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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

theprof00 said:
DanneSandin said:

I'm not "giving into" anything: I'm putting forward a theory for us to consider - I'm also giving you all a reason as to why there could be more than one mafia family. Have you done your home work for this theme? Then you know that the Lannisters could fit with the mafia description - or even better; the White Walkers. If we got one of those (white walker) in this game that's an obviscum. Some could argue that Stannis Baretheon could be considered scum (with his use of dark magic and all - that's a strong man for you!). The Greyjoys would be scum as well.

3rd party could be: Daenerys (I wouldn't think she could be mafia, but she is the leader of a little gang!), Brienne, the Night Watch, Melisandra (or whatever her name is - the red witch! - but she could easily be considered as part of Stannis Baratheons party as well), Petyr could be 3rd party - or as part of the same alignment as the Lanisters - as could Varys as well, and Jagen H'ghar would also be 3rd party. The Hills Men and Brom could be 3rd party as well as serving the Lanister (which seems more likely - and especially Tyrion), and also The Dog could be 3rd party or a part of the Lanisters (which is more probable). Some of these are part of a House, but I can't remember the names of the houses... We also got the people beyond the wall - can't remember their name right now...

If Radish is Brienne he could be town, but he could as easily be 3rd party since this character is loyal to Catelyn Stark ONLY - not the house of Stark, but to the lady of the House. I remember that Nen claimed to be a "lover" the last game around, meaning that if his "target/lover" survived to the end he would win. Now, Nen lied and I don't know if there is an actual role like this, but perhaps Radish is operating under this premices. If so the most logical choice of "lover" would be Catelyn Stark - OR Jaime Lanister.

SK's would be:

Jagen H'ghar, Melisandra (if she isn't a part if the Baretheon House), the White Walkers, The Mountain (if he isn't a part of the Lanisters), Brom (if not serving the Lanisters like I said before), and perhaps the Warlocks if they are around... That's all possible SK's I can remember right now.

If there is a Cult Leader it would be Malisandra or the White Walkers (and in that case the Alarmist would be some one from the Night Watch - possibly Jon Snow), but there is a small, small chance that Daenerys could be viewd as a Cult Leader as well...

And I'd say that if Tyrion Lanister, Petyr and Varys is Town I'm pretty sure one of those would be a Cop.

Now, all of this is based upon the idea that characters echoes their part in the seires... That would mean that prof - being a Stark - shouldn't be a Cop. Only possibility would be Bran perhaps...

GReat research. Conclusion is a bit off, and you've included far too many people, but an interesting read nonetheless.

If there were to be an SK, I would say it's the Dog. He lives to kill, he has no allegiance. (If characters fit roles)

If there was a third party, it would likely be Danaerys. Though what kind of third party I don't know.

Cult, Malisandra

White Walkers don't have names, so I doubt they are here. Read the OP as well. Got a strong read that there aren't any whitewalkers invited for the duel lol.

Vig, third party vig, survivor vig likely jaqen

That's if IF characters match roles, and I already admitted that I don't believe character equals role (strictly). I know of one exception that I believe was too good to pass up by the mod.

The main point of this post was to give ppl who's not that understood with GoT some hints at what characters to look for when searching for scum. I don't believe all of the names I mentioned will end up here - but ppl need to know what kind of character they are dealing with if they DO pop up.

And I agree that characters don't equal role. I don't really get the connection between my name and role... But I think that character equals alignment.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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theprof00 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:
Trucks please tell me what wiki you used to look up you character.

A strange site. Where did you come across this link, please?

I typed Game of Thrones [Character name] in

Signature goes here!

DanneSandin said:

The main point of this post was to give ppl who's not that understood with GoT some hints at what characters to look for when searching for scum. I don't believe all of the names I mentioned will end up here - but ppl need to know what kind of character they are dealing with if they DO pop up.

And I agree that characters don't equal role. I don't really get the connection between my name and role... But I think that character equals alignment.

I'm still a little unclear as to why you would say I shouldn't be a cop. Your own character and role betrays that point.

RolStoppable said:

prof is always very active (except last round on Day 1) and he is usually the #1 target for the mafia. This means he is doing something right. On the other hand, a guy like radish is purposefully kept alive by the mafia. The same will hold true for happyD, so I hope that none of our protective roles waste their powers on him. He won't be targeted by the mafia anyway.

Of course, this doesn't mean that everything prof does is right or in the best interest of town. I am not a fan of his play and like to call him a master of arriving at the right conclusions for all the wrong reasons. But that's the thing: Even though I think of prof as an idiot, more often than not he gets things right eventually.

To be honest, we were just tired of Prof's inane ramblings during day 2 and really didn't have a better choice to kill that night.

Though I somewhat agree with your last paragraph, I still don't trust him this round with his shenanigans and revealing his role so quickly.

theprof00 said:
DanneSandin said:

The main point of this post was to give ppl who's not that understood with GoT some hints at what characters to look for when searching for scum. I don't believe all of the names I mentioned will end up here - but ppl need to know what kind of character they are dealing with if they DO pop up.

And I agree that characters don't equal role. I don't really get the connection between my name and role... But I think that character equals alignment.

I'm still a little unclear as to why you would say I shouldn't be a cop. Your own character and role betrays that point.

I simply said that if character equals role, then you're a liar - but I also said that you could be Bran with his ability to see through his wolf. Or Jon Snow who infiltrates the wildlings? I'm just open for all possibilities. Considering a very far fetched idea that just struck my I kinda can see how my character equals my role... But like I said - it's far fetched.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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Why did you not use the link that linkz sent to everyone?

theprof00 said:
TruckOSaurus said:

I'll comment on the last point and let's see where it takes us from there. I think my debating skills could be part of it but from my point of view, my best asset is that I'm often able to figure out the setup on a game from the information available as days go on, I have a very good recollection of things and I can build a good global view of the game, I have enough experience to know what's possible or plausible and what's doesn't make sense so I can discard wild theories. Most of my debating is fuel by the things I figure out, things I'm convinced of.

I have none of that to stand on on Day One and that's why Day One has always been a pain for me, especially when the theme is unknown to me. I tried to go off my gut feeling last game and it blew up in my face big time. I know Day One discussion is necessary but I suck at it so I participate by responding to points I do have an opinion about.

So that's your excuse when it comes to why you haven't asked players questions? Are you really trying to frame today as being all about flavor? Do you honestly think that is plausible, Trucks?

And to think I typed all this background information for nothing... What I'm telling you is that I function better with concrete elements (flips, claims, results), all things that aren't present on Day One.

Signature goes here!

theprof00 said:

quoted for attention.

Happy, why do you think Trucks said you "were not a lost cause yet".

Do you think this implies he wants to lynch you eventually, or does not?

You seem desperate to bus trucks. I'd focus on what matters first.

happydolphin said:
theprof00 said:

quoted for attention.

Happy, why do you think Trucks said you "were not a lost cause yet".

Do you think this implies he wants to lynch you eventually, or does not?

You seem desperate to bus trucks. I'd focus on what matters first.

ANd what is that?

theprof00 said:
happydolphin said:

You seem desperate to bus trucks. I'd focus on what matters first.

ANd what is that?

Anything else than this. You're doing ok for the other challenges (as I've already said), this came across as desperate.