight on to the bitter end, and then some. Me must regroup and continue the battle. We will survive this night.*

*Okay, so there's a (very) good chance we'll lose someone, but still... Onwards to glory!

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Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Lets get this game rolling guys. We just lost an important town role and we need to get town on the right track.

I'm just going to go ahead and role claim right about now. I'm King Robb Stark, and I'm a miller.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

I was thinking.
if theres a jaqen hakar should we name a name?

I would say joffrey baratheon.

Ps: im not going to leave. Ive decided to keep mycrazy notes to my self and try to be more understanding.
im also going to send an im to trucks and ask him to stay around for next game.

As far as suspects im going to have to go back iver everything, so id appreciate some leads for who to name

Well thats one less person to consider.

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Baalzamon said:
Lets get this game rolling guys. We just lost an important town role and we need to get town on the right track.

I'm just going to go ahead and role claim right about now. I'm King Robb Stark, and I'm a miller.

So far I really haven't suspected you, and with this move I still wont. If you're a miller, awesome, sorry you got that role. If you're mafia, then that's a pretty risky move, hope it works out for you. I'm on the side of the former reasoning for now.


Well I'm sure you're going to be blocked or redirected tonight, so be wise about your "findings" (if you are who you say you are, then they're going to toy with you.)

How about mario? Should i try to name cop him?
He did seem kind of strange with his joking back and forth.
Rol seems like he might be a good choice too.

Also, for the time being, let's assume there's a Cult Leader out there. So just because Prof and Baalz have roleclaimed (and seemingly told the truth), there's a chance the Cult Leader could target them since they've "earned" our trust. Heck, any of us could.

So um... trust no one. (Like that needed to be said haha).

theprof00 said:
How about mario? Should i try to name cop him?
He did seem kind of strange with his joking back and forth.
Rol seems like he might be a good choice too.

Can you name cop people? I thought that these kinds of roles were only usable during night phase.

Mod: "Final-Fan, happydolphin, and hatmoza have all been stripped of their abilities(if any) for night 1."

Truck's PM: "•Active Abilities: Each night you may target a player and attempt to follow them. If successful you will be notified if which player they visit or if they don't go anywhere."

I really don't get the sense that this name cop thing is a good idea. You and wonks seem to be using alternate wording for asking us who we suspect without having it tainted with distortion that usually happens in mafia "read" posts.

It's fishy.

With the mafia likely having a large team, the odds that your name cop scan even goes through, let alone targets the person you wanted it to if it does is extremely unlikely.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.